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Complete Solutions to TOPIC-2 ( Short Answer Type Questions -II ) of chapter ELECTRICITY of Class 10 book with complete answers and questions

OSWAAL PUBLICATIONTOPIC-2 ( Short Answer Type Questions -II )
Number Of Questions53
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Why are coils of electric toasters and electric irons are made of an alloy rather than a pure metal?

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  2. Why is series arrangement not used for domestic circuits?

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  3. Why are copper and aluminium wires, usually employed for electricity transmission ?

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  4. What is an electric fuse ? What is its role in the electric circuits ? Should it be placed on the neutral wire or on the live wire ? Justify your answer .

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  5. Define electric power. A device of resistance R is connected across a source of V voltage and draws a current I. Derive an expression for power in terms of voltage and resistance.

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  6. An electric bulb is connected to a 220 V generator. The current is 0.5 A. What is the power of the bulb ?

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  7. State one difference between Kilowatt and Kilowatt hour. Express 1 kWh in joules.

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  8. A bulb is rated 5V, 500 mA. Calculate the rated power and resistance of the bulb when it glows.

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  9. Define electric power. An electric motor is rated at 2kW. Calculate the cost of using it for 2 hours daily for the month of September if each unit costs `₹ 6.00.`

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  10. State Ohm's Law. Draw a circuit diagram to verify this law indicating the positive and negative terminals of the battery and the meters. Also show the direction of current in the circuit .

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  11. Give reason for the following :
    Why are copper and aluminium wires used as connecting wires ?

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  12. Explain the following
    Why is tungsten used almost exclusively for filament of electric lamps?

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  13. Give reason for the
    Why ie lead-tin alloy used for fuse wires ?

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  14. V-1 graph for a conductor is as shown in figure.

    (i) What do you infer from this graph ?
    (ii) State the law exprased here.
    Name the physical quantity repraented by the slope of this graph and state its SI unit

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  15. Show four different ways in which three resistors of Rohm each may be connected in a circuit. In which case is the equivalent resistance of the combination.
    i] Maximum
    ii] Minimum

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  16. Can you run electric geysor with power rating 2 kW, 220 V on a 5 A line ? Give reason to justify your answer.

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  17. a] Derive an expression for the equivalent resistance of three resistors RI, R2 and R3 connected in a parallel.
    b] Fuse of 3 A, 5 A and 10 A are available, calculate and select the fuse for operating electric iron of I kW power at 220 V line.

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  18. Electrical reslstivities of some substances, In ohm- meter, at `20^(@)` C are given as follows :

    (i) Out of the silver and copper, which is a better conductor of electric current and why ?

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  19. Electrical reslstivities of some substances, In ohm- meter, at `20^(@)` C are given as follows :

    Which substance is preferred to be used for electrical transmission lines ? Give reason.

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  20. Electrical reslstivities of some substances, In ohm- meter, at `20^(@)` C are given as follows :

    Name the material that you would advise to be used in the heater elements of electric heating , device and why ?

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  21. In the above circuit, connect a nichrome wire of length ' between points X and Y and note the ammeter reading.

    (i) When this experiment is repeated by inserting another nichrome wire of the same thickness but twice the length (2L), what changes are observed in the ammeter reading ?
    (ii) State the changes that are observed in the ammeter reading if we double the area of cross-section without changing the length in the above experiment. Justify your answer in both the cases.

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  22. What is meant by saying that the potential difference between two points is 1 V? .

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  23. Two devices of ratings 44W, 200V and 11W, 220V are connected in series. The combination is connected across a 440V mains. The fuse of which of the two devices is likely to burn when switch is on ? Justify your ,answer.

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  24. Obtain an expression for equivalent resistance of two resistors connected in a series combination.

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  25. Semi-conductors are certain type, of metals which allow only partial current to pass through them in one direction only. In a solar cell, the pieces(wafers) of semi-conductor materials containing impurities are so arranged that potenti,ll difference develops between two regions of the semi-conductors when light falls on it . A lead storage battery is connected in the circuit which gets charged and can be used as and when desired.
    (i) How does conductivity of semi-conductors increases ?
    (ii) Name any four materials which act as a semiconductor .

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  26. A bulb is rated at 200V -40W. What is its resistantt ? 5 such bulbs are lighted for 5 hours. Calculate the electrical energy consumed ? Find the cost if the rate is 5.10 per KWh.

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  27. Three resistors of 10 `Omega`, 15 `Omega` and 20 `Omega` are connected in series in a circuit. If the potential drop across the 15 `Omega` resistor is 3 V, find the current in the circuit and potential drop across the 10 `Omega` resistor.

