Class 11 | PHYSICS |
Number Of Questions | 47 |
Academic Year | 2023-24 |
The displacement of a periodically vibrating particle is ` y = 4 cos ^(2)((1)/(2)t)` sin (1000t) . Calculate the number of harmonic waves that are superposed .
The displacement of a particle at the position x = 0 in a medium due to two different progressive waves are `y_(1) = sin 4 pi t and y_(2) = sin 2 pi t` , respectively. How many times would the particle come to test in every second ?
A sound wave of frequency 80 Hz gets reflected noumally from a large wall. Estimate the distance of the first node and the first antinode from the wall. Given , velocity of sound in air ` = 320 m * s^(-1)` .
A wave represented by the equation y = A cos ` (ks - omega t)` superposes on another wave to produce a stationary wave with a node at s = 0 . What is the equation of this second wave ?
The equation of the vibration of a wire is ` y = 5 "cos"(pi x)/(3) sin 40 pi t ` , where x and y are given in cm and t is given in s. calculate the
amplitudes and velocities of the two waves which on superposition, from the above-mentioned vibration,
The equation of the vibration of a wire is ` y = 5 "cos"(pi x)/(3) sin 40 pi t ` , where x and y are given in cm and t is given in s. calculate the
distance between two closest points of the wire that are always at rest,
The equation of the vibration of a wire is ` y = 5 "cos"(pi x)/(3) sin 40 pi t ` , where x and y are given in cm and t is given in s. calculate the
velocity of a particle at x = 1 . 5 cm at the instant ` t = (9)/(8)s *`
Two stretched wires made of the same material have lengths, diameters and tensions, each in the ratio 1 : 2 . The first wire emits a fundamental tone of frequency 200 Hz . What is the funcamental frequency of the 2nd wire ?
The lengths of two wires made of the same material are in the ratio 2 : 3 . Their diameters are equal and the fundamental of the shorter wire is one octave higher than of the longer wire. Find the ratio between the tensions in the two wires.
A Wire of density ` 9 g * cm^(-3)` is elongated by 0 . 05 cm when stretched between two clamps 100 cm apart. Find out the lowest frequency of transverse vibration in the wire. Given, Young's modulus of the material of the wire ` = 9 xx 10^(11) dyn * cm^(-2)` .
A stationary wave having 5 loops is generated in a 10 m long wire . What is the frequency, if the wave velocity is 20 ` m * s^(-1)` ?
A uniform wire of length 12 m and mass 6 kg is suspended from a rigid support. A mass of 2 kg is a attached to the lower free end. A transverse wave of length 0 . 0 6 m is generated at the lower end of the wire . What is its wavelength when the wave reaches the upper end ?
A wire is stertched with negligible tension at `30^(@)` C between two rigid supports. Find the velocity of the transverse wave in the wire at `20^(@)` C . Given, the coefficient of linear expansion, the Young's modulus and the density of the material of the wire of `alpha = 18 xx 10^(-6@) C^(-1), Y = 12 xx 10^(11) dyn * cm^(-2)` and `rho = 6 g* cm^(-3)` respectively.
A Sonometer wire emits a tone of frequency 150 Hz . Find out the frequency of the fundamental tone emitted by the wire if the tension is increased in the ratio 9 : 16 and the length is doubled .
The fundamental frequency of a 100 cm long sonometer wire is 330 Hz. Find out the velocity of transverse wave in the wire and the wavelength of the resulting sound waves in air . Given , velocity of sound in air = 330 `m * s ^(-1)` .
A wire, kept between two bridges 25 cm apart, is stretched through a linear expansion of 0.04 cm . Find the fundamental frequency of vibration of the wire. Given, the density and the Young's modulus of the material of the wire are 10 `g*cm^(-3)` and `9xx 10^(11) dyn * cm^(-2)` , respectively.
The linear density of mass of a metal wire is ` 9 . 8 g * m ^(-1)` . It is kept between two rigid supports, 1 m apart, with a tension of 98 N . The mid-point of the wire is kept between the poles of an electromagnet driven by an alternating current . Find out the frequency of this alternating current that will produce resonance in the wire .
A 1 m long wire is clamped at both ends. Find out the positions of two bridges that will divide the wire in three parts such that the fundamental frequencies are in the ratio 1 : 2 : 3 .
The linear density of a wire is 0 . 0 5 ` g * cm^(-1)` . The wire is stretched with a tension of ` 4 . 5 xx 10^(7)` dyn between two rigid supports . A driving frequency of 420 Hz resonates the wire. At the next higher frequency of 490 Hz , another resonance is observed. Find out the length of the wire .
One end of a wire of radius r is sealed with the end of another wire of radius 2r . This is used as a sonometer wire with tension T , keeping the junction at the mid-point of the vibrating length . If a stationary wave having a node at the junction is generated, find out the ratio between the number of loops in the two portions .
Find out the frequency of the first overtone emitted by a 1 . 25 m long organ pipe closed at one end. Given , velocity of sound in air ` = 320 m * s^(-1)`
Find out the frequencies of the fundamental and its nearest harmonic emitted by a 1 m long closed organ pipe. Given, velocity of sound in air ` 332 m * s^(-1)` .
The length of an organ pipe closed at one end is 90 cm . Find out the frequency of the harmonic next to the fundamental . Velocity of sound in air ` = 300 m* s^(-1)` .
The length of an organ pipe open at two ends is twice that of another organ pipe closed at one end . If the fundamental frequency of the open pipe is 100 Hz , find out the frequency of the 3rd harmonic emitted by the closed pipe .
Find out the fundamental frequency of a 125 cm long organ pipe closed at one end . Given, velocity of sound in air ` = 350 m*s^(-1)` .
