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Complete Solutions to TOPIC-1 (Very Short Answer Type Questions ) of chapter ELECTRICITY of Class 10 book with complete answers and questions

OSWAAL PUBLICATIONTOPIC-1 (Very Short Answer Type Questions )
Number Of Questions16
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Define one volt (IV) potential difference.

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  2. Name the device that helps to maintain a potential difference anO!I~ a cnnductnr.

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  3. What does an electric circuit mean ?

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  4. State the relationship between 1 ampere and 1 coulomb.

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  5. What is meant by potential difference between two points ?

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  6. Name the physical quantity which is same in all the resistors when they are connected in se.ries.

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  7. Name the physical quantity whose unit is volt/ ampere.

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  8. A charge of 150 coulomb flows through a wire in one minute. Find the electric current flowing through it

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  9. Calculate the number of electrons constituting one coulomb of c.harge. (charge on 1 electron =`1.6xx10^(-19)` C)

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  10. The voltage-current (V-I) graph of a metallic conductor at two different temperatures `T_(1)` and `T_(2)` is shown below. At which temperature is the resistance higher ?

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  11. A given length of a wire is doubled of itself and this process is repeated once again. By what factor does the reeutance of the wire changes ?

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  12. 400 J of heat is produced in 4 s in a 4 `Omega` resistor. Find potential difference acroes the resistor.

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  13. State in brief the meaning of a variable resistoL Draw a circuit diagram to illustrate its function specially in the study of variation in current with the potential difference across a resistor.

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  14. What happens to the resistance of a conductor when its aru of cross-section is increased ?

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  15. Through which of the two wires, the electric current will flow more easily :
    (i) a thick wire or (ii) a thin wire of the same material, and of the aame length when connected to the same source ?

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  16. The resistance of a ralstor Is kept constant and the potential difference across its two ends is decreased to half of its former value. State the change that will occur in the current through it.

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TOPIC-1 (Very Short Answer Type Questions ) questions and complete solutions for chapter ELECTRICITY of OSWAAL PHYSICS (KANNADA ENGLISH) of Class 10