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Complete Solutions to Mock Test of chapter MOCK TEST of Class 11 book with complete answers and questions

A2ZMock Test
Number Of Questions90
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Two spheres of same size , one of mass `2 kg` and another of mass `4kg` are dropped smalltanausly from the top of is `72` as light tower When they are `1m` above the ground the two sphers have the same

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  2. The moment of inertia of a rod about an axis through its centre and perpendicular to it is 1/12ML² (where M is the mass and L is te length of the rod). The rod is bent in the middle so that the two halves make an angle of 60°. the moment of inertia of the bent rod about the same axis would be

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  3. A boat at unchore by waves whose crests are `100m` apart and velocity is `25 m//s` The hour bounces up once in every

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  4. By sucking a straw a student can reduce the pressure in his lungs `750 mm` of `Hg ("density")= 13.6 g//cm^(3))` Using the straw, he can drink water from a glass up to a maximum depth of :

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  5. The magnetic moment has dimensions of

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  6. For inclestic collsion between two spherical rigid bodies

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  7. A person used force `(F)` , shown in figure to move a load with constant velocity on given surface. Identify the correct surface profile:

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  8. There obujects coloured black, gray and white can withstand hostile condition upto `2800^(@)C` These object are throw into a farance where each of them attanit a temperature of `2800^(@)C` Which object will glow brightess?

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  9. Two ballons are filled one with pure he gas and the other by six repectively If the pressure and temperature of these bellows are same then the number of molecales per unit volum is

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  10. A weight w is sasponded from the mid -point of a tope whose ends are at the same level In after in make the rope perfectly horizontalthe force applied to each of its ends must be

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  11. If asteel light of mass M is suspended from for end of a uniform rod of lkength L in diffrence possible patents as shown in figure

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  12. A bimetaltic stop constants of metals A and V it is montedrigully at the base as shown The motel A has a bigher coefficient of expernsions component to that for metal V when himetalic stop is that for placed in a cold bath.

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  13. The density of a body because four times its initial value .The new linear momentum will be

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  14. The kinetic energy of a body because four times its initial value ..The new linear momentum will be

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  15. The dimension of torque

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  16. If equation of a sound wave is

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  17. The letent heat of caporisation of water is `2240 J` if the work done in the precess of caporization of `1g` is 148J` then increases in initial energy will be

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  18. If `v_(0)` orbital velocity of a surface to a circular orbital close in the earth's surface and `v_(1)` scape velocity from earth then relation between the two is

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  19. At the topmost point of a trajectory, its velocity and acceleration are an angle of

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  20. if the vectors `P = alphahati+alphaj+3hatk` and `Q = alphahati - 2 hatj - hatk` are perpendicular to each other, then the positive value of `alpha` is

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  21. A siren emiting sound of frequency `800Hz` is going away from a static listence with a speed of `30 m//s`frequency of sound to be beand by the listener is `("velocity of sound" = 330 m//s)`

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  22. The volume of a gas is reduced adibatically to `(1//4)` of its volume at `27^(@)C` if `y = 1.4` The new temperature will be

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  23. The velocities of sound at same temperature in two monoatomic gases of density `rho_(1)` and `rho_(2)` are `v_(1)` and `v_(2)` repectively , if `(rho_(1))/(rho_(2)) = 4 `, then the value of `(v_(1))/(v_(2))` will be

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  24. The maximum range of a gun from horizontal terms is `16 km` If `g = 10 m//s^(2)` what must be the muzele velocity of the sheet?

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  25. There different objective of masses `m_(1) , m_(2)` and `m_(2)` are allowed to fall from rest and from the same point O along three difference frictionless path .The speeds of three objects on reaching the ground will be

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  26. The radius of earth is about `6400Km` and that of mars is about `3200 km` The mass of the earth is about `10 `times the mass of mars An object weight `200N` on earth 's surface , then its weight on the surface of mars will be

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  27. A stelite is launched into a circular orbit of radius R around the earth .While a second is lunched into an orbit of radius `1.01R` The period of the second satellite is longer than the first one by approximatly

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  28. As shown in figure in a simple barmonic motion obscillator having identical four springs has time period

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  29. A soup bubble in vacume has a redius `3cm ` and another soup bubble in vacume has radius `4cm` If two bubble coulese under isothermal condition , then the radius of the new bubble will be

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  30. As what temperature the speed of sound in air will because double of its value at `27^(@)`?

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  31. A string in a musical instrument is `50 cm` long and its fundanmental frequency is `800 Hz` If the frequency of `1000 Hz` is to be produced then required length of spring is

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  32. Bernoulli's equation is a consequence of conseevation of

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  33. A neutron makes is a head - on elastic collision with a stationary deuteron The fraction energy loss of the neutron in the collision is

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  34. The motion of plants in the solar system is radius R coalesece to from a single large drop .The radius of the tatal surface energies before and after the change is

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  35. Two small drop of mencury , each of radius R coulesece in from a simple large drop The ratio of the total surface energies before and after the change is

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  36. A black body at a temperature of `227^(@)C` radius head at a rate of `20 cal m^(-2)s^(-1)`. When its temperature is raised to `727^(@)C` the radiated by it in cal `m^(-2)s^(-1)` will be closet

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  37. A body starting from rest moves along a string line with a constant acceleration The variation of speed (v) with distance (s) is repressed by the graph

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  38. A ball is thrown vertically upwards. Which of the following plots represent the speed graph of the ball during its flight if the air resistence is not ignored?

