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Complete Solutions to Numerical Examples of chapter FIRST AND SECOND LAW OF THERMODYNAMICS of Class 11 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions45
Academic Year2023-24
  1. 800 g lead balls are kept in a 1 m long, vertical tube which is a bad conductor and the tube is then closed at both ends. The tube is suddenly inverted so that the balls fall from one end to the other. The temperature of the lead balls increases by `3.89^(@)C` after 50 such inversions. Find out the mechanical equivalent of heat assuming that the lead balls have retained the entire amount of heat produced.

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  2. Water drops from a height of 50 m in a waterfall. Find out the rise in temperature of water, if 75% of its energy is converted into heat and absorbed by water.
    `(J = 4.2 xx 10^(7) erg cdot cal^(-1) , g = 9.8 m cdot s^(-2))`

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  3. The velocity of a 42 kg celestial body reduces from `20 km cdot "min"^(-1)` to `5 km cdot "min"^(-1)` due to its passage through the earth's atmosphere. Find out the heat produced in calorie. `(J = 4.2 xx 10^(7) erg cdot cal^(-1))`

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  4. Find out the amount of work done to convert 100 g ice at `0^(@)C` to water at `100^(@)C`. (Latent heat of fusion of ice = `80 cal cdot g^(-1)`, mechanical equivalent of heat = `4.2 J cdot cal^(-1))`.

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  5. What will be the temperature difference between the top and the bottom of a 400 m high waterfall, assuming that 80% of the heat produced is retained by the water?

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  6. Find out the minimum height from which a piece of ice at `0^(@)C` should be dropped so that it melts completely due to its impact with the ground. Assume that half of the energy loss due to the fall is responsible for the fusion of ice. (Latent heat of fusion of ice = `80 cal cdot g^(-1), g = 980 cm cdot s^(-2) , J = 4.2 J cdot cal^(-1))`

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  7. A piece of ice at `0^(@)C` is dropped to the ground from some height. The piece of ice melts completely due to its impact with the ground. Find the height from which the piece was dropped considering that 60% of its energy is converted into heat. `(J = 4.2 J cdot cal^(-1))`

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  8. A stirrer rotates in 1l of water against a damping force of 0.1 N at 360 rpm in a circle of radius 5 cm. Calculate the rise in water temperature in 1 h, neglecting heat loss due to radiation . `(J k= 4.2 J cdot cal^(-1))`

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  9. 10 l of water is dropped from a height of 250 m. How much heat (In calories) will be generated when the water reaches the bottom? Assuming that the entire heat will be retained by the mass of water, what will be the rise in temperature of the water? (Given `J = 4.18 J cdot cal^(-1))`

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  10. What will be the time required to heat a 15 l bucket full of water from `20^(@)C` to `40^(@)C` using a 1500 W immersion heater?

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  11. The temperature of a piece of lead is `27^(@)C`. Find out the minimum velocity of its impact with a wall so that it melts completely. Suppose 58% of the heat generated is dissipated. Given, `J = 4.2 J cdot cal^(-1)` , melting point, specific heat and latent heat of fusion of lead are `327^(@)C, 0.03 cal cdot g^(-1) cdot^(@)C^(-1)` and 5 cal cdot g^(-1)`, respectively.

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  12. A body of mass 2 kg is pulled with a velocity `2 m cdot s^(-1)` on horizontal surface. What will be the heat produced in 5s, if the coefficient of friction between the body and the surface is 0.2? Given, `J = 4.2 J cdot cal^(-1) , g = 9.8 m cdot s^(-2)`.

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  13. Two pieces of ice, of equal mass and moving towards each other with the same velocity, collide head on and are vaporised due to this collision. Find out the minimum initial velocity of the pieces of ice. Given, initial temperature, specific heat and latent heat of fusion of ice are `-12^(@)C, 0.5 cal cdot g^(-1) cdot^(@)C^(-1)` and `80cal cdot^(@)g^(-1)` respectively, latent heat of steam is `540 cal cdot g^(-1)`.

