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Complete Solutions to Level 2 Subjective of chapter ELASTICITY of Class 11 book with complete answers and questions

DC PANDEYLevel 2 Subjective
Number Of Questions10
Academic Year2023-24
  1. A solid sphere of radius `R` made of a material of bulk modulus `B` is surrounded by a liquid in a cylindrical container. `A` massless piston of area `A` (the area of container is also `A`) floats on the surface of the liquid. When a mass `M` is placed on the piston to compress the liquid , fractional change in radius of the sphere is `(Mg)/(alpha AB)`. Find the value of `alpha`.

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  2. A `0.1 kg` mass is suspended from a wire of negligible mass. The length of the wire is `1 m` and its cross - sectional area is `4.9xx10^(-7) m^(2)`. If the mass is pulled a little in the vertically downward direction and released , it performs `SHM` with angular frequency `140 rad s^(-1)`. If the young's modulus of the material of the wire is ` pxx10^(9) Nm^(-2)`, find the value of `p`.

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  3. A wire having a length `L` and cross- sectional area `A` is suspended at one of its ends from a ceiling . Density and young's modulus of material of the wire are `rho` and `Y`, respectively. Its strain energy due to its own weight is `(rho^(2)g^(2)AL^(3))/(alphaY)`. Find the value of `alpha `

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  4. A wire of length `3 m` diameter `0.4 mm` and young's modulus `8xx10^(10) N//m^(2)` is suspended from a point and supports a heavy cylinder of volume `10^(-3) m^(3)` at its lower end . Find the decrease in length when the metal cylinder is immersed in a liquid of density `800 kg //m^(3)`.

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  5. A sphere of radius `10 cm` and mass `25` kg is attached to the lower end of a steel wire of length `5 m ` and diameter `4 mm ` which is suspended from the ceiling of a room . The point of support is `521 cm ` above the floor. When the sphere is set swinging as a simple pendulum, its lowest point just grazes the floor. Calculate the velocity of the ball at its lowest position `(Y_(steel) = 2xx10^(11) N//m^(2))`.

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  6. A uniform ring of radius `R` and made up of a wire of cross - sectional radius `r` is rotated about its axis with a frequency `f`. If density of the wire is `rho ` and young's modulus is `Y` . Find the fractional change in radius of the ring .

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  7. A `6 kg ` weight is fastened to the end of a steel wire of unstretched length `60 cm `. It is whirled in a vertical circle and has an angular velocity of ` 2 rev//s` at the bottom of the circle. The area of cross - section of the wire is `0.05 cm ^(2)` . Calculate the elongation of the wire when the weight is at the lowest point of the path . Young's modulus of steel `= 2xx10 ^(11) N //m^(2)` .

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  8. A homogeneous block with a mass `m ` hangs on three vertical wires of equal length arranged symmetrically . Find the tensions of the wires if the middle wire is of steel and the other two are of copper . All the wires have the same cross - section . Consider the modulus of elasticity of steel to be double than that of copper .

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  9. A uniform copper bar of density `rho` , length `L` , cross - sectional area `S` and young's modulus `Y` is moving horizontally on a frictionless surface with constant acceleration `a_(0) `. Find
    (a) the stress at the center of the wire ,
    (b) total elongation of the wire .

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  10. A ` 5 m` long cylindrical steel wire with radius ` 2xx10 ^(-3) m ` is suspended vertically from a rigid support and carries a bob of mass ` 100 kg ` at the other end . If the bob gets snapped , calculate the change in temperature of the wire ignorning radiation looses. ( Take ` g = 10 m//s ^(2) `)
    ( For the steel wire , young's modulus `= 2.1 xx10^(11) N//m^(2) ` , Density `= 7860 kg// m^(3) `, Specific heat `= 420 J/ kg -@ C` ) .

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Level 2 Subjective questions and complete solutions for chapter ELASTICITY of DC PANDEY PHYSICS (HINGLISH) of Class 11