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Complete Solutions to PHYSICS of chapter OSCILLATIONS of Class 11 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions66
Academic Year2023-24
  1. The time period of a second’s pendulum is 2 sec. The spherical bob which is empty from inside has a mass of 50 gm. This is now replaced by another solid bob of same radius but having different mass of 100 gm. The new time period will be

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  2. The length of a simple pendulum is increased by 1%. Its time period will

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  3. The bob of a pendulum of length l is pulled aside from its equilibrium position through an angle `theta` and then released. The bob will then pass through its equilibrium position with a speed v, where v equals

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  4. A simple pendulum is executing simple harmonic motion with a time period T. If the length of the pendulum is increased by 21%, the percentage increase in the time period of the pendulum of is

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  5. A chimpanzee swinging on a swing in a sitting position, stands up suddenly, the time period will

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  6. A simple pendulum consisting of a ball of mass m tied to a thread of length l is made to swing on a circular arc of angle q in a vertical plane. At the end of this arc, another ball of mass m is placed at rest. The momentum transferred to this ball at rest by the swinging ball is

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  7. The time period of a simple pendulum of length L as measured in an elevator descending with acceleration g / 3 is

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  8. A mass m is suspended from the two coupled springs connected in series. The force constant for springs are `k_(1) "and" k_(2).` The time period of the suspended mass will be

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  9. A spring having a spring constant k is loaded with a mass m. The spring is cut into two equal parts and one of these is loaded again with the same mass. The new spring constant i

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  10. A mass m = 100 gm is attached at the end of a light spring which oscillates on a frictionless horizontal table with an amplitude equal to 0.16 metre and time period equal to 2 sec. Initially the mass is released from rest at t = 0 and displacement x = –0.16 metre. The expression for the displacement of mass at any time t is

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  11. Two masses m1 and m2 are suspended together by a massless spring of constant k. When the masses are in equilibrium, m1 is removed without disturbing the system. The amplitude of oscillations is

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  12. The composition of two simple harmonic motions of equal periods at right angle to each other and with a phase difference of p results in the displacement of the particle along

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  13. A particle, with restoring force proportional to displacement and resulting force proportional to velocity is subjected to a force `F sin omega t`. If the amplitude of the particle is maximum for `omega = omega_(1)`, and the energy of the particle is maximum for `omega=omega_(2)`, then

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  14. Amplitude of a wave is represented by `A(c)/(a+b+c)` Then resonance will occur when

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  15. Two blocks A and B each of mass m are connected by a massless spring of natural length L and spring constant k. The blocks are initially resting on a smooth horizontal floor with the spring at its natural length. A third identical block C also of mass m moves on the floor with a speed v along the line joining A and B and collides with A. Then
    The kinetic energy of the A-B system at maximum compression of the spring is `mv^(2)//4`
    The maximum compression of the spring `vsqrt(m//3k)
    The kinetic energy of the A-B system at maximum compression
    The maximum coppression of the spring is `vsqrt(m//k)

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  16. A simple pendulum of length L and mass (bob) M is oscillating in a plane about a vertical line between angular limits `-phi` and `+phi` For an angular displacement `theta(|theta|ltphi).`the tension in the string and the velocity of the bob are T and v respectively. The following relations hold good under the above conditions
    `T costheta=Mg`
    The magnitude of the tangential acceleration of the bob `|a_(T)|=gsintheta`

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  17. Identify wrong statements among the following
    The greater the mass of a pendulum bob, the shorter is its frequency of oscillation
    A simple pendulum with a bob of mass M swings with an angular amplitude of `40^(@)`. When its angular amplitude is`20^(@)`, the tension in the string is less than Mgcos`20^(@)`. (3) The fractional change in the time period of a pendulum on changing the temperature is independent of the length of the pendulum.
    As the length of a simple pendulum is increased, the maximum velocity of its bob during its oscillation will also decreases.

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  18. A particle performs linear SHM such that it is placed on plat- form & platform along with particles oscillate vertically up and down with amplitude A = 1cm. If the particle does not loose contact with platform anywhere and mass of particle is 1 kg, find :
    The minimum, possible time period `("take"" " pi=sqrt(g))`

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  19. A particle performs linear SHM such that it is placed on plat- form & platform along with particles oscillate vertically up and down with amplitude A = 1cm. If the particle does not loose contact with platform anywhere and mass of particle is 1 kg, find :
    For minimum time period condition average potential energy between t = 0 to t = 0.05 sec`("Take" " "g=10m//s^(2))

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  20. Statement-1 : The periodic time of a hard spring is less as compared to that of a soft spring. Statement-2 : The periodic time depends upon the spring constant, and spring constant is large for hard spring

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  21. Statement-1 : The percentage change in time period is 1.5%, if the length of simple pendulum increases by 3% Statement-2:Time period is directly proportional to length of pendulum

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  22. If x, and a denote the displacement, the velocity and the acceler of a particle executing simple harmonic motion of time period T, then, which of the following does not change with time?

