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Complete Solutions to EXERCISE (NUMERICAL PROBLEMS) of chapter SOME BASIC CONCEPTS OF CHEMISTRY of Class 11 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions68
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Chlorine and oxygen form two different compounds. One of them contains 81.6% chlorine and the other contains 59.7% chlorine. Which law of chemical combination supports these observations.

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  2. Two oxides of a metal (M) contain 22.53% and 30.38% of oxygen. If the second oxide be `M_(2)O_(3)`, find the formula of first oxide.

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  3. Three elements X, Y and Z form three different compounds XY, YZ, and XZ. If XY contains 75% X, XZ contains 72.76% Z and YZ contains 11.11% Y, then show that these results illustrate the law of reciprocal proportion.

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  4. Calculate the volume of oxygen that will react with hydrogen produced by the decomposition of 50 `cm^(3)` of ammonia. Both the reactions occur at `18^(@)C & 76cm` of Hg.

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  5. Calculate the number of (a) `CH_(4)` molecules (b) C-atoms and (c) H-atoms in 25g of `CH_(4)` gas.

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  6. Calculate : (i) mass, (ii) volume at STP, (iii) number of molecules present in 0.5 mol of `CO_(2)`.

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  7. Find the mass of carbon that contain the samme number of atoms as contained by 560g of iron (atomic mass=56).

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  8. The atomic mass of a metallic element is 54.94. if its density be 7.42 `g*cm^(-3)`, find its atomic volume.

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  9. Calculate the number of O-atoms in 88g of `CO_(2)`. Also calculate the mass of CO which will contain the same number of O-atoms.

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  10. At STP, how many moles of `CO_(2)` are present in 5.6 L of `CO_(2)` ?

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  11. 1L of air contains 21% of oxygen by volume at STP. What is the number of moles of oxygen in 1L of air?

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  12. Mass of 1 mL of `H_(2)` gas at STP is same as the mass of `9.86xx10^(17)` atoms of iron. Find the atomic mass of iron.

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  13. Find the ratio of the masses of equal volumes of `CH_(4), C_(2)H_(4) and C_(2)H_(2)` gases under the same temperature and pressure.

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  14. The atomic mass of an element is 24. find the actual mass of one atom of that element. If the atomic number of the element is 11, then find out the number of neutrons present in 0.1 gram-atom.

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  15. Chlorophyll contains 2.68% of magnesium metal by mass. Calculate the number of Mg atoms present in 2.0g of chlorophyll.

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  16. At `27^(@)C` and 780mm pressure 1L of a gas weighs 1.125g. Find its vapour density.

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  17. Vapour density of mercury with respect to air is 6.92. calculate the number of atoms present inn each molecule of mercury vapour. (Given: Hg=200 and relative density of air=14.5).

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  18. At STP, volumes occupied by 1.0g of hydrogen and 0.6786 g of air are 11.2 L and 0.525 L respectively. Calculate the vapour density of air with respect to hydrogen.

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  19. At a certain temperature, the vapour density of sulphur with respect to nitrogenn is 9.15. find the number of atoms present in each molecule of sulphur vapour.

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  20. 10L of a gas at `0^(@)C` and 760 mm pressure weighs 13.39g. Under identical conditions of temperature and pressure, ass of 10 L of hydrogen is 0.8928g. What is the molecular mass of the gas?

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  21. 5g of a metal on ignition inn air forms 9.44g of its oxide. Calculate the equivalent mass of the metal.

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  22. Equivalent mass of a metal is 20. how much of the metal will react with chlorine to give 5.0g of metallic chloride.

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  23. The equivalent mass of calcium in calcium oxide is 20. find the percentage composition of calcium oxide.

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  24. An iron rod of 20g is kept immersed for some time in an aqueous solution of `CuSO_(4)`. Then the rod is taken out from the solution and weighed. The observed mass is found to be reduced to 13.84g. On the other hand, this chemical reaction displaces 6.985g of copperr. if the equivalent mass of iron is 28, what will be the equivalent mass of copper ?

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  25. 5.249g of metallic carbonate on being strongly heated liberates 1309.28 mL of `CO_(2)` at `27^(@)C` annd 755 mm pressure of Hg. Find the equivalent mass of the metal.

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  26. 1.224g of a metallic carbonate on being strongly heated liberates 1309.28 mL of `CO_(2)` at `27^(@)C` and 750 mm pressure of Hg. Find the equivalent mass of the metal carbonate.

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  27. 1.256g of ametal contains 0.376g of oxygen. If the specific heat off the metal be 0.124 `cal*""^(@)C^(-1)*g^(-1)`, find the formula of its oxide.

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  28. 0.111g of a metallic chloride requires 0.34g of `AgNO_(3)` for complete precipitation of chlorine. Specific heat of the metal is 0.152 `cal*""^(@)C^(-1)*g^(-1)`. Determine the formula of metallic chloride.

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  29. Silver sulphide and cuprous sulphide are isomorphous compounds. Silver sulphide contains 12.94% off sulphur while cuprous sulphide consists of 20.14% sulphur. Determine equivalent mass of copper.

