Class 10 | PHYSICS |
Number Of Questions | 43 |
Academic Year | 2023-24 |
Define electric current. What is its SI unit?
Define the term electric potential. State its S.I. unit.
How is the electric potential difference between two points defined ? State its S.I. unit.
Explain the statement 'the potential difference between two points is 1 volt'.
State whether the current is a scalar or vector ? What does the direction of current convey ?
State whether the potential is a scalar or vector ? What does the positive and negative sign of potential convey ?
Define Resistance. Give its S.I. unit.
Which particles are responsible for current in conductors?
Explain the flow of current in a metallic wire on the basis of movement of the particles also name that particle.
What is the cause of resistance offered by the metallic wire in the flow of current through it?
State Ohm's law and draw a neat labelled circuit diagram containing a battery, a key, a voltmeter, an ammeter, a rheostat and an unknown resistance to verify it.
Name and state the law which relates the potential difference and current in a conductor.
Part (a): name and state the law which relates the potential difference and current in a conductor.
What is the necessary condition for a conductor to obey the law named above in part (a)?
The relationship between the potential difference and the current in a conductor is stated in the form of a law.
What does the slope of V-I graph for a conductor represent?
Draw an 1-V graph for a linear resistor. What does its slope represent ?
What is an ohmic resistor ? Give one example of an ohmic resistor. Draw a graph to show its currentvoltage relationship. How is the resistance of the resistor determined from this graph ?
What is an ohmic resistor ? Give one example of an ohmic resistor. Draw a graph to show its currentvoltage relationship. How is the resistance of the resistor determined from this graph ?
Give two differences between an ohmic and non ohmic resistor.
Fig. shows I-V curves for two resistors. Identify the ohmic and non-ohmic resistors. Give a reason for your answer
Draw a V-I graph for a conductor at two different temperatures. What conclusion do you draw from your graph for the variation of resistance of the conductor with temperature ?
How does the resistance of a wire depend on its radius? Explain your answer.
Two copper wires are of the same length, but one is thicker than the other.
(1) Which wire will have more resistance ?
(2) Which wire will have more specific resistance ?
How does the resistance of a wire depend on its length ? Give a reason for your answer.
How does the resistivity of a consuctor depend upon temperature and electrical consuctivity ?
Two wires, one of copper and the other of iron, are of the same length and same radius. Which will have more resistance ? Give reason.
Name three factors on which resistance of a given wire depends and state how it is affected by the factors stated by you.
Define the term "specific resistance and state its S.I. unit.
Write an expression connecting the resistance of a wire and specific resistance of its material. State the meaning of the symbols used.
State the order of specific resistance of
a metal,
State the order of specific resistance of
a semiconductor
State the order of specific resistance of
an insulator
(a) Name two factors on which the specific resistance of a wire depends ?
(b) Two wires A and B are made of copper. The wire A is long and thin, while the wire B is short and thick. Which will have more specific resistance ?
Name a substance of which the specific resistance remains almost unchanged by the increase in temperature.
How does the specific resistance of a semi-conductor change with the increase in temperature ?
How does (a) resistance, and (b) specific resistance of a wire depend on its (i) length, and (ii) radius?
Name the material used for making connection wires. Give a reason for your answer.
Why should a connection wire be thick ?
Name a material which is used for making a standard resistor. Give a reason for your answer.
Name the material used for making a fuse wire. Give a reason.
Name the material used for
filament of an electric bulb,
Name the material used for
heating element of a room heater.
What is a superconductor ? Give one example of it.
A substance has nearly zero resistance at a temperature of 1 K What is such a substance called?
EXERCISE-8(A) questions and complete solutions for chapter CURRENT ELECTRICITY of SELINA PHYSICS (ENGLISH) of Class 10