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Complete Solutions to NUMERICAL EXAMPLES of chapter STRUCTURE OF ATOM of Class 11 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions75
Academic Year2023-24
  1. An atom of an element contains 2 electrons in the first shell (n=1), 8 electrons in the second shell (n=2) and 5 electrons in the third shell (n=3). There are 16 neutrons in the nucleus of the atom. From these data, find (1) the atomic no. of the element, (2) the no. of s and p-electrons int he atom, (3) mass no. of the element.

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  2. Determine the number of protons present in 5.6 L of a sample of oxygen gas at STP, containing `""^(16)O` isotope only.

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  3. Find the number of protons required to fill a sphere of `10cm^(3)` volume. What is the mass of those number of protons?

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  4. Determine the number of neutrons and their mass, present in 7 mg of `""_(6)^(14)C`. Assume that the mass of 1 neutron=mass of 1 H-atom.

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  5. (1) How many different types of HCl molecule can be produced from two natural isotopes of hydrogen `(""^(1)H=99% and ""^(2)H+1%)` and two natural isotopes of chlorine `(""^(35)Cl=76% and ""^(37)Cl=24%)`.
    (2) Arrange the molecules obtained from (1) in the decreasing order of their availability.

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  6. A sample of oxygen contains the isotope, `""^(18)O`. How many neutrons are present in 11.2 L of the gas at STP?

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  7. A sample contains two isotopes, `""^(16)O and ""^(18)O`. How many protons are present in 11.2 L of the sample at STP. What would be the difference in the no. of protons, if the sample contains only one isotope?

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  8. Yellow light emitted from a sodium lamp has wavelength 580 nm. Calculate the frequency nad wave number of yellow light.

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  9. A radio station broadcasts at a frequency of 100 MHz. how long would it take to reach a receiving system at a distance of 300 km? calculate wavelength and wave number of these radiations.

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  10. Calculate the wavelength of an electromagnetic radiation of frequency of 97.8 MHz.

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  11. How long would it take a radio wave of frequency, `6.2xx10^(3)s^(-1)` to travel from Mars to Earth, the distance being `8.1xx10^(7)km`?

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  12. A ray of light of frequency 5000 Å is incident on a metal surface and thus, absorbs `10^(-7)J` of energy. Calculate the number of photons incident on the metal surface.

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  13. The threshold frequency, `v_(0)` for a metal is `7.0xx10^(14)s^(-1)`. Calculate the kinetic energy of an electron emitted, when radiation of frequency `v=1.2xx10^(15)s^(-1)`, strikes this metal.

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  14. If a light with frequency `2.0xx10^(16)Hz` emitted photoelectrons with double the kinetic energy as are emitted by the light of frequency `1.25xx10^(16)Hz` from the same metal surface, calculate the threshold frequency of the metal.

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  15. When a radiation of frequency `7.5xx10^(14)Hz` strikes a metal surface, the maximum kinetic enegy attained by the emitted electrons is `1.6xx10^(-19)J`. Calculate the threshold frequency of the metal.

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  16. Calculate the energy of each quantum of electromagnetic radiation having wavelength of 6000 Å [`h=6.624xx10^(-27)` erg.s]

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  17. Calculate the energy of 1 mol of photons an electromagnetic radiation of frequency `2.5xx10^(14)Hz." "[h=6.626xx10^(-34)J*s]`

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  18. How many photons of light with wavelength 400 nm can provide 1 J energy? `[h=6.626xx10^(-34)J*s]`

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  19. Find the wave number of and energy of each photon present in yellow light having wavelength 580 nm.
    `[c=3xx10^(8)m*s^(-1) and h=6.626xx10^(-34)J*s]`

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  20. Calculate the frequency of light emitted when an electron drops from a higher to lower energy level of an atom and the difference between the two energy level is `35.64xx10^(-13)` erg. `[h=6.626xx10^(-27)erg*s]`

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  21. An 80W bulb emits a monochromatic light of wavelenth 480nm. Calculate the number of photons emitted epr second by the bulb.

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  22. Calculate the wavelength of a photon (in nm) having enerrgy of 1eV.