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  39. An earhquake generates both transverse (S) and logitudinal (P) sound wave in the earth .The speed of (S) wave is about `4.5km//s` and that of (P) wave is about `8.0km//s` A seimsograph records P and S wave fr5om an earthquake The first P wave arrives `4.0 min` before the first S wave The epicenter of the earthpake is located at a distance of about

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  40. During SHM, A particle has displacement a from mean position If acceleration Kinetic energy and excess potential repressented by a K and U respectively then chose the appropriate graph

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  41. Assertion : The root mean sguar and most probable speed of the molecules in a gas are the same
    Reason : The Maxwell distribation for the speed of molecules in a gas is symentrical

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  42. Assertion: In adiabatic compression, the internal energy and temperature of the system get decreased.
    Reason: The adiabatic compression is a slow process.

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  43. Assertion : A thin staindess steel needle can by floating on a still water surface
    Reason : Any object floats when the bayancey force balace the weight of the object

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  44. Assertion : A hollow metallic closed container maintained at a uniform temperature cab act as a source of black body radiation.
    Reason : All metals act as a black body.

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  45. Assertion: The ratio of intertial mass to gravitational mass is equal to one.
    Reason: The inertial mass and gravitational mass of a body are equivalent.

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  46. A paricle starting from the origin (0,0) moves in a straight line in (x,y) plane. Its coordinates at a later time are `(sqrt(3),3)`. The path of the particle makes with the x-axis an angle of

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  47. A particle executes simple harmonic oscilliation with an amplitude `a`. The period of oscillations is `T`. The minimum time taken by the particle to travel half to the amplitude from the equlibrium position is

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  48. A particle of mass `m` moves in the XY plane with a velocity `v` along the straight line AB. If the angular momentum of the particle with respect to origin `O` is `L_(A)` when it is at A and `L_(B)` when it is at B, then

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  49. A mass of `2.0 kg` is put on a flat pan attached to a vertical spring fixed on the ground as shown in figure. The mass of the spring and the pan is negligible. When pressed slightly and realeased the mass executes a simple contant is `200 N//m`. What should be the minimum amplitude of the motion, so that the mass gets the detached from the pan? `(Take g= 10 m//s^(2))`

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  50. The phase difference between the instantaneous Velocity and acceleration of a particle executing simple harmonic motion is

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  51. Dimension of resistance in an elecatrical circuit, in terms of dimension of mass `M`, of length `L`, of time `T`, and of current `I`, would be

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  52. When a body falls in a air, the resistance of air depends to a great extent on the shape of the body. The different shapes are givne. Identify the combination of air resistance which truly represents the physical situation?
    (The cross-sectional areas are the same)

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  53. A beam of parallel rays is brought to focus by a planoconvex. A thin Concave lens of the same focal length is joined to the first lens. The effect of this is

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  54. Fig shows of `PV//T` versus P for `1.00 xx 10^(-3) kg` of oxygen gas at two different temperatures.
    (a) What does the dotted plot signify ?
    (b) Which is true : `T_(1) lt T_(2) or T_(2) lt T_(1) ?`
    ( c) What is the value of `PV//T` where the curves meet on the Y-axis ?
    (d) If we obtained similar plot for `1.00 xx 10^(-3) kg` of hydrogen, would we get the same value of `PV//T` at the point where the curves meet on the y-axis ? If not, what mass of hydrogen yield the same value of `PV//T` (for low pressure high temperature region of the plot) ? (Molecular mass of `H = 2.02 u`, of `O = 32.0 u, R = 8.31 J "mol"^(-1) K^(-1)`

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  55. An asteroid of mass `m` is approaching earth, initially at a distance `10R_(E)` with speed `v_(i)`. It hits earth with a speed `v_(f)` (`R_(E)` and `M_(E)` are radius and mass of earth),. Then

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  56. A spherical ball of mass `20kg` is stationary at the top of a hill of height `100m` , it rolls down a smooth surface to the ground , then climbs up another bill of height of `30 m` and final rolls down to a horizontal base at a height of `20 m` about the ground . The velocity attained by the ball is

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  57. A sound absorber attenuates the sound level by `20 dB`. The intensity decreases by a factor of

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  58. A particle is thrown above, then correct `v-t` graph will be

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  59. The speed `(v)` of ripples on the surface of waterdepends on surface tension `(sigma)`, density `(phi)` and wavelength `(lambda)`. The square of speed `(v)` is proportional to

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  60. Simple pendulum is executing simple harmonic motion with time period `T`. If the length of the pendulum is increased by `21%`, then the increase in the time period of the pendulum of the increased length is:

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  61. A gun fires a bullet of mass `50 g` with a velociy of `30 m//s`. Due to this, the gun is pushed back with a velocity of `1 m//s`, then the mass of the gun is :

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  62. Which of the following pairs does not hace similar dimensions?