A 20cm long closed pipe emits a tone of frequency 400 Hz . Find out the length of an open pipe emitting a tone of frequency 600 Hz at the same time.
The length of an open orgen pipe is twice the length of a closed organ pipe. If the fundamental frequency of the open pipe is 100 Hz , what is the frequency of the third harmonic of the closed pipe ?
One end of an open pipe is suddenly closed. It is observed that the frequency of the 3rd harmonic from the closed pipe is 100 Hz higher than the fundamental frequency of the open pipe. Find out this fundamental frequency when both the ends are open .
In winter, the frequency of a tone emitted at `10^(@)` C by an open organ tube is 400 Hz . What will be the frequency of this tone at `40^(@)` C in summer ?
A 1 m long uniform cylindrical container is closed by two thin vibrating membranes A and B at its two ends [Fig . 4 . 15 ] . A third thin vibrating membrane C divides the container into two equal parts. The parts AC and BC are filled with haydrogen and oxygen gases, respectively . The membranes A and B are vibrated with the same frequency . Find out the minimum frequency of this vibration so that a node is formed at C . Given, velocities of sound in hydrogen and oxygen gases are 1100 ` m * s^(-1)` and `300 m* s^(-1)` , respectively .
Find out the coefficient of linear expansion of the material of an open pipe so that the frequency of any tone emitted from it does not very with temperature .
A tuning fork of frequency 384 Hz produces the 1st and the 2nd resonances with air columns of a pipe closed at one end at lengths 22 cm and 67 cm, respectively. Find out the velocity of sound in air, and the end error for the open end of the tube
A tuning fork of frequency 256 Hz is held over the open upper end of a 200 cm long vertical tube filled with water. Then water is allowed to escape gradually through the lower end. Find out the positions of the water surface at the 1st and 2nd resonances. Neglect the end error. The velocity of sound in air = 320 ` m * s^(-1)` .
When two tuning forks are vibrated simultaneously, 4 beats are heard per second. The fork is waxed slightly and then 6 beats are heard per second when both are vibrated again simultaneously . Find out the frequency of the second fork . Given the frequency of the first fork is 510 Hz .
2 wires of length 78 cm and 80 cm of a sonometer are kept at the same tension. A tuning fork produces 4 beats per second with each of them . Find out the frequency of the tuning fork .
A 75 cm long stretched string is tuned with a tuning fork. If the length of the string is reduced by 3 cm, it produces 6 beats with the tuning fork per second. Find out the frequency of the tuning fork.
A tuning fork of unknown frequency produces 5 beats per second with another tuning fork. The second fork can cause a closed organ pipe of length 40 cm to vibrate in its fundamental mode. The beat frequency decreases when a small amount of wax is dropped on the first fork. Find out the frequency of the first tuning fork. Given, speed of sound in air ` = 320 m * s^(-1)` .
Two tuning forks A and B, when vibrated simultaneously, produce 5 beats per second . 40 cm and 40.5 cm lengths of a sonometer wire, kept in the same tension, are tuned with the forks A and B respectively. Find out the frequencies of the two tuning forks .
Two wires are tied on a sonometer. The tensions, the lengths, the diameters and the densities of the materials of the two wires are in the ratio 8 : 1 , 36 : 35 , 4 : 1 and 1 : 2 , respectively. Find out the number of beats produced per second when the two wires are vibrated simultaneously. Given, the frequency of the wire emitting a tone of higher pitch is 360 Hz .
Two tuning forks A and B, when vibrated simultaneously, produce 5 beats per second. The forks produce resonances respectively with 36 cm and 37 cm long air columns of a tube closed at one end. What are the frequencies of the tuning forks ?
A diver sends an audio signal from some depth under water. This signal produces 5 beats per second with the note emitted by a 20 cm long pipe whose one end is closed. Find out the frequency and the wavelength of the audio signal inside water. Given , velocity of sound in air ` = 360 m * s^(-1) ` and that in water ` = 1500 m * s^(-1)` .
Two waves form 10 beats in 3 s in a gas. The wavelengths are 1 m and 1 . 0 1 m , respectively . Find out the velocity of sound in the gas .
24 tuning forks are arranged in the ascending order of their frequencies. Each fork produces 4 beats per second with its immediately preceding fork . The last fork emits an octave to that emitted by the first one. Find out the frequencies of the first and the last tuning forks.
A wire of length 25 cm and mass 2 . 5 g is stretched with a fixed tension. The length of a pipe closed at one end is 40 cm . During vibrations, the first overtone of the wire produces 8 beats per second with the fundamental emitted by the pipe . The number of beats reduces with the decrease in tension in the wire. If the velocity of sound in air is 320 ` m*s^(-1)` , find the tension in the wire.
A sonometer wire is stretched by hanging a 10 cm high brass cylinder vertically from one of its ends. The wire resonates with a tuning fork of frequency 256 Hz . Now the cylinder is partially immersed in water. If the wire and the tuning fork are vibrated simultaneously, 4 beats are heard per second. Calculate the length of the portion of the cylinder that was immersed in water. Given , density of brass ` = 8 . 5 g * cm^(-3)` .
Two progressive waves ` y_(1) = 4 sin 500 pi t ` and ` y _(2) = 2 sin 506 pi t ` are superposed. Find the number of beats produced in one minute .
Three transverse progressive waves are ` z_(1) = A cos (kx - omega t) , z_(2) = A cos (ks + omega t) and z_(3) = A cos (ky - omega t) ` . How may these be superposed to generate
(i) a stationary wave,
(ii) a wave propagating in a direction inclined at an angle of `45^(@)` with both the positive x and y - axes ? In each case, find out the positions where the resultant intensity would always be zero .
Example questions and complete solutions for chapter SUPERPOSITION OF WAVES of CHHAYA PHYSICS (BENGALI ENGLISH) of Class 11