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Complete Solutions to NUMERICAL EXAMPLE of chapter SOME BASIC CONCEPTS OF CHEMISTRY of Class 11 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions100
Academic Year2023-24
  1. The densty of a metallic substance is 7.2 `g*cm^(-3)` Find its density in SI unit.

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  2. The wavelength of a radiation is 643.5 nm. Find its wavelength in SI unit.

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  3. In diamond, the average distance between two carbon atoms is 1.54 Å. Express the distance between two C-atoms in SI unit.

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  4. Express the final result in each case on the basis of significant figures. (1). (2.4+9.389)
    (2) 94.48-6.4
    (4) `((2.36xx10^(-4))(0.3))/(3.8)`
    (5) `3.46xx10^(3)+4.58xx10^(2)`
    (6) `(437xx0.00612+208)`

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  5. Atomic mass of nitrogen is 14.0067 u. find out the mass of onee nitrogen atom (up to 3 significant figures).

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  6. If density of water is 1g/mL, then find the number of H-atoms in 45mL water (up to 3 significannt figures).

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  7. Dimension of an iron block is `4.6`in`xx`3.0 in`xx`1.9in
    and density of iron is 7.87/`cm^(3)`. Find out the mass of the iron block. [Given 1 in=2.54 cm]

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  8. Express 2.65 km distance in inch. [Given 1 km =1000m, 1m=1.094yd, 1yd=36 in].

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  9. Analysis of 30g of a compound D was found to contain 10g off element A and 20g of element B. again analysis of 45g of another compound E was found to contain 15g of element B and 30g of element C. caculate the amounts of D and E formed if 15g of A, 60g of B and 15g of C are mixed together and allowed to react with each other. also calculate total mass of the mixture after completion of the reaction. assume that no other reaction is possible except the reaction of B with A and C separately. state which laws of the chemical combination can be utilised in the calculation.

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  10. 5g of pure MgO (obtained by reaction of metallic magnesium with oxygen) contains 3g of Mg. again 8.5 g of pure MgO (obtained by heating `MgCO_(3)`) contains 5.1g of Mg. show that these results are in accordance with the law of constant proportions.

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  11. Two compounds A and B consist of tin and oxygen. Compound A contains 78.77% of tin and 21.23% of oxygen while compound B contains 88.12% of tin and 11.88% of oxygen. Show that these data illustrate the law of multiplee proportions.

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  12. Two oxides of a metal, M were heated separately in hydrogen. The water obtained in each case were carefully collected and weighed. It was observed that- (1) 0.725g of the first oxide gives 0.18g of water and (2) 2.86g of the second oxide gives 0.36g of water. show that these results are in acccordance with the law of multiple proportions.

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  13. Show that the following experimental data are in agreement with the law of reciprocal proportions: (1) 0.46g of Mg on burning in air forms 0.76g of MgO.
    (2) 0.41 g of Mg on reaction with excess of acid produces 380 `cm^(3)` of `H_(2)` at STP.

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  14. Ammonia contains 17.65% of hydrogen, water contains 11.11% of hydrogen and nitrous oxide contains 36.36% of oxygen. Show that these data illustrate the law of reciprocal proportions.

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  15. 2 volumes of `O_(3)` produce 3 volumes of `O_(2)` on complete decomposition. 40 mL of a mixture of `O_(3) and O_(2)` is heated at first and then brought back to the previous temperature and pressure. The volume of the gaseous mixture is now found to be 42 mL. find the percentage composition of `O_(3)` in the gas mixture by volume. the volume of all gases are measured under the same conditions of temperature and pressure.

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  16. What is the minimum volume of oxygen that must be mixed with 100 mL of carbon monoxide to convert it completely into carbon dioxde on explosion? Find the volume of carbon dioxidde formed at the same temperature and pressure. The volume of all gases are measured under the same conditions of temperature and pressure.

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  17. Under the same pressure and temperature, a mixture of 100 mL of water gas and 100 mL of `O_(2)` is subjected to explosion. Find the composition of the gas mixture formed by explosion under the same conditions of pressure and temperature.

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  18. Atomic weight of ordinary hydrogen is 1.008. ordinary hydrogen contains two isotopes `""_(1)^(1)H and ""_(1)^(2)H`. What is the weight percentage of `""_(1)^(2)H` in ordinarry hydrogen?

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  19. Chlorine occurs in nature in the form of two isotopes with atomic masses 34.97 and 36.97 respectively. The relative abundance of the isotopes are 0.735 and 0.245 respectively. Find the atomic mass of chlroine.

