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Complete Solutions to EXAMINATION ARCHIVE with solutions (WBJEE ) of chapter ROTATION OF RIGID BODIES of Class 11 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions6
Academic Year2023-24
  1. A uniform solid spherical ball is rolling down a smooth inclined plane form a height h. the velocity attained by the ball when it reaches the bottom of the inclined plane is v. If the ball is now thrwn vertically upwards with the same velocity v. the maximum height to which the ball will rise is

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  2. A solid uniform sphere resting fon a rough horizontal plane is given a horizontal impulse directed through its centre so that it starts sliding with an initial velocity `v_(0)`. When it finally starts rolling without slipping the speed of its centre is

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  3. A thin rod AB is held horizontally so that it can freely rotate in a vertical plane about the end A as shown in the the potential energy of the rod when it hangs vertically is taken to be zero. The end B of the rod is released from rest from a horizontal position. At the instant the rod makes an angle `theta` with the horizontal,

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  4. Three identical square plates rotate about the axes shown in the. In such a way that their kinetic energies are equal. Each of the rotation axes passes through the centre of the square. Then the ratio of angular speeds `omega_(1) : omega_(2) : omega_(3)` is

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  5. Two particles A and B are moving as shown in the figure. Their total angular momentum about the point O is

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  6. A solid spherical ball and a hollow spherical ball of two different materials of densities `rho_(1) and rho_(2)` respectively have same outer radii and same mass. What will be the ratio of the moment of inertia ( about an axis passing through the centre ) of the hollow sphere to that of the solid sphere?

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EXAMINATION ARCHIVE with solutions (WBJEE ) questions and complete solutions for chapter ROTATION OF RIGID BODIES of CHHAYA PHYSICS (BENGALI ENGLISH) of Class 11