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Complete Solutions to Miscellaneous Examples of chapter CALORIMETRY & HEAT TRANSFER of Class 11 book with complete answers and questions

DC PANDEYMiscellaneous Examples
Number Of Questions13
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Two metal cubes with 3 cm- edges of copper and aluminium are arranged as shown in figure. Find
    (a)the total thermal current from one reservoir to the other
    (b) the ratio of the thermal current carried by the copper cube to that carried by the aluminium cube. Thermal conductivity of copper is 401 `W//m-K` and that of aluminium id 237 `W//m-K` .

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  2. One end of a copper rod of length 1 m and area of cross - section `400 xx (10^-4) m^2` is maintained at `100^@C`. At the other end of the rod ice is kept at `0^@C`. Neglecting the loss of heat from the surrounding, find the mass of ice melted in 1h. Given, `K_(Cu) = 401 W//m-K and L_f = 3.35 xx (10^5) J//kg.`

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  3. Two bodies A and B have thermal emissivities of 0.01 and 0.81 respectively. The outer surface areas of the two bodies are same. The two bodies emit total radiant power at the same rate. The wavelength `lambda_B` corresponding to maximum spectral radiancy from B is shifted from the wavelength corresponding to maximum spectral radiancy in the radiation from A by 1.0 `mum`. If the temperature of A is 5802 K, calculate (a) the temperature of B, (b) wavelength `lambda_B`.

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  4. 5g of water at `30^@C and 5 g of ice at -29^@C` are mixed together in a calorimeter. Find the final temperature of mixture. Water equivalent of calorimeter is negligible, specific heat of ice = `0.5 cal//g-^@C` and latent heat of ice `=80 cal//g`.

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  5. A bullet of mass 10 g moving with a speed of `20 m//s` hits an ice block of mass 990 g kept on a frictionless floor and gets stuck in it. How much ice will melt if `50%` of the lost kinetic energy goes to ice?
    (Temperature of ice block `= 0^@C`.)

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  6. At 1 atmospheric pressure, 1.000 g of water having a volume of `1.000 cm^3` becomes 1671 `cm^3` of steam when boiled. The heat of vaporization of water at 1 atmosphere is `539 cal//g` . What is the change in internal energy during the process?

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  7. At 1 atmospheric pressure, 1000 g of water having a volume of `1000 cm^3` becomes `1.097 cm^3` of ice on freezing. The heat of fusion of water at 1 atmosphere is `80.0 cal//g`. What is the change in internal energy during the process?

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  8. Two plates eachb of area A, thickness `L_1 and L_2` thermal conductivities `K_1 and K_2` respectively are joined to form a single plate of thickness `(L_1+L_2)`. If the temperatures of the free surfaces are `T_1 and T_2`. Calculate.

    (a) rate of flow of heat
    (b) temperature of interface and
    (c) equivalent thermal conductivity.

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  9. One end of a rod length `20cm` is inserted in a furnace at `800K`. The sides of the rod are covered with an insulating material and the other end emits radiation like a blackbody. The temperature of this end is `750K` in the steady state. The temperature of the surrounding air is `300K`. Assuming radiation to be the only important mode of energy transfer between the surrounding and the open end of the rod, find the thermal conductivity of the rod. Stefan constant `sigma=6.0xx10^(-1)Wm^(-2)K^(-4)` .

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  10. Three rods of material `x` and three of material `y` are connected as shown in figure. All the rods are identical in length and cross sectional area. If the end `A` is maintained at `60^(@)C` and the junction `E` at `10^(@)C` , calculate the temperature of the junction `B`. The thermal conductivity of `x` is `800Wm^(-1).^(@)C^(-1)` and that of `y` is `400Wm^(-1).^(@)C^(-1)` .

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  11. A hollow sphere of glas whose external and internal radii are 11 cm and 9 cm respectively is completely filled with ice at `0^@C` and placed in a bath of boiling water. How long will it take for the ice to melt completely? Given that density of ice = `0.9 g//cm^3`, latent heat of fusion of ice `= 80 cal//g` and thermal conductivity of glass `=0.002 cal//cm-s^@C`.

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  12. A point source of heat of power P is placed at the centre of a spherical shell of mean radius R. The material of the shell has thermal conductivity K. If the temperature difference between the outer and inner surface of the shell in not to exceed T, the thickness of the shell should not be less than .......

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  13. A steam cylindrical pipe of radius 5 cm carries steam at `100^@C` . The pipe is covered by a jacket of insulating material 2 cm thick having a thermal conductivity 0.07 `W//m-K` . If the temperature at the outer wall of the pipe jacket is `20^@C` , how much heat is lost through the jacket per metre length in an hours?

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Miscellaneous Examples questions and complete solutions for chapter CALORIMETRY & HEAT TRANSFER of DC PANDEY PHYSICS (HINGLISH) of Class 11