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Complete Solutions to Check points 16.4 of chapter CALORIMETRY AND HEAT TRANSFER of Class 11 book with complete answers and questions

DC PANDEY NEETCheck points 16.4
Number Of Questions29
Academic Year2023-24
  1. In a room containing air, heat can go from one place to another

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  2. Ice formed over lakes has

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  3. Air is bad conductor of heat or partly conducts heat, still vacuum is to be placed between the walls of the thermos flask because

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  4. Why are two thin blankets are warmer than a single blanket of double the thickness?

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  5. One likes to sit under sunshine in winter seasons, because

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  6. A hot and a cold body are kept in vacuum separated from each other. Which of the following cause decrease in temperature of the hot body

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  7. A body, which emits radiations of all possible wavelengths, is known as

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  8. Distribution of energy in the spectrum of a black body can be correctly represented by .

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  9. Which of the following law states that "good absorbers of heat are good emitters"

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  10. The ratio of the Emissive power to the absorption power of all substances for a particular wavelength is the same at given temperature. The ratio is known as

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  11. If between wavelength `lambda` and`lambda + dlambda`, `e_(lambda)` and `a_(lambda)` be the emissive and absorptive powers of a body and `E_(lambda)` be the emissive power of a perfectly black body, then according to Kirchoff's law, which is true

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  12. There is a black spot on a body. If the body is heated and carried in dark room then it glows more. This can be explained on the basis of

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  13. In MKS system, Stefan's constant is denoted by `sigma`. In CGS system multiplying factor of `sigma` will be

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  14. A black body radiates 20 W at temperature `227^(@)C`. If temperature of the black body is changed to `727^(@)C` then its radiating power wil be

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  15. Two spherical black bodies of radii `R_(1)` and `R_(2)` and with surface temperature `T_(1)` and `T_(2)` respectively radiate the same power. `R_(1)//R_(2)` must be equal to

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  16. A sphere has a surface area of `1.0 m^(2)` and a temperature of 400 K and the power radiated from it is 150 W. Assuming the sphere is black body radiator. The power in kilowatt radiated when the area expands to `2.0 m^(2)` and the temperature changes to 800 K

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  17. Two spheres of the same material have radii 1m and 4m and temperatures 4000K and 2000K respectively. The ratio of the energy radiated per second by the first sphere to that by the second is

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  18. The area of a hole of heat furnace is `10^(-4)m^(2)`. It radiates `1.58xx10^(5)` calories of heat per hour. If the emissivity of the furnace is 0.80, then its temperature is

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  19. If a body cools down from `80^(@) C`to `60^(@) C` in 10 min when the temperature of the surrounding of the is `30^(@) C` . Then, the temperature of the body after next 10 min will be

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  20. A block of metal is heated to a temperature much higher than the room temperature and allowed to cool in a room free from air currents. Which of the following curves correctly represents the rate of cooling

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  21. If wavelengths of maximum intensity of radiations emitted by the sun and the moon are `0.5xx10^(-6)m " and " 10^(-4)`m respectively, the ratio of their temperature is ……………

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  22. The maximum wavelength of radiation emitted at 200 K is 4 μm. What will be the maximum wavelength of radiation emitted at 2400 K ?

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  23. The maximum energy in thermal radiation from a source occurs at the wavelength 4000Å. The effective temperature of the source

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  24. The intensity of radiation emitted by the sun has its maximum value at a wavelength of 510 nm and that emitted by the North star has the maximum value at 350 nm. If these stars behave like black bodies, then the ratio of the surface temperatures of the sun and the north star is

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  25. In the figure, the distribution of energy density of the radiation emitted by a black body at a given temperature is shown. The possible temperature of the black body is

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  26. The temperature of a body in increased from `27^(@)C` to `127^(@)C`. By what factor would the radiation emitted by it increase?

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  27. The calories of heat developed in 200 W heater in 7 min is estimated

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  28. The thickness of a metallic plate is 0.4 cm. The temperature between its two surfaces is `20^(@)C`. The quantity of heat flowing per second is 50 calories from `5cm^(2)` area. In CGS system, the coefficient of thermal conductivity will be

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  29. A spherical black body with radius 12 cm radiates 450 w power at 500 K. If the radius is halved and the temperature doubled, the power radiated in watts would be

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Check points 16.4 questions and complete solutions for chapter CALORIMETRY AND HEAT TRANSFER of DC PANDEY ENGLISH of Class 11