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Complete Solutions to Single Correct of chapter PROPERTIES OF SOLIDS AND FLUIDS of Class 11 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions100
Academic Year2023-24
  1. The ratio of diameters of two wires of same material is `n:1`. The length of each wire is `4 m`. On applying the same load, the increases in the length of the thin wire will be `(n gt 1)`

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  2. A nylon rope `2 cm` in diameter has a breaking strength of `1.5 xx 10^(5) N`. The breaking strength of a similar rope `1cm` in diameter is

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  3. The dimensions of four wires of the same material an given below. In which wire the increase in the length will be maximum?

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  4. Two wires of the same material and length but diameters in the ratio `1:2` are stretched by the same force. The potential energy per unit volume for the two wires when stretched will be of the ratio.

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  5. Two wires of the same material and length are stretched by the same force. Their masses are in the ratio `3:2`. Their elongations are in the ratio

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  6. Two wires of the same length and same material but radii in the ratio of `1:2` are stretched by unequal forces to produce equal elongation. The ratio of the two forces is

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  7. When a weight of `5 kg` is suspended from a copper wire of length `30 m` and diameter `0.5 mm`, the length of the wire increases by `2.4 cm`. If the diameter is doubled, the extension produced is

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  8. The length of a wire is increased by `1 mm` on the application, of a given load. In a wire of the same material, but of length and radius twice that of the first, on application of the same load, extension is

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  9. An cube is shifted to a depth of `100 m` is a lake. The change in volume is `0.1%`. The bulk modulus of the material is

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  10. If 'S' is stress and 'Y' is young's modulus of material of a wire, the energy stored in the wire per unit volume is

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  11. What amount of work is done in increasing the length of a wire through unity?

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  12. Young's modulus of rubber is `10^(4) N//m^(2)` and area of cross section is `2 cm^(-2)`. If force of `2 xx 10^(5) dyn` is applied along its length, then its initial l becomes

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  13. When a certain weight is suspended from a long uniform wire, its length increases by `1 cm`. If the same weight is suspended from another we of the same material and length but having a diameter half of the first one, the increases in length will be

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  14. Two wires of the same material have lengths in the ratio `1:2` and their radii are in the ratio `1:sqrt(2)` If they are stretched by applying equal forces, the increase in their lengths will be in the ratio

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  15. A piece of copper wire has twice the radius of a piece of steel wire. Young's modulus for steel is twice that of the copper. One end of the copper wire is joined to one end of the steel wire so that both can be subjected to the same longitudinal force. By what fraction of its length will the steel have stretched when the length of the copper has increased by `1%`?

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  16. The breaking stress for a substance is `10^(6)N//m^(2)`. What length of the wire of this substance should be suspended verticaly so that the wire breaks under its own weight? (Given: density of material of the wire `=4xx10^(3)kg//m^(3)` and `g=10 ms^(-12))`

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  17. Water rises to a height of `2 cm` in a capillary tube. If the tube is tilted `60^@` from the vertical, water will rise in the tube to a length of

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  18. A spherical liquid drop of radius `R` is divided into eight the surface tension is `T`, then the work equal droplets. If the surface tension is `T`, then the work done in this process will be

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  19. Air is pushed inot a soap bubble of radius r to duble its radius. If the surface tension of the soap solution is S, the work done in the process is

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  20. A water drop is divided into eight equal droplets. The pressure difference between inner and outer sides of big drop

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  21. A vessel whose , bottom has round holes with diameter `0.1 mm`, is filled with water. The maximum height up to which water can be filled without leakage is

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  22. Water rises to a height of `10 cm` in a capillary tube and mercury falls to a depth of `3.42 cm` in the same capillary tube. If the density of mercury is `13.6 g//c.c.` and the angles of contact for mercury and water n for water and are `135^(2)` and `0^@`, respectively, the ratio of surface, tension for water and mercury is

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  23. The velocity of small ball of mass `M` and density `d_(1)` when dropped in a container filled with glycerin becomes constant after sometime. If the density glycerin of is `d_(2)`, the viscous force acting on ball is

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  24. Two soap bubbles, one of radius `50 mm` and the other of radius `80 mm`, are brought in contact so that they have a common interface. The radius of the curvature of the common interface is

