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Complete Solutions to MCQ HOTSPOT (SINGLE CORRECT TYPE) of chapter STRUCTURE OF ATOM of Class 11 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions68
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Ionisation potential of hydrogen atom is 13.6 eV. Hydrogen atom is ground state is excited by monochromatic light of energy 12.1 eV. The spectral lines emitted by hydrogen according to bohr's theory will be-

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  2. The number of waves made by a bohr electron in an orbit of maximum magnetic quantum number +3 is-

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  3. which of the following orbitals has zero probability of finding the electron in xy plane

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  4. An electron beam with a de Broglie wavelength of P Å is accelerated till its wavelength is halved. By what factor will kinetic energy change-

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  5. If Aufbau rule is not followed then percent change in total (n+l) vlaue for unpaired electrons in `""_(25)Mn` is-

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  6. if the shortest wavelength of H-atom in Lyman series is X, then longest wavelength in Paschen series of `He^(+)` is-

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  7. The atomic numbers of elements X, Y, Z are 19, 21 and 25 respectively. The number of electron present in the 'M' shells of these elements follow the order-

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  8. Hydrogen atoms are excited on n=4 state. In the spectrum of emitted radiation, number of lines in the unltraviolet and visible regions are respectively-

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  9. Which orbital has only positive value of wave function at all distances from the nucleus-

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  10. The number of photons of light having wave number 'a' in 3J of energy source is-

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  11. The wavelength of de Broglie wave of the electron in the sixth orbit of H-atom is- (`r_(0)`=Bohr's radius)

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  12. In an orbit, velocity of an electron in excited state of H-atom is `1.093xx10^(6)cm*s^(-1)`. The circumference of this orbit is-

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  13. Which have the largest number of unpaired electrons in p-orbitals in their ground state electronic configuration-

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  14. answer any one question : (ii) find the equation of the plane passing through the intersection of the planes 2x+y+2z=9 and 4x-5y-4z=1 and through the point (3,2,-1).

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  15. Compared to the mass of lightest nuclei, the mass of an electron is only-

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  16. Among the following sets of quantum numbers, which one is incorrect for 4d-electrons-

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  17. Which d-orbitals has different shape from rest of all d-orbitals-

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  18. Which element possesses non-spherical shells-

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  19. Which have the samme number of s-electrons as the d-electrons in `Fe^(2+)`-

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  20. An anion `X^(3-)` has 36 electrons and 45 neutrons. What is the mass number of the element X-

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  21. Consider the set of quantum number 3,2,-2,`+(1)/(2)`, if the given subshell is completely filled. The next electron will enter orbital with n and l value-

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  22. Given that an orbital is symmetric about the nucleus, then the value of azimuthal quantum number and magnetic quantum number are respectively-

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  23. A certain F.M. station broadcasts at wavelength equal to 3.5 m. how many photons per second correspond to transmission of one kilowatt-

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  24. A Bohr orbit in H-atom has a radius of 8.464 Å. How many transitions may occur from this orbit to the ground state-

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  25. Angular momentum of the electron in the 4f-orbital of a one-electron species according to wave mechanics is-

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  26. Consider the ground state of Cr atom (Z=24). The number of electrons with the azimuthal quantum numbers, l=1 and 2 are respectively-

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  27. Which of the following radial distribution graphs correspond to l=2 the H-atom-

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  28. The magnetic moment of `M^(x+)` (atomic number of M=25) is `sqrt(15)BM`. The number of unpaired electrons and the value of x respectively are-

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  29. Which of the following graphs correspond to one node-

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  30. Radial part of the wave function depends upon quantum numbers-

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  31. Which of the following pairs of nuclides are isodiaphers-

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  32. The dissociation energy of `H_(2)` is 430.53 `kJ*mol^-1`. If hydrogen is dissociated by illumination with radiation of wavelength 253.7 nm, the fraction of the radiant energy which will be converted into kinetic energy is given by-

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  33. The correct order of penetrating power of 3s, 3p, 3d electrons is-

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  34. Hund's rule pertains to the distribution of electrons in-

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  35. A principal shell having the highest energy subshell to the 'g' can accommodate electrons to a maximum of-

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  36. When an electron of H-atom jumps from a higher to lower energy state, then-

