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Complete Solutions to Motion Under Gravity of chapter MOTION IN ONE DIMENSION of Class 11 book with complete answers and questions

ERRORLESSMotion Under Gravity
Number Of Questions81
Academic Year2023-24
  1. A stone falls from a ballon that id descending at a uniform rate of 12m/s. The displacement of the stone from the point of release after 10 sec is

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  2. A ball is dropped on the floor from a height of 10m. It rebounds to a height of 2.5 m if the ball is in contact with floor for 0.01 s then the average acceleration during contact is nearly

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  3. A body X is projected upwards with a velocity of `98 ms^(-1)`, after 4s, a second body Y is also projected upwards with the same initial velocity . Two bodies will meet after

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  4. Two bodies of different masses `m_(a)` and `m_(b)` are dropped from two different heights a and b. The ratio of the time taken by the two to cover these distances are

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  5. A body falls freely from rest. It covers as much distance in the last second of its motion as covered in the first three seconds. The body has fallen for a time of :

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  6. A stone is dropped into water from a bridge 44.1 m above the water. Another stone is thrown vertically downward 1 sec later. Both strike the water simultaneously. What was the initial speed of the second stone

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  7. An iron ball and a wooden ball of the same radius are released from the same height in vacuum. They take the same time to reach the ground. The reason for this is

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  8. A body is thrown vertically upwards. If air resistance is to be taken into account, then the time during which the body rises is.

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  9. A ball P is dropped vertically and another ball Q is thrown horizontally with the same velocities from the same height and at the same time. If air resistance is neglected, then

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  10. A body released from a great height, falls freely towards the earth. Another body is released from the same height exactly one second later. Then the separation between two bodies, two seconds after the release fo second body is.

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  11. An object is projected upwards with a velocity of `100m//s`. It will strike the ground after (approximately)

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  12. A stone dropped from the top of the tower touches the ground in 4 sec. The height of the tower is about

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  13. A body is released from the top of a tower of height h. It takes t sec to reach the ground. Where will be the ball after time `(t)/(2)` sec?

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  14. A mass m slips along the wall of a semispherical surface of radius R . The velocity at the bottom of the surface is

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  15. A frictionless wire is fixed between `A` and `B` inside of a hollow sphere of radius `R` as shown. A bead slips along the wire starting from the rest at point `A`. The time taken by the bead to slip from `A` to `B` will be

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  16. A body is slipping from an inclined plane of height h and length l . If the angle of inclination is `theta` , the time taken by the body to come from the top to the bottom of this inclined plane is

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  17. A particle is projected up with an initial velocity of `80 ft//sec`. The ball will be at a height of 96ft from the ground after

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  18. A body falls from rest, its velocity at the end of first second is `(g = 32 ft//sec)`

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  19. A stone is thrown vertically upwards with an initial speed `u` from the top of a tower, reaches the ground with a speed `3 u`. The height of the tower is :

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  20. Two stones of different masses are dropped simultaneously from the top of a building

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  21. A body thrown with an initial speed of `96 ft//sec` reaches the ground after `(g = 32 ft//sec^(2))`

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  22. A stone is dropped from a certain height which can reach the ground in `5 s`. It is stopped after `3 s` of its fall and then it is again released. The total time taken by the stone to reach the ground will be .

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  23. A man in a balloon rising vertically with an acceleration fo `4.9 ms^(-2)` released a ball `2 seconds` after the balloon is let of from the ground. The greatest height above the ground reached by the ball is:

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  24. A particle is dropped under gravity from rest from a height `h(g = 9.8 m//sec^2)` and it travels a distance `9h//25` in the last second, the height `h` is.

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  25. A balloon is at a height of 81 m and is ascending upwards with a velocity of 12 m/s . A body of 2kg weight is dropped from it. If `g = 10 m//s^(2)`, the body will reach the surface of the earth in

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  26. An aeroplane is moving with a velocity u. It drops a packet from a height h. The time t taken by the packet in reaching the ground will be

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  27. Water drops fall at regular intervals from a tap 5 m above the ground. The third drop is leaving the tap, the instant the first drop touches the ground. How far above the ground is the second drop at that instant. `(g = 10 ms^-2)`

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  28. A ball is thrown vertically upwards from the top of a tower at `4.9 ms^(-1)` . It strikes the pond near the base of the tower after 3 seconds . The height of the tower is

