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Complete Solutions to ONLY ONE OPTION IS CORRECT of chapter WAVE MOTION of Class 11 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions62
Academic Year2023-24
  1. The frequency of a sonometer wire is `f` . When the weight producing the tensions are completely immersed in water, the frequency becomes `f//2` and on immersing the weight in a certain liquid the frequency becomes `f//3`. The specific gravity of the liquid is

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  2. in a plane progaressive harmonic wave particle speed is always less than the wave speed if.

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  3. in an experiment it was found that string vibrates in n loops when a mass M is placed on the pan. What mass should be placed on the pan to make it vibrate in 2n loops with same frequency ? ( neglect the mass of pan )

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  4. Two pipes have each of length 2 m, one is closed at on end and the other is open at both ends. The speed of sound in air is 340 m/s . The frequency at which both can resonate is

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  5. An open organ pipe of length l is sounded together with another open organ pipe of length l + x in their fundamental tones. Speed of sound in air is v, the beat frequency heard will be (`x lt lt l`)

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  6. Two sound sources are moving in opposite directions with velocities ` v_(1) and v_(2) ( v_(1) gt v_(2))` . Both are moving away from a stationary observer. The frequency of both the sources is 900 Hz. What is the value of ` v_(1) - v_(2)` so that the beat frequency absorbed by the observer is 6 Hz. speed of sound v= 300 m/s given ,that `v_(1) and v_(2) lt lt v `

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  7. The frequency changes by 10 % as the source approaches a stationary observer with constant speed `v_(s)`. What would be the percentage change in frequency as the sources recedes the observer with the same speed ? Given , that `v_(s)lt lt v `(v= speed pf sound in air )

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  8. when a source of sound of frequency f crosses stationary observer with a speed ` v_(s) (lt lt ` speed of sound v) , the apparent change in frequency ` Dealtaf` is given by

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  9. The maximum pressure variation that the human ear can tolerate in loud sound is about `30 N //m^(2) ` . The corresponding maximum displacement for a sound wave in air having a frequency of ` 10^(3) Hz` is
    (Take velocity of sound in air as 300 m/s and density of air ` 1.5 kg // m ^(3)`)

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  10. A transverse wave ` y = 0.05 sin ( 20 pi x - 50 pi t)` meters , is propagating along + ve X - axis on a string light insect starts crawling on the string with velocity of 5 cm /s at t= 0 along the +ve X - axis from point where x = 5 cm . After 5 s the difference in phase of its position is equal to

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  11. If ` l_(1) and l_(2)` are the lengths of air column for the first and second resonance when a tuning fork frequency n is sounded on a resonance tube, there the distance of the antinode from the top end of resonance tube is

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  12. A sonometer wire resonates with a given tuning fork forming standing waves with five antinodes between the two bridges when a mass of `9kg` is suspended from the wire. When this same tuning fork forming three antinodes for the same positions of the bridges. the value of `M` is

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  13. identical wires A amd B of different materials are hung from then ceilling of a room . The density of wire A is greater than the density of wire B but their lengths are same. Identical wave pulses are produced at the bottom of respective wires. The times taken by the pulse to reach the top is

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  14. An open pipe of sufficient length is dipping in water with a speed v vertically. If at any instant l is lengths of tube avoce water. Then the rate at which fundamental frequency of pipe changes , is ( speed of sound = c)

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  15. A 10 W source of sound of frequency 1000 Hz sends out wave in air. The displacement amplitude a distance of 10 m from the source is (speed of sound in air = 340 m/s and density of air = 129 `kg//m^(3)`)

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  16. The amplitude of a wave disturbance propagating along positive X-axis is given by `=1/(1+x^(2))` at t=0 and `y=1/[1+(x-2)^(2)]` at t=4 s where x and y are in metre. The shape of wave diturbance does not change with time. The velocity of the wave is

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  17. A wave pulse on a string on a string has the dimension shown in figure. The wave speed is v=1 cm /s . If point O is a free end. The shape of wave at time t = 3s si

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  18. om the above problem , shape of the wave at time t = 3 s if . O is a fixed end will be

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  19. A string of length `0.4 m` and mass `10^(-2)kg` is tightly clamped at its ends. The tension in the string is `1.6 N`. Identical wave pulses are produced at one end at equal intervals of time, `Deltat`. The minimum value of `Deltat` which allows constructive interference of successive pulse is

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  20. In the figure , the intensity of waves arriving at D from two coherent soucrces `s_(1) and s_(2) is I_(0)`. The wavelength of the wave is ` lambda = 4 m` . Resultant intensity at D will be

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  21. A tuning fork of 512 Hz is used to produce resonance in a resonance tube experiment . The level of water at first resonance is 30. 7 cm and at second resonance is 63 . 2 cm . The error in calculating velocity of sound is (speed of sound in air = 330 m/s)

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  22. the equation for the vibration of a string fixed both ends vibration in its third harmonic is given by
    y = 2 cm sin `[(0.6cm ^(-1))xx ] cos [(500 ps^(-1)t]`