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  23. A mass is suspended separately by two different springs in successive order, then time periods is `t_(1) "and" t_(2)` respectively. It is connected by both springs as shown in fig. then time period is `t_(0)`. The correct relation is

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  24. A rod of length l is in motion such that its ends A and B are moving along x-axis and y-axis respectively. It is given that `(d theta)/(dt) = 2` rad/sec always . P is a fixed point on the rod . Let M be the projection of P on x-axis . For the time interval in which `theta` changes from 0 to `(pi)/(2)` , the correct statement is

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  25. A particle of mass m executes simple harmonic motion with amplitude a and frequency v. The average kinetic energy during its motion from the position of equilinrium to the end is.

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  26. A mass M attached to a spring oscillates with a period of 2s. If the mass is increased by 2 kg, then the period increases by 2s. Find the initial mass M assuming that Hooke's law is obeyed.

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  27. The amplitude of damped oscillator becomes `1/3` in `2s`. Its amplitude after `6s` is `1//n` times the original. The value of `n` is

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  28. Assume the earth to be perfect sphere of uniform density. If a body is dropped at one end of a tunnel dug along a diameter of the earth (remember that inside the tunnel the force on the body is – k times the displacement from the centre, k being a constant), it (body) will

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  29. A particle undergoes simple harmonic motion having time period T. The time taken in 3/8th oscillation is

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  30. A particle is executing simple harmonic motion with amplitude A. When the ratio of its kinetic energy to the potential energy is `(1)/(4)` , its displacement from its mean position is

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  31. The length of a simple pendulum executing simple harmonic motion is increased by `21%`. The percentage increase in the time period of the pendulum of increased lingth is.

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  32. The time period of a mass suspended from a spring is T. If the spring is cut into four equal parts and the same mass is suspended from one of the parts, then the new time period will be

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  33. Two simple harmonic motions act on a particle. These harmonic motions are `x = A "cos"omegat + delta , y = A "cos"(omegat + alpha)` when `delta= alpha + (pi)/(2)` , the resulting motion is

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  34. A point mass oscillates along the x-axis according to the law `x=x_(0) cos(moegat-pi//4). If the acceleration of the particle is written as `a=A cos(omegat+delta), the .

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  35. A mass (M) is suspended from a spring of negligible mass. The spring is pulled a little and then released so that the mass executes SHM of time period T. If the mass is increased by m, the time period becomes `(5T)/3`. Then the ratio of `m/M` is .

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  36. A body oscillates with a simple harmonic motion having amplitude 0.05 m. At a certain instant of time, its displacement is 0.01 m and acceleration is `1.0 m//s^(2)`. The period of oscillation is

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  37. The particle executing simple harmonic motion has a kinetic energy `k_(0) cos^2 omega t` The maximum value of the potential energy and the total energy are respectively

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  38. A simple pendulum attached to the ceiling of a stationary lift has a time period T. The distance y covered by the lift moving upwards varies with time t as `y = t^(2)` where y is in metres and t in seconds. If `g = 10 m//s^(2)`, the time period of pendulum will be

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  39. A particle moves with simple harmonic motion in a straight line. In first `taus`, after starting form rest it travels a destance a, and in next `tau s` it travels 2a, in same direction, then:

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  40. Two simple harmonic are represented by the equation `y_(1)=0.1 sin (100pi+(pi)/3) and y_(2)=0.1 cos pit`.
    The phase difference of the velocity of particle 1 with respect to the velocity of particle 2 is.

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  41. Masses `M_(A) "and" M_(B)` hanging from the ends of strings of lengths `L_(A) "and" L_(B)` are executing simple harmonic motions. If their frequencies are `f_(A) = 2f_(B)`, then

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  42. In damped oscillations, the amplitude of oscillation is reduced to one-third of its initial value of `9cm` at the end of `100` oscillations. What will be its amplitude of oscillation in `cm` when it completes `200` oscillations.