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  20. Determine the mass of 1 F-atom in gramm (F-19).

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  21. Calculate atomic volume of sodium 9atomic weight =23). Density of sodium=0.972g`*mL^(-1)`.

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  22. Find out the highest and lowest masses from the lowwing (1) 25.6g oxygen (atomic mass=16)
    (2) 2.86 gram-atom of sodium (atomic mass=23)
    (3) 0.254 gram-atom of iodine (atomic mass=127).

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  23. A compound contains 28g of nitrogn and 72% of metal by weight. In the compound, 3 atoms of metal remains combined with 2 atoms of nitrogen. What is the atomic mass of the metal?

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  24. Calculate the number of gram-molecule present in 14.7g of `H_(2)SO_(4)`.

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  25. Calculate the mass of 1.5 gram-molecular of glucose.

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  26. If the number of gram-molecule present in 4.8g of oxygen and x g of nitrogen be equal, calculate the value of x.

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  27. Calculate the volume of 3.6g of water vapour at 273K temperature and 1 atm pressure.

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  28. If the density of water at 273 K be `1.8g*cm^(-3)`, calculate its molar volume at that temperature.

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  29. How many mole of water molecules are present in 1.8 mL of water?

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  30. Calculate (1) the number of moles and (2) the volume at STP of 0.52g of acetylene.

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  31. At STP, the volume of 1 g of a gaseous substance is 280 mL. find its relative molar mass.

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  32. The volume of one atom of a metal M is `1.66xx10^(-23)cm^(3)`. Find the atomic mass of M (given: density of M=2.7`g*cm^(-3)`).

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  33. Haemoglobin was found to contain 0.335% iron (atomic weight of Fe=56). The molecular weight of haemoglobin is `1.67xx10^(4)`. Find the number of iron atoms in haemoglobin.

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  34. The mass of 0.1 mol of `X_(2)Y` is 4.4g and the mass of 0.05 mol of `XY_(2)` is 2.3g. Find the atomic masses of X and Y.

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  35. A plant virus is found to consist of uniform cylinderical particles whose diameters is 150 Å and length is 5000 Å. The specific volume of the virus is 0.75 `cm^(3)//g`. If the virus is considered to be a single particle, then find its molecular mass.

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  36. If we spend 10 lakh rupees per second then how much time will be required to spend an amount of money which is equal to Avogadro's number?

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  37. Find the weight of `12.046xx10^(25)` number of ammonia molecules.

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  38. What is the quantity of charge carriedy by 1 mol of electron?

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  39. Calculate the number of molecules left when `10^(21)` molecules of `CO_(2)` are removed from 200 mg of `CO_(2)`.

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  40. Find the number of atoms of hydrogen and oxygen present in one spherical drop of water with radius 1 mm at `4^(@)C`.

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  41. Find the number of electrons inn a drop sulphuric acid weighing `4.9xx10^(-3)`mg [assume it to be cent percent pure].

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  42. Find the number of (1) atoms and (2) molecules present in 1 g of oxygen.

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  43. Calculate the number of O-atoms present inn 112 L of `CO_(2)` gas at STP.

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  44. Find the number of neutrons present in `5xx10^(-4)` mol of `""^(14)C` isotope.

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  45. Find the number of hydrogen and oxygenn atoms present in 0.09 g of water.

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  46. What is the mass of 1 millimon of ammonia ? Also find the number of ammonia molecules present in it.

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  47. What will be the number of (1) moles of ethylene,
    (2) molecules of ethylene,
    (3) atoms of carbon in 0.28g of ethylene.

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  48. Find the (1) number of moles and (2) quantity in gram, contained in 100 L of ammonia at STP.

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  49. Suppose the human population of the world is `3xx10^(10)`. If 100 molecules of sugar `(C_(12)H_(22)O_(11))` are distributed per head, what is the total quantity of sugar required for distribution?

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  50. Find the number of atoms of nitrogen in (1) 1 gram-mole of NO and (2) 0.5 gram-mole of `NO_(2)`. Which one will be heavier-1 gram-mole of NO or 0.5 gram-mole of `NO_(2)` ?

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  51. A mixture contains `O_(2) and N_(2)` in the proportion of 1:4 by weight. What will be the ratio of the number of molecules of `O_(2)` and `N_(2)` in the mixture?