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  23. A string is under tension sot that its length uncreased by `1/n` times its original length . The ratio of fundamental frequency of longitudinal vibrations and transverse vibrations will be

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  24. the frequency of a sonometer wire is 100 Hz. When the weight producing th tensions are completely immersed in water the frequency becomes 80 Hz and on immersing the weight in a certain liquid the frequency becomes 60 Hz. The specific gravity of the liquid is

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  25. source and observer both start moving simultaneously from origion one along y - axis with speed of source = 2 (speed of observer ). The graph between the apparent frequency observed by observer (f) and time (t) would be

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  26. An observer starts moving with uniform acceleration a towards a stationary sound source of frequency `f_(o)`. As the observer approaches the source ,the apparent frequency f heard by the observer varies with time t as

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  27. Speed of sound wave is v. If a reflector moves towards a stationary source emitting waves of frequency f with speed u, the wavelength of reflected waves will be

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  28. A train is moving with a constant speed along a circular track. The engine of the train emits a sound of frequency f. The frequency heard by the guard at the rear end of the train.

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  29. A conveyor belt moves to the right with speed v = 300 m/ min . A pieman puts pies on the belt at a 30 m /min towards a receiver at the other end. The frequency with which they are received by the stationary receiver is

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  30. Equation for two waves is given as `y_(1)=asin(omegat+phi_(1)), y_(2)=asin(omegat+phi_(2))`.
    If ampitude and time period of resultant wave does not change, then calculate `(phi_(1)-phi_(2))`.

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  31. A transever sine wave of amplitude 10 cm and wavelength 200 cm travels from left to right along a long horizontal stretched, string is at the origin and is moving downward. Then the equation of the wave will be ( in CGS system )

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  32. A string of mass 0.2 kg/m and length l= 0.6 m is fixed at both ends and stretched such that it has a tension of 80 N. The string vibrates in 3 segments with maximum amplitude of 0.5 cm. the maximum transverse velocity amplitude is

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  33. A string fixed at both is vibrating in the lowest mode of vibration for which a point at quarter of its length from one end is a point of maximum displacement . The frequency of vibration emitted when it vibrates in the next mode such that this point is again a point of maximum displacement ?

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  34. two sound waves moves in the same direction .if the average power transmiitted across a cross - section by them are equal while their wavelengths are in the ratio of 1:2 . Their pressure amplitudes would be in the ratio of

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  35. the fundamental frequency of a sonometer wire of length is `f_(0)`.A bridge is now introduced at a distance of `Deltal`from the centre of the wire `(Deltal lt lt l )`. The number of beats heard if their fundamental mode are

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  36. in a sine wave ,positive of different particles at time t=0 is shown in figure. The equation for this wave if it is travelling along positive x -axis can be

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  37. A detector is released from rest over a source of sound of frequency `f_(0) = 10^(3) Hz`. The frequency observed by the detector at time t is plotted in the graph. The speed of sound in air is `(g = 10 m // s^(2)`)

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  38. A standing wave is maintained in a homogerneous string of cross - sectional area a and density p . It is formed bt yhe superpostions given of two waves travelling in opposite direations given by the equations

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  39. A 100 Hz sinusoidal wave is travelling in the positive x - direction along a string with a linear mass density of `3.5 xx10^(-3) kgm ^(-1)` and a tension of 35 N. At time t =0 ,the point x=0 has zero displacement and the slope of the string is `pi//20` then select the wrong alternative.

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  40. At t=0 , observer and source are at same place. Now the source is projected with velocity `60 sqrt2 `m/s at `45 ^(@)` . Natural frequency of source is 1000 Hz.find the frequency heard by the observer at t=2s. Take speed of sound = 340 m/s

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  41. there are three strings RP, Pqand QS as shown. Their mass and length are RP = (0.1 kg , 2 m), PQ = ( 0.2 kg , 3 m) ,QS= ( 0.15 kg , 4 m) respectively. All the strings are under the same tension. Wave -1 is incident at P. it is partly reflected (wave -2 ) adn partly transmitted (wave -3) . now wave - 3 is incident at Q . it is again partly transmitted (wave -5)[ and partly reflected (wave -4) . phase difference between wave -1 and wave

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  42. minimum frequency of audible sound is 20 Hz and maximum frequency is 20 , 000 Hz. If we compare the sound levels of these two frequencies of same amplitudes, their difference will be

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  43. both the strings , shown in figure are made of same material and have same cross - section. The pulleys are light the wave speed pf a travsverse wave in the string AB is `v_(1)` and in CD is `v_(2)`. The ratio `v_(1) // v_(2)` is

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  44. A stone in hung in air from a wire which is stretched over a sonometer . The bridges of the sonometer are `40 cm` apart when the wire is in unison with a tuning fork of frequency `256 Hz`. When the stone is completely immersed in water , the length between the bridges is `22 cm` for re - establishing unison . The specific gravity of the material of the stone is

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  45. A heavy but unifrom rope of length L is suspended from a celling . A particle is dropped from the celling at the instant when the bottom end is given a transverse wave pulse. Where will the particle meet the pulse.

