Class 10 | PHYSICS |
Number Of Questions | 16 |
Academic Year | 2023-24 |
In a conductor, `6.25 xx 10^(16)` electrons flow from its end A to B in 2 s. Find the current flowing through the conductor.` (e = 1.6 xx 10^(-19) C)`
A current of 1.6 mA flows through a conductor. If charge on an electron is -` 1.6 xx 10^(-19)` coulomb, find the number of electrons that will pass each second through the cross section of that conductor.
Find the potential difference required to flow a current of 200 mA in a wire of resistance 20` Omega `.
An electric bulb draws 1.2 A current at 6V. Find the resistance of the filament of the bulb while glowing
A car bulb connected to a 12 volt battery draws 2 A current when glowing . What is the resistance of the filament of the bulb ? Will the resistance be more, same or less when the bulb is not glowing ?
Calculate the current flowing through a wire of resistance 5 `Omega` connected to a battery of potential difference 3 V.
In an experiment of verification of Ohm's law, following observations are obtained.
Draw a V-I graph and use this graph to find :
the potential difference V when the current / is 0-5 A,
In an experiment of verification of Ohm's law, following observations are obtained.
Draw a V-I graph and use this graph to find :
the current / when the potential difference V is 0.75 V,
In an experiment of verification of Ohm's law, following observations are obtained.
Draw a V-I graph and use this graph to find :
the resistance in circuit.
Two wires of the same material and same length have radii 1 mm and 2 mm respectively. Compare :
their resistances,
Two wires of the same material and same length have radii 1 mm and 2 mm respectively. Compare :
their specific resistance.
A given wire of resistance 1 `Omega ` is stretched to double its length. What will be its new resistance ?
A wire of resistance 3 ohm and length 10 cm is stretched to length 30 cm. Assuming that it has a uniform cross section, what will be its new resistance ?
A wire of resistance 9 ohm having length 30 cm is tripled on itself. What is its new resistance ?
What length of copper wire of specific resistance `1.7 xx 10^(-8) Omega ` m and radius 1 mm is required so that its resistance is 1` Omega ` ?
The filament of a bulb takes a current 100 mA when potential difference across it is 0-2 V. When the potential difference across it becomes 1.0 V, the current becomes 400 mA. Calculate the resistance of the filament in each case and account for the difference.
EXERCISE-8(A)(NUMERICALS ) questions and complete solutions for chapter CURRENT ELECTRICITY of SELINA PHYSICS (ENGLISH) of Class 10