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  14. The top of a waterfall is at a temperature `0.49^(@)C` below that of the bottom. The work done by water due to its fall is converted entirely into heat. Find the height of the waterfall. Given, `g = 980 cm cdot s^(-2), J = 4.2 J cdot cal^(-1)`.

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  15. The volume of a gas changes from 20 l to 10 l under a pressure of `10^(60) dyn cdot cm^(-2)`. What will be the heat evolved?

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  16. Find out the amount of work done in the cyclic process of fig.

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  17. An ideal monatomic gas goes through a cyclic process ABCDA, as shown in fig. Find out the work done and heat supplied in this cyclic process.

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  18. The volume of 1 g of water `(1 cm^3)` becomes `1671 cm^(3)` on being converted to steam at standard atmosphere pressure. Find out the work done and rise in internal energy. Given, latent heat of vaporisation of water =`540 cal cdot g^(-1)`, the standard atmosphere pressure = `1.013 xx 10^(5) N cdot m^(-2)`.

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  19. The specific heat of oxygen gas at constant volume is `0.155 cal cdot g^(-1) cdot^(@)C^(-1)`. What is its specific heat at constant pressure? Given, the molecular mass of oxygen = 32 and `R = 2 cal cdot mol^(-1) cdot^(@)C^(-1)`.

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  20. For 1 mol of a triatomic ideal gas `C_(v) = 3R (R` is universal gas constant). Fid `delta (=C_(p)//C_(v))` for that gas.

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  21. The temperature of 20 g of oxygen gas is raised from `10^(@)C` to `90^(@)C`. Find out the heat supplied, the rise in internal energy and the work done by the gas, if the temperature rises at
    (i) constant volume. (ii) constant pressure. Given the specific heats of oxygen are `0.155 cal cdot g^(-1) cdot^(@)C^(-1)` at constant volume, and `0.218 cal cdot g^(-1) cdot^(@)C^(-1)` at constant pressure.

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  22. Find out the molar specific heats `C_(p) an C_(v)` of an ideal gas having `gamma = 1.67`. Given, `R = 2 cal cdot mol^(-1) cdot^(@)C^(-1)`.

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  23. A gas of density `0.00125 g cdot cm^(3)` , volume 8L at `0^(@)C` temperature and 1 atm pressure is supplied with 30 cal of heat to raise its temperature to `15^(@)C` at constant pressure. Determine the specific heat of the gas at constant pressure and at constant volume. Given, `R = 2 cal cdot mol^(-1) cdot^(@)C^(-1)`.

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  24. The temperature of 20 g of oxygen gas is raised from `50^(@)C` to `100^(@)C`. (i) At constant volume. Find out the amount of heat supplied and the rise in internal energy in case.
    Given , `R = 2 cal cdot mol^(-1) cdot K^(-1)` , for oxygen, `c_(v) = 0.155 cal cdot g^(-1) cdot^(@)C^(-1)`.

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  25. The temperature of 20 g of oxygen gas is raised from `50^(@)C` to `100^(@)C`. (ii) At constant pressure. Find out the amount of heat supplied and the rise in internal energy in case.
    Given , `R = 2 cal cdot mol^(-1) cdot K^(-1)` , for oxygen, `c_(v) = 0.155 cal cdot g^(-1) cdot^(@)C^(-1)`.

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  26. 10 mol of an ideal gas is taken through an isothermal process in which the volume is compressed from 40 L to 30 L. If the temperature and the pressure of the gas are `0^(@)C` and 1 atm respectively. Find the work done in the process.
    Given: `R = 8.31 J cdot mol^(-1) cdot K^(-1)`.

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  27. A gas has an initial volume of 1L at a pressure of 8 atm. An adiabatic expansion takes the gas to a pressure of 1 atm. What will be its final volume? Given , `gamm = 1.5`.

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  28. Some amount of air, initially at STP, is adiabatically compressed to `1/5 th` its initial volume. Determine the rise in temperature. Given, `gamma = 1.41`.