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  63. The escape Velocity from the earth is `11.2 Km//s`. The escape Velocity from a planet having twice the radius and the same mean density as the earth, is :

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  64. A metal ball of mass `2 kg` moving with speed of `36 Km//h` has a collision with a stationary ball of mass `3 kg`. If ater collision, both the ball move together, the loss in Kinetic energy due to collision is :

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  65. The length and breadth of a metal sheet are 3.124m and 3.002m respectively. The area of this sheet upto correct significant figure is

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  66. Two equal vector have a resultant equal to either of them, then the angle between them will be:

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  67. A stone tied to a string of `80 cm` long is whireled in a horizontal circle with a constant speed. If the stone makes `25` revolutions in `14 s` then, magnitude of acceleration of the same will be:

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  68. The tension in a piano wire is `10 N`. The tension ina piano wire to produce a node of double frequency is

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  69. Two sound waves have phase difference of `60^(@)`, then they will have the path difference of:

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  70. A string with a frequency `n` and `B` string with a frequency `1//8` that of `A`. If the energy remains the same and the amplitude of `A` is `a`, then amplitude of `B` will be

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  71. The velocity of a bullet is reduce from `200 m//s` to `100m//s` while travelling through a wodden block of thickness `10 cm` Assuming it to be uniform, the retardation will be

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  72. Two projectile are projected with the same velocity. If one is projected at an angle of `30^(@)` to the horizontal. The ratio if maximum heights reached, is:

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  73. In an adiabatic change, the pressure and temperature of a monoatomic gas are related with relation as `P prop T^(C )`, Where `C` is equal to:

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  74. If in a wire of Young's moduls `Y`, longitudinal strain `X` is produced then the potential energy stored in its unit volume will be:

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  75. A stone tied to a string is rotated with a uniform speed in a vertical plane. If mass of the stone is `m`, the length of the string is `r` and linear speed of the stone is `v` when the stone is at its lowest point, then the tension in the string will be
    (g= acceleration due to gravity)

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  76. A black body is heated from `27^(@)C` to `127^(@)C`. The ratio of their energies of radiation emitted will be

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  77. A spherical drop of water has `1mm` radius. If the surface tension of water is `70xx10^(-3)`N//m, then the difference of pressure between inside and outside of the spherical drop is:

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  78. A body `A` starts from rest with an acceleration `a_1`. After `2` seconds, another body `B` starts from rest with an acceleration `a_2`. If they travel equal distances in the `5^(th)` second, after the start of `A`, then the ratio `a_1 : a_2` is equal to :

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  79. In a sinusoidal wave the time required for a particular point to moce from equilibrium pasition to maximum diaplacement is `0.17s`, then the frequency of wave is:

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  80. The velocity with which a projectile must be fired so that is escapes earth's gravitation does not depend on:

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  81. A lead shot of a 1mm diameter falls through a long column of glycerine.The variation of its velocity `v` with distance coverd is represented by,

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  82. The pressure on a square plate is measured by measuring the force on the plate and the length of the sides of the plate by using the formula `p=(F)/(l^(2))`. If the maximum errors in the measurment of force and length are `4%` and `2%` respectively. Then the maximum error in the measurment of pressure is

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  83. A block has been placed on an inclined plane with the slope angle `theta`. Block slide down the plane at constant speed. The cofficient of Kinetic friction is equal to

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  84. A particle moves along a curve of unknown shape but magnitude of force `F` is constant and always acts along tangent to the curve.Then

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  85. A rod of length `L` is hinged from one end. It is brought to a horizontal position and released. The angular velocity of the rod, When it is in verticle position is

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  86. Assertion: A ladder is more apt to slip, when you are high up on it than when you just begin to climb.
    Reason: At the high up on the ladder, the torque is large and on climbing up the torque is small.

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  87. Assertion: Water in a `U`-tube executes `SHM`, the time period for mercury filled up to the same height in the `U`-tube be greater then that in case of water.
    Reason:The amplitude of an oscilliating pendulum goes on increasing.

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  88. Assertion: In taking into account the fact that any object which floats must have an average density less than that of water, during World war `I`, a number of cargo vessels are made of concrete.
    Reason : Conctere cargo Vessel were filled with air.

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  89. Assertion: The acceleration of a body down a rough inclined plane is grater than the acceleration due to gravity.
    Reason: The body is able to slide on an inclined plane only when its acceleration is greater than acceleration due to gravity.

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  90. Assertion: The temperature of the surface of the sun is approximately `6000 K`. If we take a big lens and focus the sun rays, we can produce a temperature at `8000 K`
    Reason: This highest temperature can be produced according to second law of thermodynamics.

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Mock Test questions and complete solutions for chapter MOCK TEST of A2Z PHYSICS (HINGLISH) of Class 11

All Exercises from A2Z Class 11 PHYSICS MOCK TEST