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  29. An aeroplane is moving with horizontal velocity u at height h . The velocity of a packet dropped from it on the earth's surface will be ( g is acceleration due to gravity)

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  30. A rocket is fired upward from the earth's surface such that it creates an acceleration of 19.6 m/sec . If after 5 sec its engine is switched off, the maximum height of the rocket from earth's surface would be

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  31. A bullet is fired with a speed of 1000 m/sec in order to penetrate a target situated at 100 m away. If `g = 10 m//s^(2)`, the gun should be aimed

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  32. A body starts to fall freely under gravity. The distances covered by it in first, second and third second are in ratio

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  33. P, Q and R are three balloons ascending with velocities U, 4U and 8U respectively. If stones of the same mass be dropped from each, when they are at the same height, then

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  34. A body is projected up with a speed `u` and the time taken by it is T to reach the maximum height H. Pich out the correct statement

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  35. A body falling for 2 seconds covers a distance S equal to that covered in next second. Taking `g = 10m//s^(2),S =`

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  36. A body dropped from a height h with an initial speed zero, strikes the ground with a velocity `3km/h`. Another body of same mass is dropped from the same height h with an initial speed `-u' = 4km//h`. Find the final velocity of second body with which it strikes the ground

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  37. A ball of mass `m_(1)` and another ball of mass `m_(2)` are dropped from equal height. If the time taken by the balls are `t_(1)` and `t_(2)`, respectively, then

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  38. With what velocity a ball be projected vertically so that the distance covered by it in `5^(th)` second is twice the distance it covers in its `6^(th)` second `(g=10 m//s^(2))`

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  39. A body sliding on a smooth inclined plane requires `4s` to reach the bottom, starting from rest at the at the top. How much time does it take to cover ont-foruth the distance startion from rest at the top?

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  40. A ball is dropped downwards. After 1 second another ball is dropped downwards from the same point. What is the distance between them after 3 seconds

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  41. A stone is thrown with an initial speed of ' 4.9 ms^(-1)' from a bridge in vertical upward direction. If falls down in water after `2` seconds. The height of the bridge is.

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  42. A stone is shot straight upward with a speed of 20 m/sec from a tower 200 m high. The speed with which it strikes the ground is approximately

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  43. A body freely falling from the rest has velocity `v` after it falls through a height `h` the distance it has to fall down for its velocity to become double is

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  44. The time taken by a block of wood (initially at rest) to slide down a smooth inclined plane 9.8 m long (angle of inclination is `30^(@)`) is

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  45. The velocity with which a body stricks the ground is always equal to the velocity with which it was projected upwards.' is the statement true ? On what principle is ist based ?

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  46. A body projected vertically upwards with a velocity u returns to the starting point in 4 seconds. If `g = 10m//sec`, the value of u is

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  47. Time taken by an object falling from rest to cover the height of `h_(1)` and `h_(2)` is respectively `t_(1)` and `t_(2)` then the ratio of `t_(1)` to `t_(2)` is

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  48. A body is thrown vertically up from the ground. It reaches a maximum height of 100 m in 5 sec . After what time it will reach the ground from the maximum height position

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  49. A body thrown vertically upwards with an initial valocity `u` reaches maximum height in 6 s. The ratio of the distances traveled by the body in the first second the seventh second is

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  50. A stone is thrown vertically upwards. When stone is at a height half of its maximum height, its speed is `10 ms^-1` , then the maximum height attained by the stone is (`g= 10 ms^(-2)`)

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  51. A body, thrown upwards with some velocity, reaches the maximum height of 20 m . Another body with double the mass thrown up, with double initial velocity will reach a maximum height of

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  52. A balloon starts rising from the ground with an acceleration of `1.25ms^-2`. After 8 seconds, a stone is released from the balloon. After releasing, the stone will:

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  53. A body is thrown vertically upwards with a velocity u . Find the true statement from the following

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  54. A man throws a ball vertically upward and it rises through 20 m and returns to his hands. What was the initial velocity (u) of the ball and for how much time (T) it remained in the air `[g = 10 m//s^(2)]`

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  55. A particle when thrown, moves such that it passes from same height at 2 and 10 seconds, then this height h is :

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  56. Three different objects of masses `m_(1) , m_(2)` and `m_(2)` are allowed to fall from rest and from the same point `O` along three different frictionless paths. The speeds of three objects on reaching the ground will be:

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  57. From the top of a tower, a particle is thrown vertically downwards with a velocity of `10 m//s`. The ratio of the distances, covered by it in the `3rd` and `2nd` seconds of the motion is `("Take" g = 10 m//s^2)`.