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  25. A glass rod of radius `r_(1)` is inserted symmetrically into a vertical capillary tube of radius `r_(2)` such that their lower ends are at the same level. The arrangement is now dipped in water. The height to which water will rise into the tube will be (`sigma =` surface tension of water, `rho = ` density of water)

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  26. A large number of droplets, each of radius a, coalesce to form a bigger drop of radius `b`. Assume that the energy released in the process is converted into the kinetic energy of the drop. The velocity of the drop is `sigma =` surface tension, `rho =` density)

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  27. A thick rope of density `rho` and length `L` is hung from a rigid support. The increase in length of the rope due to its own weight is (`Y` is the Young's modulus)

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  28. When the load on a wire is slowly increased from `3` to `5 kg wt`, the elongation increases from `0.61` to `1.02 mm`. The work done during the extension of wire is

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  29. Two identical wires of iron and copper with their Young's modulus in the ratio `3:1` are suspended at same level. They are to be loaded so as to have the same extension and hence level. Ratio of the weight is

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  30. A wire of cross section `A` is stretched horizontally between two clamps located `2lm` apart. A weight `W kg` is suspended from the mid-point of the wire. If the mid-point sags vertically through a distance `x lt 1` the strain produced is

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  31. A long wire hangs vertically with its upper end clam `A` torque of `8 Nm` applied to the free end twists it through`45^@`. The potential energy of the twisted wire is

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  32. The bulk modulus of water is `2.0xx10^(9) N//m^(2)`. The pressure required to increase the density of water by `0.1%` is

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  33. Two rods of different materials having coefficients of thermal expansion `alpha_1`, `alpha_2` and Young's modulii `Y_1`, `Y_2` respectively are fixed between two rigid massive walls. The rods are heated such that they undergo the same increase in temperature. There is no bending of the rods. If `alpha_1:alpha_2=2:3`, the thermal stresses developed in the two rods are equal provided `Y_1:Y_2` is equal to

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  34. One end of uniform wire of length `L` and of weight `W` is attached rigidly to a point in the roof and a weight `W_(1)` is suspended from its lower end. If `s` is the area of cross section of the wire, the stress in the wire at a height (`3L//4`) from its lower end is

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  35. A wire is stretched `1 mm` by a force of `1 kN`. How far would a wire of the same material and length but of four times that diameter be stretched by the same force?

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  36. Young's modulus of brass and steel are `10 xx 10^(10) N//m` and `2 xx 10^(11) N//m^(2)`, respectively. A brass wire and a steel wire of the same length are extended by `1 mm` under the same force. The radii of the brass and steel wires are `R_(B)` and `R_(S)`. respectively. Then

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  37. The length of a steel wire is `l_(1)` when the stretching force is `T_(1)` and `l_(2)` when the stretching force is `T_(2)`. The natural length of the wire is

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  38. Two blocks of masses `1 kg` and `2 kg` are connected by a metal wire goijng over a smooth pulley as shown in figure.
    The breaking stress of the metal is `(40//3pi)xx10^(6)N//m^(2)`. If `g=10ms^(-12)`, then what should be the minimum radlus of the wire used if it is not to break?

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  39. A long elastic spring is stretched by `2 cm` and its potential energy is `U`. If the spring is stretched by `10 cm`, the `PE`…… will be

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  40. A copper bar of length `L` and area of cross section `A` is placed in a chamber at atmospheric pressure. If the chamber is evacuated, the percentage change in its volume will be (compressibility of copper is `8 xx 10^(-12) m^(2)//N` and `1 atm = 10^(5) N//m)`

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  41. A small but heavy block of mass `10 kg` is attached to a wire `0.3 m` long. Its breaking stress is `4.8 xx 10^(7) N//m^(2)`. The area of the cross section of the wire is `10^(-6) m^(2)`. The maximum angular velocity with which the block can be rotated in the horizontal circle is

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  42. A ball falling in a lake of depth `200 m` shows a decrease of `0.1% ` in its volume at the bottom. The bulk modulus of the elasticity of the material of the ball is (take `g = 10 ms^(-12)`)

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  43. A massive stone pillar `20 m` high and of uniform cross section rests on a rigid base and supports a vertical load of `5.0 xx 10^(5)N` at its upper end. If the compressive stress in the pillar is not exceed `16 xx10^(6)N//m`, what is the minimum cross-sectional area of the pillar? (Density of the stone `=2.5xx10^(3) kg//m^(3)` take `g= 10 N//kg)`

