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Complete Solutions to Level 2 Single Correct of chapter SOUND WAVES of Class 11 book with complete answers and questions

DC PANDEYLevel 2 Single Correct
Number Of Questions14
Academic Year2023-24
  1. A plane weve of sound travelling in air is incident upon a plane water surface. The angle of incidence is `60^(@)`. If velocity of sound in air and water are `330 m//s` and `1400 m//s`, then the wave undergoes

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  2. An organ pipe of `(3.9 pi) m`long, open at both ends is driver to third harmonic standing wave. If the amplitude of pressure oscillation is `1%` of mean atmospheric pressure `[p_(o) = 10^(5) N//m^(2)]`. The maximum displacement of particle from mean position will be [Given, velocity of sound `= 200 m//s` and density of air `= 1.3 kg//m^(3)]`

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  3. A plance sound waves passes from medium `1` into medium`2`. The speed of sound in medium `1` is `200 m//s` and in medium `2` is `100 m//s`. The ratio of amplitude of the transmitted waves to that of incident waves is

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  4. A sounding body emitting a frequency of `150 H_(Z)` is dropped from a height. During its fall under gravity it crosses a balloon moving upwards with a constant velocity of `2 m//s` one second after it started to fall . The difference in the frequency observer by the man in balloon just before and just after crossing the body will be (velocity of sound `= 300 m//s`, `g = 10 m//s^(2))` a) 12 b) 6 c) 8 d) 4

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  5. A closed organ pipe has length `L`. The air in it is vibrating in third overtone with maximum amplitude a . The amplitude at distance`(L)/(7)` from closed of the pipe is a) 0 b) a c) a/2 d) data insufficient

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  6. `S_(1)` and `S_(2)` are two coherent sources of sound having no intial phase difference. The velocity of sound is `330 m//s`. No maximum will be formed on the line passing through `S_(2)` and prependicular to the line joining `S_(1)` and `S_(2)`. If the frequency of both the sources is

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  7. A source is moving with constant speed `upsilon_(s) = 20 m//s` towards a stationary observer due east of the source. Wind is blowing at the speed of `20 m//s` at `60^(@)` north of east. The source has frequency `500 H_(Z)`. Speed of sound `= 300 m//s`. The frequency resgistered by the observer is approximately

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  8. A car travelling towards a hill at `10 m//s` sound its horn which a frequency `500 H_(Z)`. This is heard in a second car travelling behind the first car in the same direction with speed `20 m//s`. The sound can also be heard in the second car by reflections of sound the hill. The beat frequency heard by the driver of the sound car will be (speed of sound in air `= 340 m//s)`

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  9. Two sounding bolies are producing progressive waves given by `y_(1) = 2 sin (400 pi t)` and `y_(2) = sin (404 pi t)` where `t` is in second, which superpose near the ears of a persion. The person will hear

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  10. The air in a closed tube `34 cm` long is vibrating with two nodes and two antinodes and its temprature is `51^(@)C`. What is the wavelength of the waves produced in air outside the tube, when the temperature of air is `16^(@)C`?

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  11. A police car moving at `22 m//s`, chase a motoclist. The police man has horn at `176 H_(Z)`, While both of them move towards a stationary siran of frequency `165 H_(Z)`. Calulate the speed of the motorcyclist, if he does not observer any beats. (velocity of sound in air `= 330 m//s)`

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  12. A closed organ pipe resonates in its fundamental mode at a frequency of `200 H_(Z)` with `O_(2)` in the pipe at a certain temperature. If the pipe now contains `2` moles of `O_(2)` and `3` moles of ozone, then what will be fundamental frequency of same pipe at same temperature?

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  13. A detector is released from rest over a source of sound of frequency `f_(o) = 10^(3) H_(Z)`. The frequency observer by the decector at time `t` is plotted in the graph. The speed of sound in air `(g = 10 m//s^(2))`

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  14. Sound waves are trqvelling along positive x - direction. Displacement of particle at any time `t` is as shows in figure. Select the correct statement.

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Level 2 Single Correct questions and complete solutions for chapter SOUND WAVES of DC PANDEY ENGLISH of Class 11