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  23. Iodine molecule absorbs radiation of wavelength 450 nm to dissociate into iodine atoms. If each molecule of iodine absorbs 1 quantum of radiation, determine the kinetic energy of iodine atom. (Bond energy of `I_(2)=240kJ*mol^(-1)`)

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  24. Calculate the energy associate with 1 mol of photon corresponding to electromagnetic radiation having a frequency of `5xx10^(14)Hz`.

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  25. Calculate the wavelengths of `H_(alpha) and H_(delta)` in the emission spectrum of hydrogen. [R=109678`cm^(-1)`].

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  26. Identify the spectral line having wavelength of `4.863xx10^(-5)cm` in the emission spectra of hydrogen.

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  27. Determine the wavelength and frequency of the radiation having the longest wavelength in Lyman series of hydrogen atom.

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  28. Wave number of a spectral line in the Lyman series of H-atom is 82260 `cm^(-1)`. Show that this line has appeared in this series due to the return of the electron from the second to the first orbit.

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  29. Calculate the shortest and longest wavelength in Lyman series of hydrogen spectrum.

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  30. Show that Balmer series appears between 3647Å and 6563Å in the hydrogen spectrum.

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  31. Calculate the wavelength of the spectral line with `n_(2)=3` in Lyman series of hydrogen atom.

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  32. Calculate the energy assocaited with the fifth orbit of H-atom, if the energy associated with the first orbit is `2.17xx10^(18)J*"atom"^(-1)`.

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  33. The radius of the first orbit of H-atom is 0.53 Å. Find the radius of the fifth orbit.

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  34. Will there the regular variations in the energy associated with successive principal quantum numbers of hydrogen-like atoms?

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  35. Energy associated with the n-th orbit of H-atom is given by the expresion, `E_(n)=(-13.6)/(n^2)eV`. Show that `E_((n+1))-E_(n)=(13.6xx2)/(n^(3))eV`, when 'n' is very large.

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  36. If an electron is promoted from the third orbit of a hydrogen atom, they by how many times will the radius of the orbit be increased?

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  37. If an electron drops from the third orbit (n=3) to the first orbit (n=1) of H-atom, what will be the frequency and wavelength of the radiation emitted? What would have happened if the electron jumped from the first orbit to the third orbit?

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  38. Find the wavelength (in angstrom) of the photon emitted when an electron jumps from the second Bohr orbit to the first bohr orbit of hydrogen atom. Ionisation potential of hydrogen atom in its ground energy state `=2.17xx10^(-11)` erg`*"atom"^(-1)`

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  39. Determine the wavelengths of `H_(alpha) and H_(beta)` lines in the Balmer series. `[R=109677cm^(-1)]`

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  40. Find the velocity of electron revolving in the third orbit of hydrogen atom. Also determine the number of revolutions of the electron per second around the nucleus.

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  41. Prove the the velocity of electron revolving in the 1st orbit of H-atom is nearly `10^(-2)` times that of light.

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  42. If the energy of first Bohr orbit is -13.58eV, then what will be the energy of the third Bohr orbit?

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  43. Velocity of an electron revolving in a certain orbit of H-atom is `(1)/(275)` tiems the velocity of light. Find the orbit in which the electron is revolving.

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  44. According to Bohr's theory, energy of electron in n-th orbit of H-atom, `E_(n)=-(21.76xx10^(-19))/(n^(2))J`. Find the longest wavelength of radiation required to remove one electron from the 3rd orbit of `He^(+)` ion.

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  45. Calculate the energy emitted when electron of 1.0g atom of hydrogen undergo transition emitting the spectral line of lowest energy in the visible region of its atomic spectrum `[R_(H)=1.1xx10^(7)m^(-1)`]

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  46. The atomic spectrum of hydrogen contains a series of four lines havinng wavelengths 656.5, 486.3, 434.2 and 410.3 nm. Determine the wavelength of the next line in the same series `[R_(H)=109678cm^(-1)]`.

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  47. The angular momentum of an electron in a Bohr's orbit of hydrogen atom is `3.1655xx10^(-34)kg*m^(2)*s^(-1)`. Calculate the wavelength of the spectral line emitted when an electron falls from this level to the next lower level.

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  48. Calculate the distance of separation between the second and third orbits of hydrogen atom.