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  28. A circuit has a line of 5 A. How many lamps of rating 40W, 200V can simultaneously run on this line safely ?

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  29. Calculate the resistance of a 1 Km long copper wire of area of cross section `2 xx 10^(-2) cm^(2)`. The resistivity of copper is `1.623 xx 10^(-8)` ohm-meter.

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  30. Study the following electric circuit and calculate the energy drawn from the battery in 10 s.

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  31. Study the following electric circuit (i) Calculate the current flowing in the circuit and (ii) Calculate the potential difference across `10 Omega` resistor

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  32. Calculate the amount of heat generated while transferring 90000 coulombs of charge between the two terminals of a battery of 40 V in one hour. Also determine the power expended in the process.

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  33. Study the following electric circuit and calculate the potential difference across ` 5 Omega` resistor.

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  34. An electric heater is used on 220 V supply and takes a current of 5A. What is ita power ? Calculate the per hour cost of using the beater if 1 unit costs Rs 6.0.

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  35. Find the effective resistance between the points A and B in the network shown In the figure.

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  36. Find the current drawn from the battery by the network of four resistors shown in the figure .

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  37. ln the given circuit, calculate :
    (i) the total resistance of the circuit
    (ii) the current through the circuit, and (iii) the potential difference across `R_(1)` and `R_(2)`

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  38. A torch bulb is rated 5 V and 500 mA. Calculate its (i) power, (ii) resistance, (iii) energy consumed when it is lighted for 4 hours.

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  39. A lamp rated 60W and an electric iron rated 800W are used for 6 hours everyday. Calculate the total energy consumed in 30 days.

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  40. Draw a diagram to show how two resistors `R_(1)` and `R_(2)` are connected in parallel.

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  41. In a circuit if two resistors of 4 `Omega` and 8 `Omega` are connected in parallel, find out the ratio of current passing through the two resistors.

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  42. A wire of resistance R is cut into five equal parts. These parts are then connected in panllel If the equivalent resistance of this combination is R'. Calculate the ratio R/R'. Draw a clrcuit diagram to show two resoton `R_(1)` and `R_(2)` connected In parallel along with a battery, by, ammeter and voltmeter.

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  43. Amongst iron, silver, nichrome, tungsten, copper, which metal / alloy should be used to make the
    (i) Heating element of electric geysers
    (ii) Filament of lncandescent bulbs.
    An electric iron has rating of 750W, 220V. Calculate:
    (i) Current required and
    (ii) Its resistance when it is in use.

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  44. Find the equivalent resistance across the two ends A and B of this circuit.

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  45. Calculate the amount of heat generated when 7200 coulombs of charge is transferred in one hour through a potential difference of 50 V.

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  46. An electric iron contumea energy at a rate of 840W whe.n heating la at the maximum and 360W, when the heating la at the minimum. The voltage at which it is running is 220V. What are the cunent and resistance values in each case ?

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  47. Five resistors are connected in a circuit as shown. Find the ammeter reading when circuit is closed.

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  48. Study the circuit shown in which three identical bulbs `B_(1) B_(2)` and `B_(3)` are connected in parallel with a battery of 4.5 V
    (i) What will happen to the glow of other two bulbs if the bulb `B_(3)` gets fused ?
    (ii) If the wattage of each bulb is 1.5 W, how much reading will the ammeter A show when all the three bulbs glow simultaneously.
    (iii) Find the total resistance of the circuit.

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  49. How many resistors of 88 `Omega` are connected in parallel to carry 10 A current on a 220 V line ?

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  50. What is the total resistance of n resistors each of resistance 'R' connected in :
    (a) Series, (b) Parallel.

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  51. Calculate the resultant resistance of 3 resistors 3`Omega` , 4 `Omega` and 12 `Omega` connected in parallel.

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  52. A 400 W refrigerator operates for 16 h per day. Calculate the cost to operate it for 30 days at ₹3.40 per kWh.

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  53. The resistance offered by a wire of unit length and unit cross-sectional area is called resistivity. For a material irrespective of length and area, the resistivity is constant. It is also called specific resistance of the material. Metals and alloys have low resistivity while insulators have high resistivity. Resistivity of two elements A and B are `1.62 xx 10^(-8) Omega` m and `520 xx10^(-8) Omega` m respectively. Out of these two, name the element that can be used to make :
    (i) filament of electric bulb.
    (ii) wires for electrical transmission lines.

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TOPIC-2 ( Short Answer Type Questions -II ) questions and complete solutions for chapter ELECTRICITY of OSWAAL PHYSICS (KANNADA ENGLISH) of Class 10