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  30. A sulphate of a metal is isomorphous with `ZnSO_(4)*7H_(2)O`. In this salt, the percentage of the metal is 9.75. what is the atomic mass of the metal?

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  31. Determine the percentage by mass of oxygen and Sb in the compound, `Sb_(2)O_(5).[Sb=121.77]`.

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  32. 9.7g of hydrated copper sulphate on heating loses 3.5 g of water. What is the percentage of water of crystallization?

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  33. Determine the percentage by mass of chromium, sulphate radical and water of crystallization in chrome alum `[K_(2)SO_(4)*Cr_(2)(SO_(4))_(3)*24H_(2)O].(Cr=52)`.

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  34. Percentage composition of a salt is K=8.23%, Al=5.70%, `SO_(4)=40.51% and H_(2)O=45.5%`. What is the empirical formula of the compound? The molecular mass of the compound is 948. what is its molecular formula?

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  35. An organic compound consists of C, H and N. 0.5g of the compound, on combustion, forms 1.44g of `CO_(2)` and 0.3785g of water, find the molecular fomrula of the compound if its vapour density is 53.35.

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  36. Percentage composition of a mineral is: `CaO=48%,P_(2)O_(5)=41.3% and CaCl_(2)10.7%`. Determine the formula of that mineral.

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  37. An organic compound, consisting of carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen and oxygen contains 40.67% of carbon and 8.47% of hydrogen 0.5g of that compound gives 94.91mL of nitrogen at STP. What is the empirical formula of that compound?

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  38. What amount of magnesium sulphide (MgS) will be produced from 1 g o Mg and 1g of S?

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  39. How much `Na_(2)SO_(4)` will be required for complete precipitation of 7.336g `BaCl_(2)` dissolved in water? What will be the mass of `BaSO_(4)` precipitated? [Ba=137.36]

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  40. What amount of `CaCO_(3)` will be just sufficient to produce 1 L of `CO_(2)` at `27^(@)C` and 760 mmHg pressure? Determine the quantity of pure carbon requried to yield the same amount of `CO_(2)`.

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  41. A `HNO_(3)` solution (specific gravity=1.46) contains75% `HNO_(3)`. How much of this acid will be needed to dissolve 5g of CuO?

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  42. Calculate the amount of `Cl_(2)` produced by reaction between 1 g of each of `MnO_(2) and HCl`.

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  43. When a mixture of NaCl and NaBr is heated with `H_(2)SO_(4)`, the halogen components are liberated as their hydracids leaving `Na_(2)SO_(4)` as the residue. In an experiment, the mass of `Na_(2)SO_(4)` left is equal to the mass of `(NaCl+NaBr)` taken at the begining of the experiment. calculate the percentages of NaCl and NaBr in the given mixture.

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  44. `H_(2)` gas liberated in the reaction of 13g of zinc with dilute `H_(2)SO_(4)` is separately passed over (i) 10 g and (ii) 20 g of dry cupric oxide. What is the amount of the residue remain in each case?

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  45. 1g of a mixture containing `Na_(2)CO_(3) and NaHCO_(3)` in equal amounts is heated until a constant mass is obtained. Find the volume of `CO_(2)` gas liberated at STP.

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  46. 2g of mixture of `CaCO_(3) and MgCO_(3)` on being treated with dilute HCl gives 536.84 mL of `CO_(2)` at `27^(@)C` and 750 mm of Hg pressure. What is the composition of the mixture?

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  47. What will be the amounts of `NH_(3)` (excess) and `Cl_(2)` requried to prodcue 1L `N_(2)` gas at `27^(@)C` and 750 mm pressure.

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  48. Calculate the volume of `O_(2)` gas requried for complete burning of 10 L of acetylene gas. Also calculate the volume of `CO_(2)` produced. All volumes are measured at same temperature and pressure.

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  49. A gas-mixture having 1200 mL volumea t `27^(@)C` and 1 atm pressure consists of 80% of methane % 20% of CO. what amount of `KClO_(3)` on thermal decomposition produces the same quantity off oxygen as needed for complete combustion of the mixture?

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  50. The volume of the gas mixture obtained by passing 400 mL `CO_(2)` over red hot coke was measured to be 600 mL. find the compo-sition of the gas mixture.

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  51. 10 mL of a gaseous hydrocarbon is completely combusted with 60 mL of oxygen by passing electric spark. The volume of the gaseous mixture thus yielded on cooling becomes 46 mL, iff the vapour density of the compound is 15, what will be its molecular formula? [All volumes were measured under the same conditions of temperature and pressure.]

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  52. Determine the values of x, y and z. [All volumes were measured at same temperature and pressure.]

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  53. Calculate the strength in-percentage (W/V), moles perr litre or molarity, number of gram equivalents of the solute and normality of the following solutions-
    (i) 9.125g of HCl in 200 mL of its aqueous solution.
    (ii) 60g of NaOH in 3L of its aqueous solution.
    (iii) 14.7g `H_(2)SO_(4)` in 500 mL of its aqueous solution.
    (iv) 296 `Ca(OH)_(2)` in 10 L of its aqueous solution.

