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Complete Solutions to Motion With Constant Acceleration of chapter MOCK TEST of Class 11 book with complete answers and questions

A2ZMotion With Constant Acceleration
Number Of Questions15
Academic Year2023-24
  1. A candle of diameter `d` is floating on a liquid in a cylindrical container of diameter `D(D lt lt d)` as shown in figure. If is burning at the rate of `2 cm//h` then the top of the candle will :

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  2. A given shaped glass tube having uniform cross-section is filled with water and is mounted on a rotatable shaft as shown in figure. If the tube is rotated with a constant angular velocity `omega` then :

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  3. When a ball is thrown up vertically with velocity `v_0`, it reaches a maximum height of h. If one wishes to triple the maximum height then the ball should be thrown with velocity

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  4. A solid sphere is rolling on a frictionless surface, shown in figure with a translational velocity `v m//s`. If is to climb the inclind surface then `v` should be :

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  5. A horizontal platform is rotating with uniform angular velcity around the vertical axis passing through its centre. At some instant of time a viscous fluid of mass `m` is dropped at the centre and is allowed to spread out and finally fall. The angular velocity during this period :

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  6. A ladder is leaned against a smooth wall and it is allowed to slip on a frictionless floor. Which figure represents the track of its centre of mass ?

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  7. A person is standing in an elevator. In which situation he finds his weight less ?

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  8. A particle having change `q` and `m` is projected with velocity `vec v = 2 hat i- 3 hat j` in uniform electric field `vec E = E_0. hat j` change in momentum `|Delta vec p|` during any time interval `t` is given by :

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  9. The velocity of a particle moving in the `x-y` plane is given by
    `(dx)/(dt) = 8 pi sin 2 pi t and (dy)/(dt) = 5 pi sin 2 pi t`
    where, `t = 0, x = 8 and y = 0`, the path of the particle is.

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  10. A ball is droped from a high rise platform `t = 0` starting from rest. After `6 s` another ball is thrown downwards from the same platform with a speed `v`. The two balls meet at `t = 18 s`. What is the value of `v` ?

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  11. Assertion: The error in the measurement of radius of sphere is `0.3%`. The permissible error in its surface area is `0.6 %`.
    Reason: The permissible error is calculated by the formula `(Delta A)/(A) = (4 Delta r)/( r)`.

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  12. Assertion: The isothermal curves intersect each other at a certain point.
    Reason: The isothermal changes takes place rapidly, so the isothermal curves have very little slope.

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  13. Assertion: The velocity of a body at the bottom of an inclind plane of given height is more when is slides down the plane, compared to, when it rolling down the same plane.
    Reason: In rolling down a body acquires both, kinetic energy of translation and rotation.

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  14. Assertion: A body of mass `1 kg` is making `1 rps` in a circle of radius `1 m`. Centrifugal force acting on it is `4 pi^2 N`.
    Reason: Centrifugal force is given by `F = (mv^2)/( r)`.

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  15. Assertion: The change in air pressure effects the speed of sound.
    Reason: The speed of sound in gases is alphaortional to the square of pressure.

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Motion With Constant Acceleration questions and complete solutions for chapter MOCK TEST of A2Z PHYSICS (HINGLISH) of Class 11

All Exercises from A2Z Class 11 PHYSICS MOCK TEST