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Complete Solutions to Miscellaneous Examples of chapter LAWS OF MOTION of Class 11 book with complete answers and questions

DC PANDEYMiscellaneous Examples
Number Of Questions9
Academic Year2023-24
  1. In the odjoining figure, angle of plane `theta` is increased from `0^(@)`to `90^(@)`. Plot force of friction `f` veraus `theta` graph

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  2. Figure shown two blocks in contact sliding down an inclined surface of inclination `30^(@)`. The block of mass `2 kg `and the incline is `mu_(1) = 0.20` and that between the block of mass 4kg and the incline is `mu_(2) = 0.30` .Find the acceleration of `2.0 kg` block `g = 10 ms^(-2)`

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  3. Figure shown a man standing stationary with respect to a horizontal converyor belt that is accelerationg with `1m//s^(-2)` . What is the net force on the man?If the coefficient of ststic friction between the man's shoes and the belt is `0.2` upto what maximum acceleration of the belt can the man continue to be stationary relative to the belt? Mass of the man`= 65kg (g =9.8m//s^(2))`

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  4. Two block of masses `m =5kg and M =10kg` are connected by a string passing over a pulley `B` as shown. Another string connect the center of pulley `B` to the floor and passes over another pulley `A` as shown. An upwards force `F` is applied at the center of pulley `A`. Both the pulleys are massless.
    Find the acceleration of block `m` and `M`, if `F` is
    (a) `100N`
    `(c)500N(Take g = 10m//s^(2))`

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  5. Consider the situation shown in figure. The block `B` moves on a frictionless surface ,while the coefficient of friction between `A` and the surface on which it moves is `0.2`. Find the acceleration with which the masses move and also the tension in the strings. `(Take g = 10 m//s^(2))`.

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  6. Two block `A` and `B` of masses `1kg` and`2kg` respectively are connected by a string, passing over a light frictionless pulley `B` as shown. Another string connect the center of pulley. Both the blocks are resting on a horizontal floor and the pulley is help such that string remains just taut. At moment `t = 0`, a force `F = 20 t` starts acting on the pully along vertically upwards direction as shown in figure.Calculate

    (a) velocity of `A` when `B` loses contact with the floor.
    (b) height raised by the pulley upto that instant.
    (Take =`g =10 m//s^(2))`

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  7. Find the acceleration of the body of mass `m_(2)` in the arrangement shown in figure. If the mass`m_(2)` is `eta` time the mass `m_(1)` and the angle that the inclined plane forms with the horizontal is equal to `theta`. The masses of the pulley and threads, as well as the friction, are assumed to be negligible.

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  8. In the arrangement shown in figure the mass of the ball is `eta` times as that of the rod. The length of the rod is `L` the masses of the pulleys and the threads as well as the friction, are negligible. The ball is set on the same level as the lower end of the rod and then released. How soon will the ball be opposite the upper end of the rod?

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  9. Figure shown a small block `A` of mass `m` kept at the left end of `a` plank `B` of mass `M = 2m` and length `l` . The system can slide on a horizontal road. The system is started towards right with the initial velocity `v`. The friction coefficient between the road and the plank is `1//2` and that between the plank and the block is `1//4` . Find

    (a) the time elapsed before the block separates from the plank
    (b) displacement of block and plank relative to ground till that moment.

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Miscellaneous Examples questions and complete solutions for chapter LAWS OF MOTION of DC PANDEY ENGLISH of Class 11