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  44. If the work done in strectching a wire by `1mm` is `2J`, then work necessary for stretching another wire of same material but with double radius of cross -section and half of the length by `1 mm` is

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  45. Two wires of the same material and same mass are stretched by the same force. Their lengths are in the ratio

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  46. A wire is suspended vertically from a rigid support. When loaded with a steel weight in air, the wire extends by `16cm`. When the weight is completely immersed in Water, the extension is reduced to `14 cm`. The relative density of the material of the weight is

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  47. Two bars `A` and `B` of circular cross section, same volume and made of the same material, are subjected to tension. If the diameter of `A` is half that of `B` and if the force applied to both the rod is the same and it is in the elastic limit, the ratio of extension of `A` to that of `B` will be

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  48. A uniform cylindrical wire is subjected to a longitudinal tensile stress of `5 xx 10^(7) N//m^(2)`. Young's modulus of the material of the wire is `2 xx 10^(11) N//m^(2)`. The volume change in the wire is `0.02%`. The factional change in the radius is

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  49. A material has normal density `rho` and bulk modulus `K`. The increase in the density of the material when it is subjected to an external pressure `P` from all sides is

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  50. A rubber rope of length `8 m` is hung from the ceiling of a room. What is the increase in length of rope due to its own weight? (Given: Young's modulus of elasticity of rubber `= 5 xx 10^(6) N//m` and density of rubber `=1.5xx10^(3)kg//m^(3)`. Take `g=10ms^(-12))`

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  51. A straw `6 cm` long floats on water. The water film on one side has surface tension of `50 dyn//cm`. On the other slide, camphor reduces the surface tension to `40 dyn//cm`. The resultant force acting on the straw is

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  52. Two glass plates are separated by water. If surface tension of water is `75 dyn//cm` and the area of each plate wetted by water is `8 cm^(2)` and the distance between the plates is `0.12 mm`, then the force applied to separate the two plates is

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  53. A ring is cut from a platinum tube `8.5 cm` internal and `8.7 cm` external diameter. It is supported horizontally from the pan of a balance, so that it comes in contact with the water in a glass vessel. If an extra `3.103 gf` is required to pull it away from water, the surface tension of water is

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  54. A soap film of surface tension `3 xx 10^(-2)` formed in a rectangular frame can support a straw as shown in Fig. If `g = 10 ms^(-12)`, the mass of the straw is

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  55. The lower end of a capillary tube is at a depth of `12 cm` and water rises `3 cm` in it. The mouth pressure required to blow an air bubble at the lower end will be `x cm` of water column, where `x` is

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  56. A light wire AB of length 10 cm can slide on a vertical frame as shown in figure. There is a film of soap solution trapped between the frame and the wire. Find the load W that should be suspended from the wire to keep it in equilibrium. Neglect friction. Surface tension of soat solution `=25 dyn cm^-1`. Take g=10 ms^-2`

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  57. The angle of contact between glass and water is `0^@` and water (surface tension `70 dyn//cm`) rises in a glass capillary up to `6 cm`. Another liquid of surface tension `140 dyn//cm`, angle of contact `60^@` and relative density `2` will rise in the same capillary up to

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  58. A hollow sphere has a small hole in it. On lowering the sphere in a tank of water, it is observed that water enters into the hollow sphere at a depth of `40 cm` below the surface. Surface tension of water is `7 xx 10^(-2) N//m`. The diameter of the hole is

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  59. Work `W` is required to form a bubble of volume `V` from a given solution. What amount of work is required to be done to form a bubble of volume `2V` ?

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  60. The surface energy of a liquid drop is `E`. It is sprayed into `1000` equal droplets. Then its surface energy becomes

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  61. A cube with a mass `= 20 g` wettable water floats on the surface of water. Each face of the cube is `alpha = 3 cm` long. Surface tension of water is `70 dyn//cm`. The distance of the lower face of the cube from the surface of water is (`g= 980 cm s^(-12)`)

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  62. A liquid is containe in a vertical tube of semicircular cross section figure.The contact angle is zero. The force of surface tension on the curved part and on the flat part are in ratio

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  63. Two vertical parallel glass plates are partially submerged in water. The distance between the plates is d and the length is `l`. Assume that the water between the plates does not reach the upper edges of the plates and the wetting is complete. The water will rise to height (`rho=` density of water and `alpha =` surface tension of water)

