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Complete Solutions to Match the columns of chapter LAWS OF MOTION of Class 11 book with complete answers and questions

DC PANDEY NEETMatch the columns
Number Of Questions7
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Match the following columns.
    `{:("Column I","Column II"),("(A) Force of friction","(p) Oppose motion"),("(B) Normal reaction on a block kept on horizontal ground","(q) Oppose relative motion"),(,"(r) Is always mg"),(,"(s) May be equal to mg"),(,"(t) None"):}`

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  2. In the diagram shown in figure, match the following columns (take `g=10 ms^(-2)`)

    `{:("Column I","Column II"),("(A) Normal reaction","(p) 12 SI unit"),("(B) Force of friction","(q) 20 SI unit"),("(C) Acceleration of block","(r) zero"),(,"(s) 2 SI unit"):}`

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  3. Velocity of there particless A.B and C varies with time t as , `v_(A) =(2thati+6hatj) m//s v_(B) =(3hati +4hatj )m//s` and `v_(c)=(6hati - 4thatj )` regarding the pseudo force match the following table.

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  4. A block of mass m is thrown upwards with some initial velocity as shown in figure. On the block

    `{:("Column I","Column II"),("(A) Net force in horizontal direction","(p) Zero"),("(B) Net force in vertical direction",(q) m(g sin theta+mug cos theta)),("(C) Net force along the plane",(r)m(g sin theta cos theta+mu g cos^(2) theta)),("(D) Net force perpendicular to plane",(s)m(g sin^(2) theta+mug sin theta cos theta)):}`

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  5. In the diagram shown in figure, match the following `(g=10 m//s^(2))`

    `{:(,"Column-I",,,"Coloumn-II"),((A),"Acceleration of 2kg block",,(P), "8 Si unit"),((B),"Net force on 3kg block",,(Q),"25 SI unit"),((C),"Normal reaction between 2 kg and 1kg",,(R),"2 SI unit"),((D),"Normal reaction between 3 kg and 2kg " ,,(S)," 45 SI unit"),(,,,(T)," None"):}`

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  6. In the diagram shown in figure. Match the following columns.

    `{:("Colmun I","Column II"),("(A) Absolute acceleration of 1 kg block",(p) 11 ms^(-2)),("(B) Absolute acceleration of 2 kg block",(q)6 ms^(-2)),("(C) Relative acceleration between the two",(r) 17 ms^(-2)),(,(s) "None"):}`

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  7. In the diagram shown in figure, all pulleys are smooth and massless and string are light. Match the following columns.

    `{:("Column I","Column II"),("(A) 1kg block","(p) will remain stationary"),("(B) 2 kg block","(q) will move down"),("(C) 3 kg block","(r) will move up"),("(D) 4 kg block",(s) 5 ms^(-2)),(,(t) 10 ms^(-2)):}`

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Match the columns questions and complete solutions for chapter LAWS OF MOTION of DC PANDEY ENGLISH of Class 11