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  37. What will be the number of spectral lines(N) observed if an electron undergoes transition from `n_(2)` excited level to `n_(1)` excited level in an atom of hydrogen-

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  38. Electromagnetic radiation with maximum wavelength is-

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  39. Brackett series are produced when the electrons from the outer orbits jumps to-

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  40. Of the following sets which one does NOTZ contain isoelectronic species-

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  41. The hydrogen like species `Li^(2+)` is in a psherically symmetric state `S_(1)` with one radial node. Upon absorbing light, the ion undergoes transition to a state `S_(2)`. The state `S_(2)` has one radial node and its energy is equal to the ground state energy of the hydrogen atom.
    Q. The state `S_(1)` is-

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  42. The hydrogen like species `Li^(2+)` is in a spherically symmetric state `S_(1)` with one radial node. Upon absorbing light, the ion undergoes transition to a state `S_(2)`. The state `S_(2)` has one radial node and its energy is equal to the ground state energy of the hydrogen atom.
    Q. Energy of the state `S_(1)` in units of the hydrogen atom ground state energy is-

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  43. The hydrogen like species `Li^(2+)` is in a psherically symmetric state `S_(1)` with one radial node. Upon absorbing light, the ion undergoes transition to a state `S_(2)`. The state `S_(2)` has one radial node and its energy is equal to the ground state energy of the hydrogen atom.
    Q. Orbital angular quantum number of the state `S_(2)` is-

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  44. In an atom, an electron is moving with a speed at 600 m/s with an accuracy of 0.005% certainty with which the position of the electron can be located is `(h=6.6xx10^(-34)kg*m^(2)*s^(-1)," mass of electron, "m_(e)=9.1xx10^(-31)kg)`-

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  45. The ionisation enthalpy of hydrogen atom is `1.312xx10^(6)J*mol^(-1)`. The energy required to excited the electron in the atom from n=1 to n=2 is-

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  46. If we apply potential difference so that an electron is accelerated continuously in a vaccum tube such that a decrease of 10% occurs in its de-Broglie wavelength. In such a case the change observed in kinetic energy of electron will be approximately-

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  47. An electron has wavelength `1A^@` the potential by which the electron is accelerated will be

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  48. If two particles are associated with same kinetic energy, then the de Broglie's wavelength `(lamda)` of these particles is-

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  49. The ratio of magnetic moments of `Fe(III) and CO(II)` is-

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  50. It is were possible for hydrogen atom to exist with a position as the extra-nuclear particle, then the energy of position in first excited state will be-

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  51. The direction cosines of a line satisfy the relations `lambda(l+m)=na n dm n+n l+l m=0.` The value of `lambda,` for which the two lines are perpendicular to each other, is a. `1` b. `2` c. `1//2` d. none of these

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  52. Identify the orbitals for which n=4 and l=1-

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  53. The orbital which have samme number of nodes are-

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  54. In the ground state, an element has 13 electrons in its M-shell. The element is-

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  55. Angular momentum of an electron may have the values-

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  56. The line spectrum is noticed during the transition of electron from higher excited state to lower one in H-atom only whe it falls from-

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  57. Select the pair of atoms having the same no. of electrons in their outermost shell-

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  58. Which consists of particle of matter-

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  59. Which have two radial nodes-

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  60. The ratio of `lamda_(alpha) and lamda_(beta)` for Balmer series of hydrogen spectra is given by-

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  61. Indicate the conditions under which the ratio of de Broglie wavelengths of an `alpha`-particle and a proton will be-

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  62. Which of the following ions is/are paramagnetic-

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  63. The energy of an electron in the first Bohr orbit of H-atom is -13.6 eV. Then, which of the following statement(s) is/are correct for `He^(+)` -

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  64. For which of the following species, the expression for the energy of electron in nth orbit, `E_(n)=(13.6Z^(2))/(n^(2))eV*"atom"^(-1)` has the validity-

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  65. According to Bohr's atomic theory, which of the following relations are correct-

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  66. Which is correct in case of p-orbitals-

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  67. An isotope of `""_(32)^(76)Ge` is-

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  68. Which of the following are correct-

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MCQ HOTSPOT (SINGLE CORRECT TYPE) questions and complete solutions for chapter STRUCTURE OF ATOM of CHHAYA CHEMISTRY (BENGALI ENGLISH) of Class 11