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  64. A number of droplets, each of radius `r`, combine to form a drop of radius `R`. If `T` is the surface tension, the rise in temperature will be

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  65. A drop of liquid of density `rho` is floating half-immersed in a liquid of density `d`. If `rho` is the surface tension the diameter of the drop of the liquid is

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  66. A drop of liquid of density `rho` is floating half-immersed in a liquid of density `d`. If `rho` is the surface tension the diameter of the drop of the liquid is

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  67. Two soap bubbles of radii `a` and `b` coalesce to form a single bubble of radius `c`. If the external pressure is `P`, find the surface tension of the soap solution.

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  68. A thin square plate of side `5 cm` is suspended vertically a balance so that lower side just dips into water with side to surface. When the plate is clean `(theta=0^@)`, it appears to weigh `0,044 N`. But when the plate is greasy `(theta=180^@)` it appears to weigh `0.03 N`. The surface tension of water is

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  69. A wire forming a loop is dipped into soap solution and taken out so that a film of soap solution is formed. A loop of 6.28 cm long thread is gently put on the film and the film is pricked with a needle inside the loop. The thread loop takes the shape of a circle. Find the tension in the thread. Surface tension of soap solution `=0.030Nm^-1`.

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  70. A 20 cm long capillary tube is dipped in water. The water rises up to 8 cm. If the entire arrangement is put in a freely falling elevator, the length of water column in the capillary tube will be

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  71. A marble of mass `x` and diameter `2r` is gently released in a tall cylinder containing honey. If the marble displaces mass `y(ltx)`of the liquid, then the terminal velocity is proportional to

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  72. A small metal ball of diameter `4 mm` and density `10.5 g//cm^(3)` in dropped in glycerine of density `1.5 g//cm^(3)`. The ball attains a terminal velocity of `8//cm s^(-1)`. The coefficient of viscosity of glycerine is

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  73. A capillary tube is attached horizontally to a constant pressure head arrangement. If the radius of the capillary tube is increased by `10%`, then the rate of flow of the liquid shall change nearly by

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  74. A sphere of brass released in a long liquid column attains a terminal speed `v_(0)`. If the terminal speed is attained by a sphere of marble of the same radius and released in the same liquid is `nv_(0)`, then the value of `n` will be (Given: The specific gravities of brass, marble and liquid are `8.5, 2.5` and `0.8`, respectively)

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  75. Between a plate of area `100 cm^(2)` and another plate of area `100 m^(2)` there is a `1 mm`, thick layer of water, if the coefficient of viscosity of water is `0.01` poise, then the force required to move the smaller plate with a velocity `10 cms^(-1)` with reference to large plate is

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  76. A river `10 m` deep is flowing at `5ms^(-1)`. The shearing stress between horizontal layers of the rivers is (`eta=10^-(3) SI` units)

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  77. A ball rises to the surface of a liquid with constant velocity. The density of the liquid is four lime the density of the material of the ball. The frictional force of the liquid on the rising ball is greater than the weight of the ball by a factor of

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  78. A spherical ball falls through viscous medium with terminal velocity `v`. If this ball is replaced by another ball of the same mass but half the radius, then the terminal velocity will be (neglect the effect of buoyancy.)

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  79. Each of the pictures shows four objects tied together with rubber bands being pulled to the right across a horizontal frictionless surface by a horizontal force `F`. All the objects have the same mass, all the rubber bands obey Hooke's law and have the same equilibrium length and the same force constant. Which of these pictures is drawn most correctly?

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  80. A glass rod of radius `1 mm` is inserted symmetrically into a glass capillary tube with inside radius `2 mm`. Then the whole arrangement is brought in contact of the surface of water. Surface tension of water is `7 xx 10^(-2) N//m`. To what height will the water rise in the capillary? (`theta = 0^@`)

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  81. Two soap bubbles `A` and `B` of different diameters are blown at the two ends of a bent tube. By opening the stopcock `S`, the two bubbles are put in communication. What will happen?

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  82. In the figure shown, forces of equal magnitude are applied to the two ends of a uniform rod. Consider `A` as the cross-sectional area of the rod. For this situation, mark out the incorrect statements.

