Class 11 | PHYSICS |
Chapter | ELASTICITY |
DC PANDEY NEET | Match the columns |
Number Of Questions | 4 |
Academic Year | 2023-24 |
Match the following
`|{:(" Table-1"," Table-2"),((A)" Steel",(P)" Young's modulus of"),(," elasticity"),((B)" Water",(Q)" Bulk modulus of elasticity"),((C)" Hydrogen gas filled",(R)" sheer modulus of"),(" in a chamber"," elasticity"),(,):}|`
Match the following columns.
`{:(,"Column I",,"Column II"),((A),"Longitudinal stress",(p),"Volume changes"),((B),"Shear stress",(q),"Shape change"),((C),"Volumetric stress",(r),"Volume does not changes"),((D),"Tensile stress",(s),"Shapes does not change"):}`
Match the following
With regard to dependence of quantities given in column I and II, match the following.
`{:(,"Column I",,"Column II"),((A),"Young's modulus of a substance ",(p),"Depends on temperature"),((B),"Bulk modulus of a substance",(q),"Depends on length"),((C),"Modulus of rigidity of a substance",(r),"Depends on area of cross-section"),((D),"Volume of a substance",(s),"Depends on the nature of material"):}`
Match the columns questions and complete solutions for chapter ELASTICITY of DC PANDEY PHYSICS (HINGLISH) of Class 11