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  29. Some amount of gas at `27^(@)C` is suddenly compressed to 8 times its initial pressure. If `gamma = 1.5`, find out the rise in temperature.

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  30. Find out the work done to expand an ideal gas isothermally to twice its initial volume.

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  31. Find out the work done in adiabatic compression of 1 mol of an ideal gas. The initial pressure and volume of the gas are `10^(5) N cdot m^(-2)` and 6L, respectively, the final volume is 2L , the molar specific heat of the gas at constant volume is `3/2 R`.

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  32. The molar specific heat of an ideal gas at constant pressure is `C_(p) = 5/2 R`. Some amount of this gas in a closed container has a volume `0.0083 m^(3)`, a temperature 300 K and a pressure `1.6 xx 10^(6) N cdot m^(-2)`. If `2.49 xx 10^(4) J`1 of heat is supplied at a constant volume of the gas, find out the final temperature and pressure. Given, `R = 8.3 J cdot mol^(-1) cdot K^(-1)`.

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  33. 8g oxygen, 14 g nitrogen and 22 g carbon dioxide are mixed in a container of volume 4 l. Find out the pressure of the gas mixture at `27^(@)C`. Given `R = 8.315 J cdot mol^(-1) cdot K^(-1)`.

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  34. A Carnot engine is being operated by taking heat from a source at temperature `527^(@)C`. If the surrounding temperature is `27^(@)C`, what is the efficiency of the engine? If the source supplies heat at the rate of `10^(9)J` per minute, how much usable work is obtained per minute?

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  35. A Carnot engine takes up 200 cal of heat per cycle from a source at temperature 500 K and rejects 150 cal of heat to the sink. What is the temperature of the sink and the efficiency of the engine?

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  36. The temperatures of the source and the sink of a Carnot engine are 500 K and 300 K respectively. If the temperature of the source diminished to 450 K, what will be the percentage change in efficiency?

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  37. The temperature of the ice-box of a refrigerator is `-7^(@)C` and the room temperature is `31^(@)C`. To maintain the temperature of the ice-box, the refrigerator approximates a Carnot refrigerator, what is its power consumption?

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  38. An ideal gas is kept in a closed, rigid and heat insulating vessel. A coil of resistance 100 ohm, carrying a current of 1 ampere, is supplying heat to the gas for 5 minutes. What will be the change of internal energy of the gas?

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  39. A Carnot engine takes 3000 kcal of heat from a reservoir at `627^(@)C`. The sink is at `27^(@)C`. What is the amount of work done by the engine?

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  40. An ideal gas is taken through the cycle `A to B to C to A` as shown in fig. if the net heat supplied to the gas in the cycle is 5J, determine the work done by the gas in the process `C to A`.

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  41. If a system is taken from to f by the process `i to a to f` (fig.), Q is 50 cal and W is 20 cal. If in the process `i to b to f`, Q is 36 cal , what is the value of W?

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  42. A thermodynamic process is shown in fig. the pressures and volumes corresponding to some points in the figure are `p_(A) = 3 xx 10^(4) Pa , p_(B) = 8 xx 10^(4) Pa, V_(A) = 2 xx 10^(-3) m^(3) , V_(D) = 5 xx 10^(-3)m^(3)`. In process AB, 600 J of heat is added to the system and in process BC, 200 J of heat is added. What would be the change in internal energy of the system in the process AC?

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  43. What is the amount of heat energy absorbed by a system going through a cyclic process shown in fig.

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  44. A thermodynamic system is taken through the cycle PQRSP (fig.). What is net work done by the system?

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  45. A sample of an ideal monatomic gas is taken around the cycle ABCA (fig.). Calculate the work done during the cycle.

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Numerical Examples questions and complete solutions for chapter FIRST AND SECOND LAW OF THERMODYNAMICS of CHHAYA PHYSICS (BENGALI ENGLISH) of Class 11