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  52. A young has given his bride an engagement ringg containing 0.50 carat diamond. How many atoms of carbon is present iin that ring? [1 carat=200 mg].

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  53. What is the number of O-atoms present in 44.8 L of ozone gas at STP?

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  54. The vapour density of a gaseous element is 5 times that of oxygen. If the element be triatomic, find its atomic mass.

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  55. 100 mL of any gas weighs 0.144g at STP. What is the vapour density of the gas?

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  56. Vapour density of sulphur relative to nitrogen gas at STP is 9.143. determine the molecular formula of sulphur vapour.

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  57. At STP, `250cm^(3)` of a gas weighs 0.7317g. If the density of `H_(2)` gas at STP be 0.08987`g*L^(-1)` then what will be the vapour density of the gas? Determine the molecular mass of the gas.

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  58. Volumes of `N_(2) and O_(2)` in any gas mixture are 80% and 20T respectively. Determine the average vapour density of the gas mixture.

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  59. At `26.7^(@)C`, the vapour density of a gaseous mixture containing `NO_(2) and N_(2)O_(4)` is 38.31. calculate the number of moles of `NO_(2)` in 100g of that mixture.

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  60. Vapour density of a gas, relative to air is 1.528. what is the mass of 2L of the gas at `27^(@)C` temperature and 750 mm Hg pressure? [vapour density of air, relative to hydrogen=14.4]

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  61. Under the same conditions of temperature and pressure, complete combustion of 1 volum of a gaseous hydrocarbon produces 3 volumes of carbon dioxide and 4 volumes of steam. What is the formula of the hydrocarbon?

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  62. Under the same conditions of temperature and pressure, a gaseous hydrocarbon contains hydrogen which is twice of its volume. If the vapour density of that hydrocarbon is 14, then what will be its molecular formula?

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  63. The weight of 350 mL of a diatomic gas at `0^(@)C` temperature and 2 atm pressure is 1g. Calculate the weight of its one atom.

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  64. For complete combusion, 24g of a solid element requires 44.8L of `O_(2)` at STP. The gaseous oxide produces in combusion occupies a volume off 44.8 L at STP. What is the molecular mass of the produced gaseous oxide?

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  65. A sample of hard water contains 20 mg of `Ca^(2+)` ions per litre. How many millimoles of `Na_(2)CO_(3)` would be requried to soften 1 L of the sample. Also calculate the mass of `Na_(2)CO_(3)`.

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  66. Atomic mass & equivalent weight of an element are 27 & 9 respectively. Find the formula of its chloride.

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  67. x gram of an element forms y gram of its chloride. Calculate the equivalent weight of the element.

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  68. Calculate the relative equivalent weight (E) of copperr in cuprous oxide.

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  69. A metallic oxide contains 60% metal. Calculate equivalent weight of the metal.

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  70. 0.56g of a metallic oxide cotains 0.16 of oxygen. Determine the equivalent weight of that metal.

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  71. Determine the equivalent weight of: (1) carbonate radical (2) ferrous sulphate [Fe=56]

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  72. When 0.3 g of a metal is dissolved in dilute HCl the volume of `H_(2)` gas liberated is 110 mL at `17^(@)C` and 755 mm Hg of pressure. [Aqueous tension at `17^(@)C=14.4` mm Hg] Determine the equivalent mass of the metal.

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  73. The equivalent mass of a metal is 11.6. when 0.177g of that metal is allowed to react completely with dilute HCl, what will be the volume of `H_(2)` gas liberated at `12^(@)C` and 766mm Hg pressure?

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  74. 20g of a metal reacts with dilute `H_(2)SO_(4)` to liberate 0.504g of `H_(2)` gas. Calculate the amount of metal oxide formed from 2.0g of the metal.

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  75. 3.26g of zinc reacts with acid to liberated 1.12 L of hydrogen gas `(H_(2))` at STP. Calculate the relative equivalent weight of zinc.

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  76. 15g of an element (A) reacs completely with 30g of another element (B). Calculate the specific equivalent weight of A if that of B is 60.

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  77. 0.362g of a metal is added to an aqueous solution of `AgNO_(3)`. Consequently, 3.225g of silver is precipitated. What is the equivalent mass of the metal. [Atomic mass of Ag=108, valency=1]

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  78. A metallic oxide contains 53% metal. The vapour density of the chloride of the metal is 66. find the atomic weight of the metal.

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  79. A metallic chloride contains 20.2% by mass of metal (M). I the atomic mass of the metal be 27. what is the molecular formula of the metallic chloride?

