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Complete Solutions to Unit Exercise -4 of chapter GEOMETRY of Class 10 book with complete answers and questions

Class 10MATHS
Number Of Questions10
Academic Year2023-24
  1. In the figure, if `BD bot AC and CE bot AB` , prove that
    `(i) Delta AEC~ Delta ADB " " (ii) (CA)/(AB)=(CE)/(DB)`

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  2. In the given figure, AB||CD ||EF. If AB=6 cm, CD= x cm, EF=4 cm, BD=5 cm and DE=y cm. Find x and y .

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  3. O is any point inside a triangle ABC. The bisector of `angle AOB, angle BOC and angle COA` meet the sides AB, BC and CA in point D, E and F respectively.
    Show that `AD xx BE xx CF= DB xx EC xx FA`

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  4. In the figure, ABC is a triangle in which AB= AC. Points D and E are points on the side AB and AC respectively such that AD=AE. Show that points B, C, E and D lie on a same circle.

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  5. Two trains leave a railway station at the same time. The first train travels due west and the second train due north . The first train travels at a speed of 20 km/ hr and the second train travels at 30 km/ hr. After 2 hours, what is the distance between them ?

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  6. D is the mid point of side BC and `AE bot BC`. If BC=a, AC= b, AB=c, ED=x, AD=p and AE=h, prove that
    `(i) b^(2)=p^(2)+ax+(a^(2))/(4)`
    (ii) `c^(2)=p^(2)-ax+(a^(2))/(4)`
    `(iii) b^(2)+c^(2)=2p^(2)+(a^(2))/(2)`

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  7. A man whose eye-level is 2 m above the ground wishes to find the height of a tree. He places a mirror horizontally on the ground 20 m from the tree and finds that if he stands at a point C which is 4m from the mirror B, he can see the reflection of the top of the tree. How height is the tree ?

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  8. An emu which is 8 ft tall standing at the foot of a pillar which is 30 ft height. It walks away from the pillar. The shadow of the emu falls beyond emu. What is the relation between the length of the shadow and the distance from the emu to the pillar ?

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  9. Two circles intersect at A and B. From a point P on one of the circles lines PAC and PBD are drawn intersecting the second circle at C and D. Prove that CD is parallel to the tangent at P.

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  10. Let ABC be a triangle and D,E,F are points on the respective sides AB, BC, AC (or their extensions). Let AD : DB=5 : 3, BE : EC= 3 : 2 and AC=21. Find the length of the line segment CF.

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Unit Exercise -4 questions and complete solutions for chapter GEOMETRY of SURA MATHS (TAMIL ENGLISH) of Class 10