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Complete Solutions to Higher Order Thinking Skill (HOTS) Questions of chapter FIRST AND SECOND LAW OF THERMODYNAMICS of Class 11 book with complete answers and questions

CHHAYA PRAKASHINIHigher Order Thinking Skill (HOTS) Questions
Number Of Questions35
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Water falls from the top to the bottom of a waterfall. Why does the temperature at the bottom become slightly higher?

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  2. A bullet becomes hot on hitting a target. Why?

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  3. Two balls of the same mass, one of iron and the other of copper, are dropped from the same height. Which one would become hotter?

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  4. Show that the external work done by a gas in an isothermal expansion is equal to the heat supplied to the gas.

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  5. An isothermal process is essentially a very slow process' .Explain.

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  6. What is the source of the energy that does the work in an adiabatic expansion of a gas?

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  7. A gas is compressed to half its volume in two different ways : (i) very rapidly. In which process will the work done on the gas be higher?

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  8. A gas is compressed to half its volume in two different ways : (ii) very slowly. In which process will the work done on the gas be higher?

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  9. A gas is compressed to half its volume (i) adiabatically, (ii) isothermally. In which process will the final temperature be higher?

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  10. A gas expands from state 1 to another state 2 of higher pressure in tow different processes as shown in fig. Which process would require a greater supply of heat from the surroundings?

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  11. A screen divides a container of volume `1 m^(3)` into two parts. One part is filled with an ideal gas at 300 K and the other part is empty. The system is isolated from the surroundings. Will there be any change in the temperature of the gas if the screen is suddenly removed?

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  12. For an adiabatic process of an ideal monatomic gas the pressure and the temperature are related as `p prop T^(C )`. Find out the value of C.

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  13. Is the solar system n thermal equilibrium?

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  14. The pressure and the temperature of an ideal gas in an adiabatic process are related as `p prop T^(3)`. What is the value of the ratio `C_(p)//C_(v)` of the gas?

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  15. At constant pressure, the temperature coefficient of volume expansion of an ideal gas is `delta = 1/V (dV)/(dT)`. What will be the nature of the graph relating `delta` with the temperature T?

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  16. A rapid compression heats a gas, but a rapid expansion cools it - why?

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  17. Why does a bicycle pump become hot when it pumps air in a bicycle tube?

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  18. Adiabatic and isothermal processes of an ideal gas are represented on a pV diagram by two curves. A and B (fig.). Can we say that the curve A represents the isothermal process?

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  19. In the V - T diagram (fig.), two different points show pressures `p_(1) and p_(2)`. Which pressure would be higher- `p_(1) or p_(2)`?

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  20. The volume of a gas is doubled (i) very rapidly, and (ii) very slowly. In which one of the processes the work done by the gas is higher?

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  21. How will the temperature of an ideal gas change in an adiabatic expansion?

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  22. Three sample, A,B,C of a gas initially have the same volume. The volume of each sample is doubled by the following processes: (i) isothermal process on A, (ii) adiabatic process on B, and (iii) isobaric process on C. In which process will the work done be highest?

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  23. An ideal gas of mass m is taken from state A to state B (fig) in three different processes 1,2 and 3. If the work done in the three processes are `W_(1) , W_(2)` and `W_(3)`, arrange them in descending order.

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  24. In a process on an ideal gas, `dW = 0 and dQ < 0`. Show that the temperature of the gas will fall.

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  25. How will the temperature of an ideal gas change in an adiabatic compression?

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  26. When the tyre of a bicycle or motor car bursts suddenly, cool air comes out from the tube. Explain why.

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  27. The molar specific heats `C_(p) and C_(v)` of an ideal gas are expressed in the unit of `cal cdot mol^(-1) cdot^(@)C^(-1)`. But R is expressed in `J cdot mol^(-1) cdot^(@)C^(-1)`. Write down the relation between `C_(p) and C_(v)`.

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  28. `C_(p) - C_(v) = a` for hydrogen gas and `C_(p) - C_(v) = b` for oxygen gas. What is the relation between a and b?

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  29. An ideal gas undergoes four processes: isochoric, isobaric, isothermal and adiabatic. In which process is (i) the change in internal energy zero?

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  30. An ideal gas undergoes four processes: isochoric, isobaric, isothermal and adiabatic. In which process is (ii) the work done zero?

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  31. An ideal gas undergoes four processes: isochoric, isobaric, isothermal and adiabatic. In which process is (iii) the heat exchange zero?

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  32. A system goes from state A to state B in two different processes I and II (fig.). What is the relation between the respective changes `Delta U_(I) and Delta U_(II)` of internal energy?

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  33. One should not try to cool a kitchen by leaving the refrigerator door open. Explain why.

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  34. The volume, pressure and temperature of some amount of a gas are V, p and T, respectively. A partition divides the gas into two equal parts. What will be the values of the quantities in each part?

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  35. Show that the adiabatic bulk modulus of an ideal gas is equal to the product of the pressure of the gas and the ratio of its two specific heat `(gamma)`.

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Higher Order Thinking Skill (HOTS) Questions questions and complete solutions for chapter FIRST AND SECOND LAW OF THERMODYNAMICS of CHHAYA PHYSICS (BENGALI ENGLISH) of Class 11