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Write the numerals and place the commas.
One hundred eighty five million three hundred twenty three thousand two hundred fifty one

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Generated By DoubtnutGPT

The correct Answer is:185323251

To convert the given number "One hundred eighty five million three hundred twenty three thousand two hundred fifty one" into numerals and place the commas correctly, follow these steps:

Step 1: Break down the number into parts
Identify the different parts of the number:
- One hundred eighty five million
- Three hundred twenty three thousand
- Two hundred fifty one

Step 2: Convert each part into numerals
- One hundred eighty five million = 185,000,000
- Three hundred twenty three thousand = 323,000
- Two hundred fifty one = 251

Step 3: Add the parts together
Now, we will add these parts together:
- 185,000,000 + 323,000 + 251

Step 4: Perform the addition
1. Start with the millions: 185,000,000
2. Add the thousands: 185,000,000 + 323,000 = 185,323,000
3. Finally, add the ones: 185,323,000 + 251 = 185,323,251

Step 5: Place the commas
In the international number system, we place commas after every three digits from the right. The number we have is:
- 185,323,251

Final Answer
The numeral representation of "One hundred eighty five million three hundred twenty three thousand two hundred fifty one" is 185,323,251.


Updated on:7/8/2024

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