Complete Solutions to Level 1 Subjective of chapter SUPERPOSITION OF WAVES of Class 11 book with complete answers and questions

DC PANDEYLevel 1 Subjective
Number Of Questions24
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Two waves are travelling in same direction along a stretched string. The waves are `90^@` out of phase. Each wave has an amplitude of 4.0 cm. Find the amplitude of the resultant wave.

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  2. Two wires of different densities are soldered together end to end then stretched under tension T. The waves speed in the first wire is twice that in the second wire.
    (a) If the amplitude of incident wave is A, what are amplitudes of reflected and transmitted waves?
    (b) Assuming no energy loss in the wire, find the fraction of the incident power that is reflected at the junction and fraction of the same that is transmitted.

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  3. A wave is represented by
    `y_1 = 10 cos (5x + 25 t)`
    where, x is measured in meters and t in seconds. A second wave for which
    `y_2 = 20 cos (5x + 25t + pi/3)`
    interferes with the first wave. Deduce the amplitude and phase of the resultant wave.

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  4. Two waves passing through a region are represented by `y=(1.0cm) sin [(3.14 cm^(-1))x - (157s^(-1) x - (157s^(-1))t]`
    and `y = (1.5 cm) sin [(1.57 cm^(-1))x- (314 s^(-1))t].` Find the displacement of the particle at x = 4.5 cm at time t = 5.0 ms.

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  5. A string of length `20 cm` and linear mass density `0.40 g//cm` is fixed at both ends and is kept under a tension of `16 N.A` wave pulse is produced at `t=0` nearj an end as shown in figure which travels towards the other end.
    when will the string have the shape shown in the figure again? `(inxx10^(-2)s)`

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  6. A wave pulse on a string has the dimensions shown in figure. The wave speed is `v=1 cm//s`.

    (a) If point O is a fixed end, draw the resultant wave on the string at t=3 s and t=4 s.
    (b) Repeat part (a) for the case in which O is a free end.

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  7. Two sinusoidal waves combining in a medium are described by the equations
    `y_1 = (3.0 cm) sin pi (x+ 0.60t)`
    and `y_2 = (3.0 cm) sin pi (x-0.06 t)`
    where, x is in centimetres and t is in seconds. Determine the maximum displacement of the medium at
    (a)x=0.250 cm,
    (b)x=0.500 cm and
    (c) x=1.50 cm.
    (d) Find the three smallest values of x corresponding to antinodes.

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  8. A standing wave is formed by the interference of two travelling waves, each of which has an amplitude `A = pi cm` , angular wave number `k= (pi//2)` per centimetre.
    (a) Calculate the distance between two successive antinodes.
    (b) What is the amplitude of the standing wave at `x=0.50 cm` from a node?

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  9. Find the fundamental frequency and the next three frequencies that could cause a standing wave pattern on a string that is 30.0 m long, has a mass per unit length of `9.00 xx 10^(-3) kg//m` and is stretched to a tension of 20.0 N.

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  10. A string vibrates in its first normal mode with a frequency of `220` vibrations `//s`. The vibrating segment is 70.0 cm long and has a mass of 1.20g.
    (a) Find the tension in the string.
    (b) Determine the frequency of vibration when the string vibrates in three segments.

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  11. A 60.0 cm guitar string under a tension of 50.0 N has a mass per unit length of 0.100 `g//cm.` What is the highest resonance frequency of the string that can be heard by a person able to hear frequencies upto 20000 Hz?

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  12. A wire having a linear density of `0.05 g//cm`is stretched between two rigid supports with a tension of 450N. It is observed that the wire resonates at a frequency of 420 Hz. The next higher frequency at which the same wire resonates is 490 Hz. Find the length of the wire.

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  13. The vibrations from an 800 Hz tuning fork set up standing waves in a string clamped at both ends. The wave speed in the string is known to be `400 m//s ` for the tension used. The standing wave is observed to have four antinodes. How long is the string?

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  14. A string vibrates in 4 segments to a frequency of 400 Hz.
    (a) What is its fundamental frequency?
    (b) What frequency will cause it to vibrate into 7 segments?

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  15. A sonometer wire has a total length of 1m between the fixed ends. Where should the two bridges be placed below the wire so that the three segments of the wire have their fundamental frequencies in the ratio 1 : 2 : 3 ?

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  16. A guitar string is 90 cm long and has a fundamental frequency of 124 Hz. Where should it be pressed to produce a fundamatal frequecy of 186 Hz?

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  17. Adjacent antinodes of a standing wave on a string are 15.0 cm apart. A particle at an antinode oscillates in simple harmonic motion with amplitude 0.850 cm and period 0.0750 s. The string lies along the +x-axis and is fixed at x=0.
    (a) find the displacement of a point on the string as a function of position and time.
    (b) Find the speed of propagation of a transverse wave in the string.
    (c) Find the amplitude at a point 3.0 cm to the right of an antinode.

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  18. A 1.50 m long rope is stretched between two supports with a tension that makes the speed of transverse waves 48.0`m//s`. What are the wavelength and frequency of
    (a) the fundamental?
    (b) the second overtone?
    (c) the fourth harmonic?

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  19. A wire with mass 40.0 g is stretched so that its ends are tied down at points 80.0 cm apart.The wire vibrates in its fundamental mode with frequency 60.0 Hz and with an amplitude at the antinodes of 0.300 cm.
    (a) What is the speed of propagation of transverse wave in the wire?
    Compute the tension in the wire.
    (c) Find the maximum transverse velocity and acceleration of particles in the wire.

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  20. Two harmonic waves are represented in SI units by
    `y_1(x,t) = 0.2 sin (x-3.0t) and y_2(x,t) = 0.2 sin (x- 3.0t + phi)`
    (a) Write the expression for the sum `y=y_1 + y_2 for phi = pi/2 rad.`
    (b) Suppose the phase difference `phi` between the waves is unknown and the amplitude of their sum is 0.32 m, what is `phi`?

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  21. Figure shows different standing wave patterns on a string of linear mass density `4.0 xx 10^-2 kg//m` under a tension of 100 N. The amplitude of antinodes is indicated in each figure. The length of the string is 2.0m.
    (i) Obtain the frequencies of the modes shown in figures (a) and (b).
    (ii)Write down the transverse displacement y as a function of x and t for each mode. (Take the initial configuration of the wire in each mode to be as shown by the dark lines in the figure).

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  22. A string fastened at both ends has successive resonances with wavelengths of 0.54 m for nth harmonic and 0.48 m for the (n+1) th harmonic and 0.48 m for the (n+1) th harmonic.
    (a) Which harmonics are these?
    (b) What is the length of the stirng?
    (c) What is the wavelength of the fundamental frequency?

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  23. A wave `y_i = 0.3 cos (2.0x - 40t)` is travelling along a string toward a boundary at x=0. Write expressions for the reflected waves if .
    (a) the string has a fixed end at x=0 and
    (b) The string has a free end at x=0.
    Assume SI units.

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  24. A string that is 10 cm long is fixed at both ends. At t=0, a pulse travelling from left to right at `1cm//s is 4.0 cm ` from the right end as shown in figure. Determine the next two times when the pulse will be at that point again. State in each case whether the pulse is upright or inverted .

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Level 1 Subjective questions and complete solutions for chapter SUPERPOSITION OF WAVES of DC PANDEY PHYSICS (HINGLISH) of Class 11