Complete Solutions to Exercise 5.3 of chapter PROPERTIES OF SOLIDS AND FLUIDS of Class 11 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions9
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Why is moisture retained longer in the soil if it is harrowed?

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  2. A capillary tube is dipped in water vertically. It is long enough for the water to rise to the maximum height `h` in the tube. The length of portion immersed in water is `I lt h`. The lower end of the tube is closed and then the tube is taken out and opened again. Will all the water flow out of tube? Explain.

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  3. Two soap bubbles `A` and `B` of different diameters are blown at the two ends of a bent tube. By opening the stopcock `S`, the two bubbles are put in communication. What will happen?

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  4. A mercury drop of radius `R` is sprayed into `n` droplets of equal size. Calculate the energy expanded if surface tension of mercury is `T`.

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  5. If a number of little droplets of water, each of radius `r`, coalesce to form a single drop of radius `R`, show that the rise in temperature will be given by `(3T)/J(1/r-1/R)` where `T` is the surface tension of water and `J` is the mechanical equivalent of heat.

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  6. A liquid of specific gravity `1.5` is observed to rise `3.0 cm` in a capillary tube of diameter `0.50 mm` and the liquid wets the surface of the tube. Calculate the excess pressure inside a spherical bubble of `1.0 cm` diameter blown from the same liquid.

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  7. A drop of water of volume `0.05 cm^(3)` is pressed between two glass plates, as a consequence of which, it spreads and occupies an are of `40 cm^(2)`. If the surface tension of water is `70 "dyne"//cm`, find the normal force required to separate out the two glass plates is newton.

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  8. A glass tube of circular cross section is closed at one end. This end is weighted and the tube floats vertically in water, heavy end down. How far below the water surface is the end of the tube? Given: outer radius of the tube is `0.14 cm`, mass of weighted tube is `0.2 g`, surface tension of water `73 dyn//cm` and `g = 980 cms^(-12)`.

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  9. If a `5 cm` long capillary tube with `0.1 mm` internal diameter, open at both ends, is slightly dipped in water having surface tension `75 dyn//cm`, state whether: water will rise halfway in the capillary, (ii) water will rig up to the upper end of capillary, (iii) water will overflow out of the upper end of capillary. Explain your answer.

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Exercise 5.3 questions and complete solutions for chapter PROPERTIES OF SOLIDS AND FLUIDS of CENGAGE PHYSICS (HINGLISH) of Class 11