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Complete Solutions to HOTS NUMERICAL PROBLEMS of chapter SIMPLE HARMONIC MOTION of Class 11 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions22
Academic Year2023-24
  1. A particle of mass 10 g is placed in a potential field given by `v=(50x^(2)+100)`erg/g. Calculate the frequency of oscillation.

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  2. Two particles are executing simple harmonic motions with equal frequency and amplitude. When the displacements of the two particles are half of their amplitudes, they cross each other in mutually opposite directions. What is the phase differecne of their vibrations?

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  3. A spring, suspended vertically, elongates by 0.02m when a mass of 0.08 kg is attached to it. An object of mass 0.6 kg is attached to its free end and it is displaced by 8 cm from its equilibrium position. Determine the energy of the system at this position. From the viewpoint of energy, determine the velocity of the body when it is at a distance of 0.04 m from the equilibrium position.

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  4. A seconds pendulum gives correct reading on the earth's surface, but when it is taken inside a mine, it goes slow by 10 s in a day. What is the depth of the mine? (Radius of the earth = 6400 km)

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  5. Effective length of a simple pendulum is 50 cm and mass of the bob suspended is 4 g. The bob is pulled to one side to make the string horizontal and then it is released. What will be the kinetic energy of the bob when it makes an angle `60^(@)` with the vertical?

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  6. If the length of a simple pendulum is increased by x, then its time period increases from `T_(1)` to `T_(2)`.
    Prove that `g=(4pi^(2)x)/(T_(2)^(2)-T_(1)^(2))`.

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  7. Two simple pendulums of length 0.24 m and 0.25 m respectively hang vertically, one in front of the other. If they are set in motion simultaneously, find the time taken for one to gain a complete oscillation on the other. `g=9.81m*s^(-2)`

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  8. If a mass of 10 g is hung from a suspended spring, it elongates by 2mm. If the spring is pulled a little downwards and then released, what will be the frequency of vibration of the spring?

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  9. In a U-tube of diameter 1.4 cm, 837 g mercury is poured. If the density the time period of vertical oscillation of the mercury column.

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  10. A wooden block of cross sectional area `10cm^(2)` remains floating upright in water. The volume of the immersed part of the block is `200cm^(3)`. If the block is depressed slightly and then released, determine the time period of its oscillation.

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  11. A mass M is hung from one end of an elastic thread. When the mass is pulled downwards slightly and released, it performs vertical oscillations. If an additional mass m is attached to the mass M, then the time period of the SHM changes in the ratio 5 : 4. Determine the ratio between m and M.

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  12. To one end of a massless spring, a body of mass m is attached. Now the spring is divided into two equal parts and to one of the parts the same body of mass m is attached. Determine the ratio of the frequencies of vibration in the two cases.

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  13. A point mass is subjected to two simultaneous sinusoidal displacement in x direction, `x_(1)(t)=Asinomegat andx_(2)(t)=Asin(omegat+(2pi)/3)`. Adding a third sinusoidal displacement `x_(3)(t)=Bsin(omegat+phi)` brings the mass to a complete rest. Find the values of B and `phi`.

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  14. When a person of mass 60 kg gets into a car, the centre of gravity of the car descends by 0.3 cm. If the mass of the car is 1000 kg, then determine the frequency of vibration of the empty car.

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  15. A mass of 0.5 kg is suspended with the help of a rubber cord of length 40 cm and radius 1 mm. If the Young's modulus of rubber is 0.3`kg*mm^(-2)`, then determine the time period of vertical oscillation of the mass.

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  16. When a spring is pulled with a force of `5xx10^(5)` dyn, it elongates by 0.1 m. What mass should be attached to the end of the spring so that when pulled a little downwards and released, the mass can perform 2 complete oscillations per second? What will be the maximum velocity of the mass when the amplitude of vibration is 0.01 m?

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  17. Two light springs of force constants `k_(1)andk_(2)` are connected one after another and suspended from a rigid support. A body of mass m is hung from the free end of the spring system. Determine the time period of vertical oscillation of the body.

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  18. A small sphere is placed inside a concave glass vessel kept on a horizontal table. The radius of curvature of the concave vessel is 1.09 m. If the small sphere is displaced slightly from its position of equilibrium and then released, what will be the time period of the simple harmonic motion that the sphere would execute? `g=9.81m*s^(-2)`

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  19. A simple pendulum is formed by hanging a sphere of mass of 1 kg from a copper wire of length 5 m and of diameter, 0.08 cm and then the time period of this pendulum is measured. Now the sphere of mass 1 kg is replaced by another sphere of mass 10 kg. Determine the change in time period of the pendulum. [ Y for copper = `12.4xx10^(10)N*m^(-2)`]

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  20. A mass attached to a spring is free to oscillate, with angular velocity `omega`, in a horizontal plane without friction or damping. It is pulled to a distance `x_(0)` and pushed towards the centre with a velocity `v_(0)` at time t = 0. Determine the amplitude of the resulting oscillations in terms of the parameters `omega,x_(0)andv_(0)`. Hint : Start with the equation `x=acos(omegat+theta)` and note that the initial velocity is negative.

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  21. A solid sphere of radius R is floating in a liquid of density `rho` with half of its volume submerged. If the sphere is slightly pushed and released, it starts performing simple harmonic motion. Find the frequency of these oscillations.

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  22. A 0.1 kg mass is suspended from a wire of negligible mass. The length of the wire is 1m and its cross-sectional area is `4.9xx10^(-7)m^(2)`. If the mass is pulled a little in the vertically downward direction and released, it performs simple harmonic motion of angular frequency 140rad/s. If the Young's modulus of the material of the wire is `nxx10^(9)N*m^(-2)`, then find out the value of n.

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HOTS NUMERICAL PROBLEMS questions and complete solutions for chapter SIMPLE HARMONIC MOTION of CHHAYA PHYSICS (BENGALI ENGLISH) of Class 11