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  46. the same progressive wave is reprsented by two group I and II. Graoup I shows how the displacement 'y' varies with the distance x along the wave at a given time. Graph II shows how y varies with time t at a given point on the wave. The ratio of measurements AB to CD, marked on the curvse m repersents.

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  47. A string of length 'L' is fixed at both ends . It is vibrating in its ` 3rd` overtone with maximum amplitude 'a'. The amplitude at a distance `L//3` from one end is

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  48. A wire having a linear density of `0.05 g//cm`is stretched between two rigid supports with a tension of `450N`. It is observed that the wire resonates at a frequency of `420 Hz`. The next higher frequency at which the same wire resonates is `490 Hz`. Find the length of the wire.

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  49. A sound signal is sent through a composite tube as shown in the figure. The radius of the semicircular portion of the tube is r, speed of sound in air is v, the source of sound is capable of giving varied frequencies . If n is an integer then frequency for maximum intensity is given by

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  50. A tube of diameter d and of length l is open a both ends. Its fundamental frequency of resonance is found to be `f_(1)`. One end of the tube is now closed. The lowest frequency of resonance of this closed tube is now `f_(2)`. Taking into consideration the end correction ,`(f_2)/(f_(1)` is

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  51. two speakers A and B , placed 1 m apart, each produces sound waves of frequnecy 1800 Hz. In phase. A detector moving parallel to line of speakers distant 2.4 m away detects a maximum intensity at O nd then at P. speed of sound wave is

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  52. A source of sound of frequency 165 Hz generates sound waves which get fully reflected from a wall . A person standing at the wall starts moving away from the wall. The minimum distance of the point from the wall at which the person hears maximum sound is (velocity of sound = 330 `ms^(-1)`)

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  53. Bullets are fixed at regular intervals of 10 second from a car moving with a speed of ` 30 ms^(-1)` towards another car approaching with a speed of 60 m/s . The interval at which the firing can be reported is (Speed of sound = `330 ms^(-1)`

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  54. the equation of a wave travelling along the positive x - axis ,as shown in figure at t = 0 is given by

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  55. A closed organ pipe of radius `r_(1)` and an open organ pipe of radius `r_(2)` and having same length 'L' resonate when excited with a given tuning fork. Closed organ-pipe resonates in its fundamental mode where as open organ pipe resonates in its first overtone, then :-

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  56. A stationary sound sound 's' of frequency 334 Hz and a stationary observer 'O' are placed near a reflecting surface moving away from the source with velocity 2 m/s as shown in the figure. If the velocity of the sound waves is air is v= 330 m/s the apparent frequency of the echo is

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  57. A sounding body emitting a frequency of `150 H_(Z)` is dropped from a height. During its fall under gravity it crosses a balloon moving upwards with a constant velocity of `2 m//s` one second after it started to fall . The difference in the frequency observer by the man in balloon just before and just afer crossing the body will be (velocity of sound `= 300 m//s`, `g = 10 m//s^(2))`

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  58. A soure of sound of frequency 165 hz is placed in front of a wall at a distance 2 m from it. A dtector is also placed in front of the wall at the same distance from it. Find the minimum distance between the source and detector for which maximum sound is recorded int he detector . the speed of sound is 330 m/s

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  59. A closed organ pipe of length L is vibrating on a circle of radius t and centre at O in xy plane. A point source of sound S lies in xy plane at a distance 2 R from the point O and emits sound of a given frequnecy .the ratio of maximum frequncey and minimum frequecny recorded by the detector is `11/9 ` and speed of sound is 340 m/s the minimum time intervel in seconds between recording a maximum frequency and minimum frequency is ( take R = 17 m )

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  60. A sound detector D moves with constant speed on a circle or radius R and centre at O in xy plane. A point source of sound S lines in xy plane at a distance 2R from the point O and emits sound of a given frequnecy . The ratio of maximum frequency recorded by the detector is `11/9` and speed of sound is 340 m/s . the minimum time interval in seconds between reacording a maximum frequency and mimmim frequency is (take R = 17)

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  61. Two notes A and B sounded together produce 2 beats per second. When notes B and C are sounded together 3 beats with per second are produced. The notes A and C separately produce the same number of beats with a standard tuning fork of frequency 456 Hz. The possible frequency of note B is

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  62. An open organ pipe is vibrating in its fifth overtone. The distance between two consecutive pionts where pressure amlitude is `1/sqrt 2` times pressure amplitude at pressure antinodes,is 40 cm , then the length of open organ pipe is ( neglect end connection )

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ONLY ONE OPTION IS CORRECT questions and complete solutions for chapter WAVE MOTION of DC PANDEY PHYSICS (HINGLISH) of Class 11