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Complete Solutions to Problem Set -I (Based on Vibration of air Column) of chapter SUPERPOSITION OF WAVES of Class 11 book with complete answers and questions

CHHAYA PRAKASHINIProblem Set -I (Based on Vibration of air Column)
Number Of Questions15
Academic Year2023-24
  1. The length of a pipe, open at one end is 30 cm . If the velocity of sound in air is 330 ` m*s^(-1)` , find out the fundamental frequency and the frequencies of the first two overtones formed due to vibration of the air column in the pipe .

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  2. The third overtone of a closed organ pipe is found to be in unison with the first overtone of an open pipe . Find the ratio of the lengths of the pipes .

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  3. By what percentage should the length of a pipe, closed at one end, be increased or decreased, so that the fundamental frequency of the pipe decreases by 20% ?

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  4. What should be the ratio of the lengths of a closed and an open pipe so that the frequency of the first overtone emitted from the closed pipe is in unison with that emitted from the open pipe ?

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  5. The velocity of sound in air is `320 m*s^(-1)` . The length of a closed pipe is 1 m . If the end error in nelected, which of the following frequencies produce resonance with the air column of the pipe : ` 80 Hz // 240 Hz // 320 Hz // 400 Hz `

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  6. The ratio of frequency of the second harmonic emitted from an open organ pipe to the frequency of the third harmonic emitted from a similar pipe is 1 : 2 . What is the ratio of lengths of the two pipes ?

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  7. The diameters of two 9 cm long closed pipes are 1 cm and 2 cm , respectively. What is the ratio of the f requencies of fundamental tones emitted from the two pipes ?

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  8. The first harmonic emitted from a closed pipe `p_(1) ` and the third harmonic emitted from an open pipe `p_(2)` produce resonance with a tuning fork. What is the ratio of lengths of ` p_(1) and p_(2)` ?

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  9. When the length of air cloumn in a pipe, closed at one end, is 20 cm, it produces the first resonance with the vibration of a tuning fork . If the end error is 1 cm , what will be the length of the air column to produce the next resonance ?

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  10. A 50 cm long pipe, open at both ends, produces resonant vibration with a tuning fork. If the velocity of sound in air is `350 m*s^(-1)` , what is the frequency of the tuning fork ?

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  11. The lengths of a closed pipe and an open pipe of equal diameters are 55 cm and 36 cm, respectively. The 1st overtone of the closed pipe is in unison with the fundamental of the open pipe. Calculate the end errors of the two pipes .

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  12. A tuning fork of frequency 256 Hz is held over the open upper end of a 200 cm long vertical pipe filled with water and the water is slowly darined out through the bottom end of the pipe. Determine the positions of the water level at the time of the first and the second resonances. Neglect the end error. Velocity of sound in air ` = 320 m* s^(-1)` .

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  13. A vibrating tuning fork of frequency 340 Hz is held over a cylindrical pipe. The length of the pipe is 120 cm . Now water is slowly poured into it. What should be the water level at which resonance will occur ? Velociy of sound in air ` = 340 m*s^(-1)` .

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  14. The frequency of the fundamental emitted from a pipe open at one end is 512 Hz. If the other end of the pipe is opened, then determine the frequency of the fundamental .

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  15. Determine the frequencies of first three overtones produced in a 50 cm long pipe open at both ends .
    [Velocity of sound in air =` 330 m*s^(-1)` ]

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Problem Set -I (Based on Vibration of air Column) questions and complete solutions for chapter SUPERPOSITION OF WAVES of CHHAYA PHYSICS (BENGALI ENGLISH) of Class 11