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  43. Three spring are connected to a mass `m(=100g)` as shown in figure. Given `k=2.5Nm^(-1)`. (a) What is the effecitve spring constant of the combination of spring constant of the combination of springs? (b) When mass m oscillates, find time period of its vibration.

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  44. A body executes simple harmonic motion. The potential energy (P.E), the kinetic energy (K.E) and energy (T.E) are measured as a function of displacement `x`. Which of the following staements is true?

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  45. A simple harmonic wave having an amplitude a and time period T is represented by the equation y = `5"sin"pi(t + 4)m`. Then the value of amplitude (a) in (m) and time period (T) in second are

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  46. A particle moves such that its acceleration ‘a’ is given by` a = – zx`where x is the displacement from equilibrium position and z is constant. The period of oscillation is

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  47. The displacement of an obuect attached to a spring and executing simple harmonic motion is given by `x=2xx100^(-2) cos pit` metre. The time at which the maximum speed first occurs is.

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  48. A tunnel has been dug through the centre of the earth and a ball is released in it. It executes S.H.M. with time period

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  49. The displacement equation of a particle is `x=3 sin 2t+4cos2t`. The amplitude and maximum velocity will be respectively

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  50. A body of mass 0.01 kg executes simple harmonic motion about x = 0 under the influence of a force as shown in figure. The time period of SHM is

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  51. Two oscillators are started simultaneously in same phase. After 50 oscillations of one, they get out of phase by `pi`, that is half oscillation. The percentage difference of frequencies of the two oscillators is nearest to

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  52. The length of a second’s pendulum at the surface of earth is 1 m. The length of second’s pendulum at the surface of moon where g is 1/6th that at earth’s surface is

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  53. A simple spring has length l and force constant K. It is cut into two springs of lengths `l_(1) "and" l_(2)` such that `l_(1) = n l_(2)` (n = an integer). The force constant of spring of length `l_(1)` is

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  54. The displacement of a particle from its mean position (in mean is given by `y = 0.2 sin(10pi t + 1.5 pi) cos (10 pi t+ 1.5 pi)`. The motion but not `S.H.M.`

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  55. A point particle if mass `0.1 kg` is executing SHM of amplitude `0.1 m`. When the particle passes through the mean position, its kinetic energy is `8 xx 10^(-3)J`. Write down the equation of motion of this particle when the initial phase of oscillation is `45^(@)`.

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  56. For a simple pendulum, a graph is plotted between itskinetic energy `(KE)` and potential energy `(PE)`against its displacement `d`. Which one of the following represents these correctly? (graph are schematic and not drawn to scale)

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  57. The equation of a simple harmonic wave is given by
    `y = 3 sin"(pi)/(2) (50t - x)`
    where `x` and `y` are in meters and `x` is in second .The ratio of maximum particle velocity to the wave velocity is

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  58. A body of mass `m` is suspended from three springs as shown in figure. If mass `m` is displaced slightly then time period of oscillation is

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  59. A hollow sphere is filled with water through a small hole in it. It is then hung by a long thread and made to oscillate. As the water slowly flows out of the hole at the bottom, the period of oscillation of the sphere.

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  60. The figure shows the displacement-time graph of a particle executing `SHM`. If the time period of oscillation is `2s`, then the equation of motion is given by

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  61. A coin is placed on a horizontal platform which undergoes vertical simple harmonic motion of angular frequency `omega`. The amplitude of oscillation is gradually increased. The coin will leave contact with the platform for the first time

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  62. The bob of a simple pendulum executm simple harmonic motion in water with a period t, while the period of oscillation of the bob is `t_(0)` in air. Negleting frictional force of water and given that the density of the bob is (4//3)xx1000 kg//m^(3).
    What relationship between t and `t_(0)` is true.

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  63. Starting from the origin a body osillates simple harmonicall with a period of 2 s. A fter what time will its kinetic energy be 75% of the total energy?

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  64. Due to some force `F_(1)` a body oscillates with period `4//5s` and due to other force `F_(2)` it oscillates with period `3//5s`. If both the forces acts simultaneously in same direction then new period is

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  65. A block connected to a spring oscillates vertically. A damping force `F_(d)`, acts on the block by the surrounding medium. Given as `F_(d) = –bV`, b is a positive constant which depends on :

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  66. A simple pendulum of length `l` has maximum angular displacement `theta` . Then maximum kinetic energy of a bob of mass `m` is

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