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Complete Solutions to Exercise 4.5 of chapter GEOMETRY of Class 10 book with complete answers and questions

Class 10MATHS
Number Of Questions15
Academic Year2023-24
  1. If in triangles ABC and EDF, `(AB)/(DE)=(BC)/(FD)` then they will be similar, when

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  2. In `Delta LMN, angle L= 60^(@), angle M=50^(@), " If " Delta LMN~ Delta PQR` then the value of `angle R` is

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  3. If `Delta ABC` is an isosceles triangle with `angle C=90^(@)` and AC=5 cm, then AB is

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  4. In a given figure, ST||QR, PS=2 cm and QS=3 cm. Then the ratio of the area of `trianglePQR` to the area of `trianglePST` is ___.

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  5. The perimeters of two similar triangles `Delta ABC and Delta PQR` are 36 cm and 24 cm respectively. IF PQ=10 cm, then the length of AB is

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  6. If in `Delta ABC`, DE|| BC . AB=3.6 cm, AC=2.4 cm and AD=2.1 cm then the length of AE is

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  7. In a `Delta ABC`, Adis the bisector of `angle BAC`. If AB=8 cm, BD=6 cm and DC=3 cm. The length of the side AC is

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  8. In the adjacent figure `angle BAC=90^(@) and AD bot BC` then

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  9. Two poles of heights 6 m and 11 stand vertically on a plane ground. If the distance between their feet is 12 m, what is the distance between their tops ?

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  10. In the given figure, PR= 26 cm, QR=24 cm, `PAQ= 90^(@), PA=6 cm ` and QA=8 cm. Find `angle PQR`

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  11. A tangent is perpendicular to the radius at the

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  12. How many tangents can be drawn to the circle from an exterior point ?

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  13. The two tangents from an external points P to a circle with centre at O are PA and PB. If `angle APB=70^(@)` then the value of `angle AOB` is

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  14. In figure CP and CQ are tangents to a circle with centre at 0. ARB is another tangent touching the circle at R. If `CP=11cm and BC=7cm`, then the length of BR is ___.

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  15. In figure if PR is tangent to the circle at P and O is the centre of the circle then `angle POQ` is

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Exercise 4.5 questions and complete solutions for chapter GEOMETRY of SURA MATHS (TAMIL ENGLISH) of Class 10