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Complete Solutions to Single correct Answer Type of chapter LINEAR AND ANGULAR SIMPLE HARMONIC MOTION of Class 11 book with complete answers and questions

CENGAGE PHYSICS DPPSingle correct Answer Type
Number Of Questions29
Academic Year2023-24
  1. A boby is moving in a room with a velocity of `20m//s` perpendicular to the two walls separated by 5 meters .There is no friction and the collisionnn with the walls are elastic.

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  2. The equation of motion of a particle is `x=a " cos"(alpha t)^(2)`. The motion is

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  3. As the expression in ivolving sine function , which of the following equations does not represent a simple harmonic motion ?

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  4. The displacement of a particle is repersented by the equation `y=sin^(3)omegat`. The motion is

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  5. The time taken by a particle performing SHM to pass from point A and B where it is velocities are same is 2s. After another 2 s it returns to B. The time period oscillation is (in seconds)

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  6. A particle executing SHM of amplitude 4 cm and T=4 s . The time taken by it to move from positive extreme position to half the amplitude is

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  7. Two particles undergo SHM along parallel lines with the same time period (T) and equal amplitudes. At particular instant, one particle is at its extreme position while the other is at its mean position. The move in the same direction. They will cross each other after a further time.

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  8. The maximum acceleration of a particle in SHM is made two times keeping the maximum speed to be constant. It is possible when

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  9. A particle executing SHM is described by the displacement function `x(t)=Acos(omegat+phi)`, if the initial (t=0) position of the particle is 1 cm, its initial velocity is `pi" cm "s^(-1)` and its angular frequency is `pis^(-1)`, then the amplitude of its motion is

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  10. A particle executes simple harmonic motion with an amplitude of 4 cm . At the mean position , the velocity of the particle is `10cms^(-1)`. The distance of the particle from the mean position when its speed becomes `5 cms^(-1)` is

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  11. A particle is executing SHM according to the equation x`=A cosomegat`. Average speed of the particle during the interval `0larrtlarrpi/(6omega)`

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  12. The total energy of the body executing S.H.M. is E. Then the kinetic energy when the displacement is half of the amplitude is

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  13. A body is executing simple harmonic motion. At a displacement x (from its mean position) its potential energy is `E_(1)` and at a displacement y its potential energy is `E_(2)`. The potential energy is E at displacement (x+y) . Then:

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  14. An object of mass 0.2 kg executes simple harmonic oscillation along the x-axis with a frequency `(25)/pi`. At the position x = 0.04m, the object has kinetic energy 0.5J and potential energy 0.4J. amplitude of oscillation is (potential energy is zero mean position).

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  15. A particle of mass (m) is executing oscillations about the origin on the (x) axis. Its potential energy is `V(x) = k|x|^3` where (k) is a positive constant. If the amplitude of oscillation is a, then its time period (T) is.

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  16. The variation of PEE of harmonic oscillator is as shown in figure. The spring constant is

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  17. A particle is executing SHM between points-`X_(m)andX_(m)`, as shown in figure(i). The velocity V(t) of the particle is partially graphed and shown in figure (ii). Two points A and B corresponding to time `t_(1)` and time `t_(2)` respectively are marked on the V(t) curve.

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  18. One end of a spring of force constant k is fixed to a vertical wall and the other to a blcok of mass m resting on a smooth horizontal surface. There is another wall at distance `x_(0)` from the block. The spring is then compressed by `2x_(0)` and released. The time taken to strike the wall is

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  19. Three masses 700g, 500g, and 400 g are suspended at the end of a spring a shown and are in equilibrium. When the 700 g mass is removed, the system oscillacts with a period of 3 seconds, when the 500 gm mass is also removed, it will oscillate with a period of

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  20. Four massless springs whose force constants are 2k, 2k, k and 2k respectively are attached to a mass M kept on a frictionless plane (as shown in figure). If the mass M is displaced in the horizontal direction.

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  21. A body at the end of a spring executes SHM with a period `t_(1),` while the corresponding period for another spring is `t_(2),` If the period of oscillation with the two spring in series is T, then

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  22. Two identical springs are attached to a small block P. The other ends of the springs are fixed at A and B, When P is in equilibrium the extension of bottom spring is 10 cm. The period of small vertical oscillations of P about is equilibrium position is `(use "g"=9.8 m//s^(2))`

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  23. In the following arrangements, block is slightly displaced vertically down from its equilibrium position and released. Find time period of vertical oscillations. Assume the pulley to be light.

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  24. A block of mass m is at rest on the another blcok of same mass as shown in figure. Lower block is attached to the spring then the maximum amplitude of motion so that both the blcok will remain in contact is

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  25. The displacement of a particle in simple harmonic motion in one time period is

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  26. The displacement of a particle varies with time as `x = 12 sin omega t - 16 sin^(3) omega t` (in cm) it is motion is `S.H.M.` then its maximum acceleration is

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  27. A particle is acted simultaneously by matually perpendicular simple harmonic motion `x=a"cos "omegat` and `y=a "sin"omegat` . The trajectory of motion of the particle will be

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  28. A disc of radius `R` and mass `M` is pivoted at the rim and it set for small oscillations. If simple pendulum has to have the same period as that of the disc, the length of the simple pendulum should be

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  29. A particle of mass `m = 2kg` executes `SHM` in `xy`- plane between point A and B under action of force `vecF = F_(x)hati+F_(y)hatj`. Minimum time taken by particle to move from A to B is 1 sec. At `t = 0` the particle is at `x = 2` and `y = 2`. Then `F_(x)` as function of time t is

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Single correct Answer Type questions and complete solutions for chapter LINEAR AND ANGULAR SIMPLE HARMONIC MOTION of CENGAGE PHYSICS (ENGLISH) of Class 11