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Complete Solutions to EXAMPLES of chapter ELASTICITY of Class 11 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions41
Academic Year2023-24
  1. An 8kg mass is suspended from one end of an iron wire of length 2 m and diameter 1mm. IF the young's modulus of iron is `2 times 10^12` dyn. `cm^-2`, then what is the increase in length of the wire? [`g=980 cm.s^-2`]

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  2. The volume of 1 litre of glycerine decrease by `0.42 cm^3` on application of a pressure of `20^-2`.Calculate the bulk modulus of glycerine.

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  3. The upper surface of an aluminium cube of side 10 cm is displaced by 0.03 cm with respect to its firmly held lower surface by a tangential force of `7.5 times 10^10 dyn`. Calculate the modulus of rigidity of aluminium.

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  4. A metallic wire of length 3 m is stretched to produce an elongation of 2 mm. IF the diameter of the wire is 1mm, then find the decrease in its diameter due to this elongation.Poisson's ratio for the material of the wire is 0.24.

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  5. When a body of mass 5kg is hung from a wire of length 1 m and radius 2mm,the length increases by 0.1 mm, IF the poisson's ratio is 0.4 , what will be the change in the radius of the wire? If the load is reduced to 2kg,how will the radius change?

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  6. The change in length of a wire of a circular cross section is found to be 0.01% due to longitudinal stress, IF the poisson's ratio for the material is 0.2, what is the percentage change in volume?

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  7. A metallic wire of length and diameter 3 m and 0.001 m respectively is stretched by a load of 10 kg.Young's modulus and Poisson's ratio of the material of the wire are respectively `20 times 10^10 N.m^-2` and 0.28 . Calculate the decrease in the diameter of the wire. (`g=9.8 m.s^-2`)

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  8. A wire of length 2m and diameter 2cm is suspended vertically with its top end fixed. Its poisson's ratio and Young's modulus are 0.2 and `1.8 times 10^11 N.m^-2` respectively.What will be its lateral strain if a load of 1000kg is suspended at its lower end ?

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  9. A rubber cord of length 10 m is suspended vertically. How much does it stretch under its own weight? Density of rubber `=1.5 times 10^3 kg .m^-3`, Young's modulus of rubber `=6 times 10^6^-2`, g=`9.8 m.s^-2`

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  10. A force of `10^6 N.m^-2` is required for breaking a material. IF the density of the material is `3 times 10^3 kg.m^-3`, then what should be the length of the wire made of this material , so that it breaks due its own weight? [`g=9.8 m.s^-2`]

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  11. A copper wire of negligible mass of length 1 m and cross sectional area `10^-6 m^2` is kept on a smooth horizontal table with one end fixed. A ball of mass 1 kg is attached to the other end. The wire and the ball are revolving with an angular velocity of `20 rad.s^-1`. IF the elongation in the length of the wire is `10^-3m`, obtain the Young's modulus. IF on increasing the angular velocity to `100 rad .s^-1` the wire breaks down, obtain the breaking stress.

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  12. A steel cable with a radius of 1.5 cm supports a chair-lift at a ski area. IF the maximum stress does not exceed `10^8 N.m^-2`, what is the maximum load that the cable can support?

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  13. What amount of work must be done in stretching a wire, of length 1 m and of cross sectional area `1mm^2`, by 0.1mm? Young's modulus for the material `=2 times 10^11 N.m^-2`.

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  14. When the load on a wire is increased from 3kg to 5kg, the elongation of the wire increases from 0.6mm to 1mm.How much work is done during this extension of the wire?

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  15. For a uniform wire of length 3 m and cross sectional area `1mm^2`, 0.021 J of work is necessary to stretch it through 1mm. Calculate the Young's modulus for its material.

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  16. Two uniform wires of length 3m and 4m respectively are made of the same material To stretch both these wires by the same length, 0.03J and 0.05 J of work on necessary. Calculate the ratio of the cross sectional area of the two wires.

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  17. When a mass of 4 kg is hung from the lower and of a spring.IF elongates by 1cm.(i) What is the force constant of the spring? (ii) If a load of 2kg is hung from the lower end of the spring , then find its elongation.

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  18. The force constant of a spring is k. The spring is cut into three equals parts. Find the force constant of each part.

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  19. The force constant of a spring of length l is k. the spring is cut into two parts of lenghts `l_1` and `l_2`. IF `l_1=nl_2`, then find the spring constants `k_1` and `k_2` of the two parts.n is an integer.

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  20. To increase the length of an electric string of radius 3.5 mm by `1/20` the of its initial length, within its elastic limit, a 10N force is required, Calculate the Young's modulus for the material of the string.

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  21. Two wires of the same length but of difference materials have diameter of 1mm and 3mm respectively.IF both of them are stretched by the same force,then the elongation of the first wire becomes thrice that of the second. Compare their Young's modull.

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  22. IF the elastic limit of a typical rock is `3 times 10^8 N.m^-2` and its mean density is `3 times 10^3 kg.m^-3`, estimate the maximum height of a mountain on the earth. (`g=10 m.s^-2`)

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  23. Two equal and opposite forces are applied tangentially to two mutually opposite faces of an aluminium cube of side 3 cm to produce a shear of `0.01^@`. IF the modulus of rigidity for aluminium is `7 times 10^10 N.m^-2`, then calculate the force applied.

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  24. A rubber cord of length 20 m is supplied from a rigid support by one of its ends it hangs vertically. What will be the elongation of the cord due to its own weight? The density of rubber=`1.5^-3` and Young 's modulus=`49 times 10^7 N.m^-2`.