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  83. The space between two large horizontal metal plates, `6 cm` apart, is filled with a liquid of viscosity `0.8 N//m^(2)` . A thin plate of surface area `0.01 m^(2)` is moved parallel to the length of the plate such that the plate is at a distance of `2 m` from one of the plates and `4 cm` from the other. If the plate moves with a constant speed of `1 ms^(-1)`, then

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  84. The pressure that has to be applied to the ends of a steel wire of length 10cm to keep its length constant when its temperature is raised by `100^@C` is : (For steel Young's modulus is `2xx10^11 Nm^-2` and coefficient of thermal expansion is `1.1xx10^-5K^_1`)

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  85. Maximum excess pressure inside a thin-walled steel tube of radius r and thickness `/_\r (lt lt r)`, so that the tube would not rupture would be (breaking stress of steel is `sigma_("max")`

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  86. Two equal and opposite point forces applied at mid- points of the ends of a rod of square cross shown. Consider the dotted section `ABCD`. If the rod is cut across this Gloss section, the force exerted by the right part of the rod on left part across this cross section is

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  87. A `5 kg` rod of square cross section `5 cm` on a side and `1m` long is pulled along a smooth horizontal surface by a force applied at one end. The rod has a constant acceleration of `2 ms^(-12)`. Determine the elongation in the rod. (Young's modulus of the material of the rod is `5 xx 10^(3) N//m^(9)`).

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  88. If two soap bubbles of different radii are connected by a tube

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  89. A paper disc of radius `R` from which a hole of radius `r` is cut out is floating in a liquid of the surface tension `S`. The force on the disc due to the surface tension is

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  90. A glass rod of radius `1 mm` is inserted symmetrically into a glass capillary tube with inside radius `2 mm`. Then the whole arrangement is brought in contact with the surface of water. Surface tension of water is `7 xx 10^(-2) N//m`. To what height will the water rise in the capillary? (`theta = 0^@`)

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  91. The elastic limit of an elavator cable is `2xx10^(9)N//m^(2)`. The maximum upward acceleration that an elavator of mass `2xx10^(3)kg` can have when supported by a cable whose cross sectional area is `10^(-4)m^(2)`, provided the stres in cable would not exceed half to the elastic limit would be

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  92. A wire can sustain the weight of 20 kg before breaking. If the wire is cut into two equal parts each part can sustain a weight of

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  93. A wire of length `L` and radius `r` is fixed at one end. When a stretching force `F` is applied at free end, the elongation in the wire is `l`. When another wire of same material but of length `2L` and radius `2r`, also fixed at one end is stretched by a force `2F` applied at free end, then elongation in the second wire will be

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  94. On applying a stress of `xN//m^(2)`, the length of wire of some material gets doubled. Value of Young's modulus for the material of the wire in `N//m^(2)`, is (assume Hooke's law to be valid and go for approx. results)

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  95. A Copper wire and steel of the same diameter and length are connected end to end and a force is applied, which stretches their combined length by 1 cm. The two wires will have

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  96. A steel wire of length `4.7 m` and cross-sectional area `3 xx 10^(-6) m^(2)` stretches by the same amount as a copper wire of length `3.5 m` and cross-sectional area of `4 xx 10^(-6) m^(2)` under a given load. The ratio of Young's modulus of steel to that of copper is

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  97. The edges of an aluminum cube are `10 cm` long. One face of the cube is firmly fixed to a vertical wall. A mass of `100 kg` is then attached to the opposite face of the cube. Shear modulus of aluminum is `25 xx 10^(9)` Pa, the vertical deflection in the face to which mass is attached is

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  98. A solid sphere of radius R made of a material of bulk modulus K is surrounded by a liquid in a cylindrical container. A massless pistion of area A floats on the surface of the liquid. When a mass M is placed on the piston to compress the liquid the fractional change in the radius of the sphere, `deltaR//R`, is .............

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  99. A film of water is formed between two straight parallel wires each `10 cm` long and at a seperation of `0.5 cm`. Calculate the work required to increase `1mm` distance between the wires. Surface tension of water `=72xx10^(-3)N//m`.

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  100. The length of a needle floating on water is `2.5 cm`. The minimum force in addition to its weight needed to lift the needle above the surface of water will be (surface tension of water is `0.072 N//m`)

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Single Correct questions and complete solutions for chapter PROPERTIES OF SOLIDS AND FLUIDS of CENGAGE PHYSICS (HINGLISH) of Class 11