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  80. 8.08g of a metallic oxide on being reduced by `H_(2),` produces 1.8g of water. Find the quantity of `O_(2)` in the above oxide and the equivalent mass of the metal.

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  81. In the following reaction, determine the equivalent weight of `H_(3)PO_(4)`.
    `Ca(OH)_(2)+H_(3)PO_(4) to CaHPO_(4)+2H_(2)O[Ca=40,P=31]`

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  82. A metallic bromide weighing 1.878g is heated in a current of hydrogen chloride. Consequently 1.0 g of metallic chloride is obtained what is the equivalent mass of the metal?

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  83. Hydride of an element A contains 25% of hydrogen by mass. The percentages of oxygen in two oxides of that element are 57.1 and 72.7 respectively. If the atomic mass of the element be 12 determine the formula of the hydride and the two oxides.

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  84. The specific equivalent weight of a solid element is 17.8 and its specific heat is 0.124cal`*K^(-1)*g^(-1)`. Find its valency and correct specific atomic mass.

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  85. Specific heat of magnesium is 0.262 and magnesium chloride contains 25.5% by weight of magnesium. Determine the atomic mass, valency of magnesium andd also the formula of magnesium chloride.

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  86. An aqueous solution contains 0.22g of metallic chloride, 0.51g of `AgNO_(3)` is required for complete precipitation of chloride from that solution. If specific heat of the metal be 0.057 then what will be the correct atomic mass of of that metal? What is the formula of that metallic chloride?

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  87. The percentage by weight of chromium in green coloured chromium oxide (chromic oxide) is 68.43 and it is isomorphous with ferrix oxide. Estimate the correct atomic weight of chromium.

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  88. Potassium manganate and potassium chromate `(K_(2)CrO_(4))` are isomorphous to each other. Perrcentage of manganese by mass present in potassium manganate is 27.86. determine atomic mass of manganese.

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  89. An element (X) reacts with KOH to form a salt. The salt is isomorphous with potassium permanganate `(KMnO_(4))`. The oxide of the element X contains 61.2% of oxyge. Determine the formula of the oxide and atomic mass of X.

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  90. Oxides of two metals A and B are isomorphous. Atomic weight of B is 43.5 and the vapour density of its chloride is 75. the amount of oxygen present in 1.02 g of the oxide of A is 0.48. determine the atomic weight of A.

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  91. 3g of hydrated caclium chloride yields 1.52 g of the anhydrous salt on heating. What is the percentage of water present in the hydrated salt? Find the quantity of water associated per mole of the anhydrous salt.

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  92. What is the percentage of `P_(2)O_(5)` in calcium phosphate `[Ca_(3)(PO_(4))_(2)]`?

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  93. A compound contains 28% of nitrogen and 72% of a metal by mass. In the compound, 3 atoms of the metal remains combined with two atoms of nitrogen. Find the atomic mass of the metal.

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  94. Give the percentages of ammonium and sulphate radicals in Mohr salt `[(NH_(4))_(2)SO_(4)*FeSO_(4)*6H_(2)O]`.

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  95. Haematite `(Fe_(2)O_(3))` contains some water in addition to `Fe_(2)O_(3)`. 4.0 kg of this mineral contains 2.5 kg of iron. Find the purity of `Fe_(2)O_(3)` in the mineral.

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  96. A compound of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen contains 40% of carbon and 6.67% of hydrogen. Vapour density of the compound is 2.813 times of the vapour density of oxygen. Determine the empirical formula and molecular formula of the compound.

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  97. A gaseous hydrocarbon contains 75% carbon by mass. `100cm^(3)` of this gas at STP weighs 0.072g. What is the molecular formula of the hydrocarbon? [Weight of 1 litre hydrogen at STP=0.09g]

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  98. A compound on analysis gives the following percentage composition: K=31.83, Cl=28.98 and O=39.19. find the molecular formula of the compound if its molecularr mass be 122.5.

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  99. 0.93g of a compound containing C, H and N, on buring produces 2.64g `CO_(2)` and 0.63g `H_(2)O`. In another experiment, 0.186g of that compound yield `24.62cm^(3)` of nitrogen at 1 atmospheric pressure at `27^(@)C`. Molecular weight of the compound is 93. what is its molecular formula?

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  100. A compound composed of carbon, hydrogen and chlorine contains C=10.04% and Cl=89.12%. The vapour density of the compound is 59.75. determine its molecular formula.

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