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  25. A steel wire of diameter 0.8 mm and length 1m is clamped firmly at two points A and B
    which are 1 m apart in the same horizontal line. A body is hung from the middle point
    of the wire such that the middle point sags 1 cm from the original position. Calculate the
    mass of the body.
    [`Y=2 times 10^12^-2`]

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  26. IF the work done in stretching a uniform wire, of cross section `1mm^2` and length 2m, by 1mm is 0.05 joule, find the young's modulus for the material of the wire.

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  27. A cylindrical pipe of uniform cross section and of length 120 cm is closed at one end and is completely filled with water. Kept upright, the cylinder is stretched to increase its length. It elongates by 1 cm, but the length of the water-column increases by 0.7 cm. Calculate the Poisson's ratio of the material of the pipe.

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  28. A light bar of length 2 m is suspended horizontally by means of two wires of equal lengths connected to its two ends. One wire is of steel having a cross sectional area of `0.1 cm^2`, the other is of brass with a cross sectional area of `0.2 cm^2`,Find the point on the bar from where a weight must be suspended so that both the wires experience (i) the same stress,(ii) the same strain, Given the young's modulus for steel `=2 times 10^11 N.m^-2` and that for brass `=10 times 10^10 N.m^-2`.

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  29. A sphere of mass 25 kg and radius 0.1 m is hung from the celling of a room with the help of a steel wire. The height of the ceiling from the floor is 5.21 m. When the sphere is hung just like a pendulam, its lower surface touches the floor of the room. What will be the velocity of the sphere at the lowest points of its oscillation? The young's modulus for steel =`2 times 10^11 N.m^-2`, the initial length of the wire =5 m and the radius of the wire`=5 times 10^-4 m`.

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  30. Two blocks A and B are connected to each other by a string and spring , the string passes over a frictionless pulley as shown in fig.1.16 Block B slides over the horizontal top surface of a stationary block C and the block A slides along the vertical side of C, both with the same uniform speed. the coefficient of friction between the surfaces of the blocks is 0.2. THe force constant of the spring is `1960 N.m^-1`. IF the mass of the block A is 2kg, calculate the mass of the block B and the energy stored in the spring.

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  31. On application of a pressure of `21^-2` , the volume of 1 litre of an oil decreases by `840 mm^3`.Calculate the bulk modulus and compressibility of the oil.

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  32. A 0.5 kg block slides from a point A [fig.1.17] on a horizontal track with an initial speed of `3 m.s^-1` towards a weightless horizontal spring of length 1 m and of force constant `2 N.m^-1`. The part AB of the track is frictionless and the part BC has coefficients of static and kinetic friction as 0.22 and 0.2 respectively. If the distance AB and BD are 2 m and 2.14 m respectively. Find the total distance covered by the black before it comes to rest (`g=10 m.s^-2`)

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  33. The bodies A and B of masses m and 2m respectively are put on a smooth floor. They are connected by a spring . A third body C of mass m moves with a velocity `v_0` along the line joining A and B and collides elastically with A as shown in fig1.18.At a certain instant of time `t_0` after the collision, it is found that the instantaneous velocities of A and B are the same. Further,at this instant the compression of the spring is found to be `x_0`. FInd out the common velocity of A and B at time `t_0` and (ii) the force constant of the spring.

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  34. The bodies A and B of masses m and 2m respectively are put on a smooth floor. They are connected by a spring . A third body C of mass m moves with a velocity `v_0` along the line joining A and B and collides elastically with A as shown in fig1.18.At a certain instant of time `t_0` after the collision, it is found that the instantaneous velocities of A and B are the same. Further,at this instant the compression of the spring is found to be `x_0`. FInd out the force constant of the spring.

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  35. IF the tension in a wire increases gradually to 6kg, the elongation of the wire becomes 1.13mm. Calculate the work done.

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  36. A body of mass 4 kg and density `2.5^-3`, suspended by a metallic wire of length 1 m and diameter 2mm, is kept completely immersed in water. What will be the increase in the length of the wire? Young's modulus of the metal `=2 times 10^11 N.m^-2` and `g=9.8 m.s^-2`.

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  37. A 0.1 kg mass is suspended from a wire of negligible mass. The length of the wire is 1 m and its cross sectional area is `4.9 times 10^-7 m^2`. IF the mass is pulled a little in the vertically downward direction and released, it performs simple harmonic motion of angular frequency `140 rad.s^-1`. If the young's modulus of the material of the wire is `n times 10^9 N.m^-2` Calculate the value of n.

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  38. Stress-strain graph of an elastic material is shown in fig.1.18.Using the graph find the young's modulus of the material.

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  39. A 3kg of mass is hanging from one end of a vertical copper wire of length 2 m and of diameter 0.5 mm, due to this the elongation produced in the wire is 2.38 mm. Find young's modulus of copper.

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  40. Six external forces, each of magnitude F, are applied on all the faces of a unit cube. Considering its elastic modulus ,calculate the longitudinal strain and the volume strain on the unt cube.

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  41. One end of a horizontal thick copper wire of length 2 L and radius 2R is welded to an end of another horizontal thin copper wire of length L and radius R. When the arrangement is stretched by applying forces at two ends, find the ratio of the elongation in the thin wire to that in the thick wire.

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EXAMPLES questions and complete solutions for chapter ELASTICITY of CHHAYA PHYSICS (BENGALI ENGLISH) of Class 11