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Complete Solutions to SOLVED NCERT EXERCISE of chapter REDOX REACTIONS of Class 11 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions64
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Assign oxidation number to the underline elements in each of the following species:

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  2. Assign oxidation number to the underline elements in each of the following species:

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  3. Assign oxidation number to the underline elements in each of the following species:
    `H_(4)underline (P)_(2)O_(7)`

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  4. Assign oxidation number to the underline elements in each of the following species:
    `K_(2)underline (Mn)O_(4)`

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  5. Assign oxidation number to the underline elements in each of the following species:

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  6. Assign oxidation number to the underline elements in each of the following species:

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  7. Assign oxidation number to the underline elements in each of the following species:

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  8. Assign oxidation number to the underline elements in each of the following species:

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  9. What are the oxidation number of the underline elements in each of the following and how do your rationalise your results
    `underline (KI_(3))`

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  10. What are the oxidation number of the underline elements in each of the following and how do your rationalise your results
    `H_(2)underline(S)_(4)` O_(6)`

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  11. What are the oxidation number of the underline elements in each of the following and how do your rationalise your results
    `underline (Fe_(3))O_(4)`

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  12. What are the oxidation number of the underline elements in each of the following and how do your rationalise your results
    `underline((C)H_(3))underline (C)H_(2)OH`

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  13. What are the oxidation number of the underline elements in each of the following and how do your rationalise your results

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  14. Justify the following reactions are redox reactions :

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  15. Justify the following reactions are redox reactions :
    `Fe2O_(3)(s) +3CO(g)to2Fe(s)+3CO_(2)(g)`

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  16. Justify the following reactions are redox reactions :

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  17. Justify the following reactions are redox reactions :

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  18. Justify the following reactions are redox reactions :

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  19. Fluroine reacts with ice and results in the change : `H_(2)O+F_(2)(g)toHF(g)+HOF(g)`,Justify than this reaction is a redox reaction.

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  20. Calculate the oxidation number of sulphur, chromium and nitrogen in `H_(2)SO_(5),Cr_(2)O_(7)^(2-)&NO_(3)^(-)`,Suggest structure of these compounds .

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  21. Write fromula for the following compounds:
    Mercury (II) chloride

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  22. Write fromula for the following compounds:
    Nickel (II) sulphate

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  23. Write fromula for the following compounds:
    Tin(IV) oxide

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  24. Write formula for the following compounds:
    Thallium(I) sulphate

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  25. Write fromula for the following compounds:
    Iron (III) sulphate

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  26. Write fromula for the following compounds:
    Chromium (III) oxide

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  27. Suggest a list of the substance where carbon can exhibit oxidation states from -4 to +4 and nitrogen from -3 to +5

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  28. While sulphur dioxide and hydrogen peroxide can act as oxidising as well as reducing agents in their reaction ozone and nitric acid act only as oxidatns .Why ?

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  29. consider the reactions:
    Why it is more approporiate to write these reactions as:
    Also suggest a technique to investigate the path of the above 1 and 2 redox reactions.

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  30. consider the reactions:
    Why it is more approporiate to write these reactions as:
    Also suggest a technique to investigate the path of the above 1 and 2 redox reactions.

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  31. consider the reactions:
    Why it is more approporiate to write these reactions as:
    Also suggest a technique to investigate the path of the above 1 and 2 redox reactions.

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  32. consider the reactions:
    Why it is more approporiate to write these reactions as:
    Also suggest a technique to investigate the path of the above 1 and 2 redox reactions.

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  33. consider the reactions:
    Why it is more approporiate to write these reactions as:
    Also suggest a technique to investigate the path of the above 1 and 2 redox reactions.

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  34. consider the reactions:
    Why it is more approporiate to write these reactions as:
    Also suggest a technique to investigate the path of the above 1 and 2 redox reactions.

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  35. The compound `AgF_(2)` is an unstable compound, However ,if formed the compound acts as a very strong oxidising agent .Why?

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  36. Whenever a reaction between an oxidising agent and a reducing agent is carried out, a compound of lower oxidation state is formed if the oxidising agent is in excess justify this statement giving three illustrations .

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  37. How do you count the following obeservation ?

