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Complete Solutions to HIGHER ORDER THINKING SKILL (HOTS ) QUESTION of chapter ELASTICITY of Class 11 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions20
Academic Year2023-24
  1. What is more elastic-steel or diamond?

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  2. Explain why the temperature of a wire under tension will charge if it snaps suddenly?

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  3. Two bodies M and N of equal mass are hung separtely from two lightweight springs. Force constants of the springs are `k_1` and `k_2`. The bodies are set to vibrate so that their maximum velocities are equal. Find the ratio of the amplitudes of vibration of the two bodies.

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  4. Springs are usually made of steel but not of copper why?

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  5. On the basis of the moduli of elasticity , distinguish between solid, liquid and gaseous substances.

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  6. The poisson' s ratio of a wire of `sigma`. Show that if e is the longitudinal strain due to an applied forces, the volume strain will be `e(1-2sigma)`.

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  7. In the case of an elastic body which one is more fundamental -stress or strain?

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  8. "Within elastic limit the Poisson's ratio depends only on the nature of the material but not on the stress applied"-explain.

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  9. For a steel wire, if the diameter is larger , it can with stand a greater load. Why?

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  10. In fig.1.21 load-elongation of two wires made of two different materials A and B are shown. The wires have the same length and the same area of cross section. Which material has a greater value of Y?

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  11. Load-elongation graphs of two wires A and B, made of the same material and of equal initial length are shown in the fig.1.21. Which wire is thicker?

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  12. Young moduli of two rods of equal length and equal cross section and `Y_1` and `Y_2`. These rods are joined end to end forming a composite rod-system. Prove that the equivalent Young's modulus of the composite system of rods `=(2Y_1Y_2)/(Y_1+Y_2)`

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  13. State whether the values of Young's moduli for thin and thick iron wires of equal length will be different.

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  14. Can a steel wire be elongated to twice its initial length by hanging a load from its end?

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  15. How does the value of modulus of elasticity change due to increase in temperature?

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  16. A hanging wire of length L is elongated by an amount l with a load M attached to its free end. Prove that the elastic potential energy stored in the wire is `1/2Mgl`.

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  17. A spring balance gives erroneous readings if it is used frequently over a long period of time. Explain.

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  18. An elastic wire is cut into two equals halves. Determine whether there will be any change in the maximum load that each half can carry.

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  19. The breaking force for a wire is F.What will be the breaking force for two parallel wires of same size

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  20. The breaking force for a wire is F.What will be the breaking force for a single wire of double the thickness?

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HIGHER ORDER THINKING SKILL (HOTS ) QUESTION questions and complete solutions for chapter ELASTICITY of CHHAYA PHYSICS (BENGALI ENGLISH) of Class 11