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  49. After absorbing an energy of `20.44xx10^(-19)J`, the electron of H-atom will jump to which orbit ?

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  50. Calculate the wavelength of the de Broglie wave associated with an electron moving with a velocity of `2.05xx10^(7)m*s^(-1)`.

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  51. Calculate the velocity of an electron having de Broglie wavelength of 200 Å.

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  52. Calculate the ratio of velocities of a moving electron to that of a proton associated with the same de Broglie wavelength. `[m_(e)=9.11xx10^(-31)kg,m_(p)=1.67xx10^(-27)kg,h=6.626xx10^(-34)J*s`]

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  53. Calculate the momentum of particle which has a de Broglie wavelength of 0.1 Å.

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  54. Calculate the de Broglie wavelength of a proton which is moving with a kinetic energy of `5xx10^(-23)` J.

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  55. Calculate the de Broglie wavelength of an electron moving with a speed that is 1% of the speed of light.

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  56. Calculate the kinetic energy of an `alpha`-particle which has a de broglie wavelength 8 pm.

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  57. Calculate the de Broglie wavelength of an electron accelerating in a particle accelerator through a potential difference of 110 million volt.

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  58. Find de Broglie wavelength associated with a tennis ball of mass 60g moving with a velocity of 10 `m*s^(-1)`.

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  59. Calculate wavelength (in nm) associated with a beam of protons moving with velocity of `10^(3)m*s^(-1)`. [Mass of proton `1.67xx10^(-27)kg,h=6.63xx10^(-34)J*s`]

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  60. Calculate the wavelength of an `alpha`-particle having an energy of `6.8xx10^(-18)J`.

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  61. Calculate the wavelength of the wave associated with an electron beam, if the beam is accelerated by a potential difference of 5000 volt.

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  62. The electron of H-atom in ground state absorbs energy equal to 1.5 times the minimum energy, required to remove the electron from the hydrogen atom. Calculate the wavelength of the electron emitted. [mass of electron`=9.11xx10^(-31)kg`].

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  63. Find the velocity of an electron so that its momentum is equal to that of a photon of wavelength 650 nm.

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  64. The kinetic energy of a subatomic particle is `3.60xx10^(-24)`J. calculate the frequency of the corresponding particle wave.

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  65. Calculate the mass of a photon with wavelength 3.6 Å.

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  66. Calculate the uncertainty ini velocity `(m*s^(-1))` of a moving object of mass 25g, if the uncertainty in its position be `10^(-5)m`. `[h=6.6xx10^(-34)J*s]`

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  67. An electron has a velocity of 600`m*s^(-1)` [accuracy: 0.005%]. With what accuracy can we locate the position of this electron[ mass of an electron=`9.1xx10^(-31)kg,h=6.6xx10^(-34)J*s`]

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  68. The uncertainties in posiiton and velocity of a particle are `10^(-10)`m and `5.27xx10^(-24)m*s^(-1)` respectively. Calculate the mass of the particle.

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  69. If uncertainties in position and momentum of a moving object are same, find uncertanty in velocity.

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  70. Calculate the uncertainty in velocity of an electron if the uncertainty in its possible is of the order `+-12` pm.

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  71. Calculate the minimum uncertainty in the position of a bullet of mass 2.5 g having a probable velocity between 60,000,000 and 60,000,001 `m*s^(-1)`.

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  72. The uncertainty in the determination of velocity of a dust particle (of mass 0.1 mg) is `4.5xx10^(-20)m*s^(-1)`. Calculate the least uncertainty in its position.

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  73. In an exerperiment, the measured velocity of an electron is `50m*s^(-1)`. If this measurement of velocity involves 99.999% accuracy, find the uncertainty in the determination of its position.

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  74. If uncertainties in the measurement of position and momentum of an electron are found to be equal in magnitude, then what is the uncertainty in the measurement of velocity? Comment on the result.

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  75. Calculate the product of uncertainties in the position and velocity of an electron of mass `9.1xx10^(-31)kg`, according to Heisenberg's uncertainty principle.

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NUMERICAL EXAMPLES questions and complete solutions for chapter STRUCTURE OF ATOM of CHHAYA CHEMISTRY (BENGALI ENGLISH) of Class 11