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  58. Two balls `A and B` of same masses are thrown from the top of the building `A`. Thrown upward with velocity `V and B`, thrown downward with velocity `V`, then

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  59. A ball is dropped from top of a tower of 100 m height. Simultaneously another ball was thrown upward from bottom of the tower with a speed of `50 m//s (g = 10m//s^(2))`. They will cross each other after

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  60. A cricket ball is thrown up with a speed of 19.6 m/s. The maximum height it can reach is (take g= 9.8 m/`s^2`)

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  61. Balls are thrown vertically upwards in such a way that the next ball is thorwn when the previous one is at the maximum height. If the maximum hieght is `5m`, the number of balls thrown per minute will be

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  62. A body falling from a high mimaret travels 40 meters in the last 2 seconds of its fall to ground. Height of minaret in meters is (take `g=10(m)/(s^2)`)

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  63. A body falls from a height `h = 200 m` (at New Delhi). The ratio of distance travelled in each `2 sec` during `t = 0` to `t = 6` seconds of the journey is.

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  64. A man drops a ball downside from the roof of a tower of height `400` metres. At the same time another ball is thrown upside with a velocity `50 "meter"//sec` from the surface of the tower, then they will meet at which height from the surface of the tower.

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  65. Two balls are dropped from heights `h` and `2h` respectively from the earth surface. The ratio of time of these balls to reach the earth is.

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  66. The acceleration due to gravity on the planet `A` is `9` times the acceleration due to gravity on planet `B`. A man jumps to a height of `2m` on the surface of `A`. What is the height of jump by the same person on the planet `B`?

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  67. A body falls from rest in the gravitational field of the earth. The distance travelled in the fifth second of its motion is `(g = 10m//s^(2))`

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  68. If a body is thrown up with the velocity of 15 m/s then maximum height attained by the body is `(g = 10m//s)`

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  69. balloon is rising vertically up with a velocity of 29 m/s. A stone is dropped from it and it reaches the ground in 10 seconds. The height of the balloon when the stone was dropped from it is `(g = 9.8 m/s^2)`

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  70. A ball is released from the top of a tower of height `h meters` . It takes `T` seconds to reach the ground . What is the position of the ball at `T/3 second`

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  71. Two balls `A` and `B` of same size are dropped from the same point under gravity. The mass of `A` is greater than that of `B`.If the air resistance acting on each ball is same, then

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  72. A packet is dropped from a balloon which is going upwards with the velocity `12m//s`. The velocity of the packet after 2 seconds will be

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  73. If a freely falling body travels in the last second, a distance equal to the distance travelled by it in the first three second, the time of the travel is

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  74. The effective acceleration of a body, when thrown upwards with acceleration a will be :

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  75. A body is thrown vertically upward with velocity `u`. The distance traveled by it in the fifth and the sixth second are equal. The velocity `u` is given by

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  76. A body, thrown upward with some velocity reaches the maximum height of `50 m`. Another body with double the mass thrown up with double the initial velocity will reach a maximum height of

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  77. A parachutist after bailing out falls 50 m without friction. When parachute opens, it decelerates at `2 m//s^(2)` he reaches the ground with a speed of `3 m//s` at what height did he bail out ?

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  78. Three particles A, B and C are thrown from the top of a tower with the same speed. A is thrown up, B is thrown down and C is horizontally. They hit the ground with speeds `v_(A),v_(B) and v_(C)` respectively then,

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  79. From the top of a tower two stones, whose masses are in the ratio 1 : 2 are thrown one straight up with an initial speed u and the second straight down with the same speed u . Then, neglecting air resistance

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  80. When a ball is thrown up vertically with velocity `v_0`, it reaches a maximum height of h. If one wishes to triple the maximum height then the ball should be thrown with velocity

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  81. An object start sliding on a frictionless inclined plane and from same height another object start falling freely

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Motion Under Gravity questions and complete solutions for chapter MOTION IN ONE DIMENSION of UNIVERSAL BOOK DEPOT 1960 PHYSICS (HINGLISH) of Class 11