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  38. Through alkaline potassium permanganate and acidic potassiums permanganate both are used as oxidants ,yet in the manufacture of benzioc acid from toluene we use alcohlic potassium permanganate as an oxidant .Why ? Write a balanced redox equation for the reacitons

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  39. When concentrated sulphuric acid is added to an inorganic mixture containing chloride ,we get colourless pungent smelling gas HCI, but if the mixture contains bromide then we get red vapour of bromine .Why?

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  40. Idenfity oxidised ,reduced oxidising agent and reducing agent for each of the following reactions

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  41. Consider the reactions: `2S_(2)O_(3)^(2-)(aq)+I_(2)(s)toS_(4)O_(6)^(2-)(aq)+2I^(-)(aq)`
    Why does the same reductant ,thiosulphate react differently with iodine and bromine ?

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  42. Justify giving reaction that among halogens, fluorine is the best oxidant and among hydrohalic compounds, hydroiodic acid in the best reductant.

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  43. Why does the following reaction occurs?

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  44. Consider the reactions

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  45. Consider the reactions
    What interference do you draw about the behaviour of `Ag^+` & `Cu^(2+)` from these reactions?

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  46. Consider the reactions
    What interference do you draw about the behaviour of `Ag^+` & `Cu^(2+)` from these reactions?

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  47. Consider the reactions
    `C_(6)H_(5)CHO(l)+2Cu^(2)+(aq)+5OH^(-)(aq)to` no change observed
    What interference do you draw about the behaviour of `Ag^+` & `Cu^(2+)` from these reactions?

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  48. Balance the following redox reactions by ion -electron method:
    `MnO_(4)^(-)(aq)+I^(-)(aq)toMnO_(2)(s)+I_(2)(s)`(in basic medium)

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  49. Balance the following redox reactions by ion -electron method:
    `MnO_(4)^(-)(aq)+SO_(2)(g)toMn^(2+)(aq)+HSO_(4)^(-)(aq)`(in acidic solution)

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  50. Balance the following redox reactions by ion -electron method:
    `H_(2)O_(2)(aq)+Fe^(2+)(aq) to Fe^(3+)(aq)+H_(2)O(l)`(in acidic solution)

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  51. Balance the following redox reactions by ion -electron method:
    `Cr_(2)O_(7)^(2-) +SO_(2)(g)toCr^(3+)(aq)+SO_(4)^(2-)(aq)` (in acidic solution)

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  52. Balance the following equation in basic medium by ion-electron method and oxidation number methods & Identify the oxidising agent of & the reducing agent.

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  53. Balance the following equation in basic medium by ion-electron method and oxidation number methods & Identify the oxidising agent of & the reducing agent.

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  54. Balance the following equation in basic medium by ion-electron method and oxidation number methods & Identify the oxidising agent of & the reducing agent.

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  55. What sorts of information can draw from the following reaction ?
    `(CN)_(2)(g)+2OH^(-)(aq)toCN^(-)(aq)+CNO^(-) (aq)+H_(2)O(l)`

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  56. The `Mn^(3+)` ion is unstable in solution and undergoes disproportionation to give `Mn^(2+)` , `MnO_(2)`, and `H^(+)` ion. Write a balanced inoic equation for the reaction .

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  57. Identify the element that exhibits only negative oxidation state .

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  58. Identify the element that exhibits only Positive oxidation state .

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  59. Identify the element that exhibits only Positive and negative oxidation state .

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  60. Identify the element which exhibits neither the negative nor does the positive oxidation state .

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  61. Chlorine is used to purify drinking water. Excess of chlorine is harmful . The excess of chlorine is removed bt treating with sulphur dioxide . Present a balanced equation for this redox change taking place in water.

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  62. Select the possible non -metals that can show disproportionation reaction

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  63. Select three metals that can show disproportionation reaction .

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  64. In Ostwaid's process for the manufacture of nitric acid , the first step involves the oxidation of anmonia gas by oxygen gas to give nitric oxide gas and steam . What is the maximum weight of nitric oxide that can be obtained starting only with 10.00 g of ammonia and 20.00 if oxygen ?

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SOLVED NCERT EXERCISE questions and complete solutions for chapter REDOX REACTIONS of CHHAYA CHEMISTRY (BENGALI ENGLISH) of Class 11