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  54. Calculate the molality of a solution prepared by equal volumes of a 40% `H_(2)SO_(4)` solution (W/V) (density 1.5 `g*cm^(-3))` and 60% `H_(2)SO_(4)` solution (W/V) (density 1.8 `g*cm^(-3)`).

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  55. An impure sample of `(NH_(4))_(2)SO_(4)` is supplied to a laboratory. 3.6g of the supplied `(NH_(4))_(2)SO_(4)` salt on heating with NaOH forms `NH_(3)` gas. 100 mL of `0.5(N)H_(2)SO_(4)` is required for the complete neutralisation of the liberated `NH_(3)` gas. calculate the percentage purity of the impure sample. let us assume, the impurity of the sample is insoluble in NaOH.

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  56. A sample of 3.95g of 60% pure chalk (impurities in the chalk are insoluble in HCl), is dissolved in 250 mL of 0.2(M) HCl. What volume `(cm^(3))` of 0.01 (N) NaOH is required to neutralise the excess acid?

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  57. 1 L each of three samples of `H_(2)O_(2)` labelled as 10 volume, 20 volume and 30 volume are mixed together and then diluted to 5 L using water. Find out the relative strength of the resultant solution.

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  58. Mass of an empty LPG cylinder is 14.8 kg annd when it is filled with n-butan gas, the mass is 29.0 kg annd internal pressure is 2.5 atm. After few days mass of the filled gas cylinder decreases to 23.2kg. Calculate the volume of gas used in `m^(3)` (at `27^(@)C ` & 1 atm).

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  59. 0.3 g of a metal reacts with dilute acid and produce 110 mL of `H_(2)` which is collected above water at `17^(@)C` temperature and 755 mm Hg pressure. Find equivalent mass of the metal. [pressure of water vapour at `17^(@)C=14.4mmHg`].

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  60. Find the volume of ammonia gas (at STP) which on passing through 30 mL 1.0 (N) `H_(2)SO_(4)` solution, acidity of solution decrease to 0.2 (N).

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  61. A hole is formed on 0.1 mm thick aluminium sheet on pouring of 1 mL 12 (M) HCl. If the HCl is completely used, then find the area `(cm^(2))` of the hole. (density of Al is `2.7g//cm^(3)`).

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  62. 52.5 millimol `LiAlH_(4)` reacts with 15.6g (210 millimol) tert-butyl alcohol. In the following reaction 157.5 millimol `H_(2)` is produced.
    `LiAlH_(4)+3(CH_(3))_(3)COH to 3H_(2)+LiC(CH_(3))_(3) O]_(3)AlH`
    On adding extra methanol or alchol in the above reaction, displacement of the 4th hydrogen atom `LiAlH_(4) ` will be observed by the following reaction.
    `Li[(CH_(3))_(3)O]_(3)AlH+CH_(3)OH to H_(2)+Li(CH_(3))_(3)O]_(3)[CH_(3)]Al`
    How much `H_(2)` will evolve on adding methanol?

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  63. 0.19 g of a improve `H_(2)O_(2)` sample is dissolve din a 20 mL solution. 0.316g of the solution reacts completely with `KMnO_(4)` in presence of `H_(2)SO_(4)`. Find the purity of `H_(2)O_(2)` sample.

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  64. 20.2 mL of `CH_(3)COOH` reacts with 20.1 mL of `C_(2)H_(5)OH` and produce `CH_(3)COOC_(2)H_(5)` according to the following reaction[ density of `CH_(3)COOC_(2)H_(5)]` is 0.902g/mL].
    `CH_(3)COOH+C_(2)H_(5)OH to CH_(3)COOC_(2)H_(5)+H_(2)O`
    (a) Which one is the limiting reagent it he reaction?
    (b) if 27.5 mL of pure `CH_(3)COOC_(2)H_(5)` is produced, then find the percentage amount of production [density of `CH_(3)COOH` and `C_(2)H_(5)OH` are 1.05g/mL and 0.789g/mL respectively].

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  65. 0.05g of a commercial sample of `KClO_(3)` on decomposition liberated just sufficeint oxygen for complete oxidation of 20 mL CO at `27^(@)C` & 750 mm pressure. Calculate & of `KClO_(3)` in the sample.

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  66. For complete neutralisation of 25 mL of `Na_(2)CO_(3)` solution (specific gravity `1.25g*mL^(-1)`), 32.9 mL of HCl solution containing 109.5g of the acid per litre is required. Calculate the volume of 0.84(N) `H_(2)SO_(4)` that will be neutralised by 125g of `Na_(2)CO_(3)` solution.

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  67. A metal M of atomic masss 54.94 has a density of 7.42g/`cm^(3)`. Calculate the volume occupied and the radius of the atom of this metal assuming it to be a sphere.

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  68. 4.08g of a mixture of BaO and unknown carbonate `(MCO_(3))` was heated strongly. The residue weghing 3.64g was dissolved in 100 mL of 1(N) HCl. The excess acid required 16 mL of 2.5(N) NaOH solution for complete neutralisation. Identify the metal.

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