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Complete Solutions to Radiation (Stefan s law) of chapter TRANSMISSION OF HEAT of Class 11 book with complete answers and questions

ERRORLESSRadiation (Stefan s law)
Number Of Questions56
Academic Year2023-24
  1. The amount of radiation emitted by a perfectly black body is proportional to .

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  2. A metal ball of surface area `200 cm^(2)` and temperature `527^(@)C` is surrounded by a vessel at `27^(@)C` . If the emissivity of the metal is 0.4, then the rate of loss of heat from the ball is `(sigma = 5.67 xx10^(-8)J//m^(2)-s-k^(4))`

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  3. The rate of radiation of a black body at 0° C is EJ/sec . The rate of radiation of this black body at `273(@)C` will be

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  4. A black body radiates energy at the rate of E `W//m` at a high temperature TK . When the temperature is reduced to `(T)/(2)K` , the radiant energy will b

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  5. An object is at a temperature of `400^(@)C` . At what temperature would it radiate energy twice as fast? The temperature of the surroundings may be assumed to be negligible

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  6. A black body at a temperature of `227^(@)C` radiates heat energy at the rate of 5 cal/cm-sec. At a temperature of `727^(@)C`, the rate of heat radiated per unit area in cal/cm will be

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  7. Energy is being emitted from the surface of a black body at `127^(@)C` temperature at the rate of `1.0xx10^(6)J//sec-m^(2)`. Temperature of the black at which the rate of energy emission is `16.0xx10^(6)J//sec-m^(2)` will be

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  8. In MKS system, Stefan's constant is denoted by `sigma`. In CGS system multiplying factor of will be

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  9. If temperature of a black body increases from `7^(@)C` to `287^(@)C` , then the rate of energy radiation increases by

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  10. The temperature of a piece of iron is `27^(@)C` and it is radiating energy at the rate of `Q kWm^(-2)` . If its temperature is raised to `151^(@)C` , the rate of radiation of energy will become approximately

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  11. The temperatures of two bodies A and B are `727^(@)C` and `127^(@)C` . The ratio of rate of emission of radiations will be

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  12. The temperature at which a black body of unit area loses its energy at the rate of 1 joule/second is

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  13. The area of a hole of heat furnace is `10^(-4)m^(2)`. It radiates `1.58xx10^(5)` calories of heat per hour. If the emissivity of the furnace is 0.80, then its temperature is

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  14. Two spheres P and Q , of same colour having radii 8cm and 2cm are maintained at temperatures of `127^(@)C `. If temperature is increased to `927^(@)C`, then it radiates energy at the rate of

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  15. A body radiates energy 5 W at a temperature of `127^(@)C` . If the temperature is increased to `927^(@)C`, then it radiates energy at the rate of

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  16. A thin square steel plate with each side equal to 10 cm is heated by a blacksmith. The rate of radiated energy by the heated plate is 1134 W . The temperature of the hot steel plate is (Stefan's constant `sigma = 5.67 xx10^(-8) " watt "m^(-2) K^(-4)` , emissivity of the plate = 1)

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  17. The temperature of two bodies A and B are respectively `727^(@)C` and `327^(@)C` . The ratio `H_(A) : H_(B)` of the rates of heat radiated by them is

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  18. The energy emitted per second by a black body at `27^(@)C` is 10 J. If the temperature of the black body is increased to `327^(@)C` , the energy emitted per second will be

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  19. The radiant energy from the Sun incident normally at the surface of earth is `20kcal//m^(2)` min What would have been the radiant energy incident normally on the earth if the sun had a temperature twice of the present one ? .

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  20. A spherical black body with a radius of `12cm` radiates `450W `power at `500K`. If the radius were halved and the temperature doubled, the power radiated in watt would be

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  21. If the temperature of the sun (black body) is doubled, the rate of energy received on earth will be increase by a factor of

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  22. The ratio of energy of emitted radiation of a black body at `27^(@)C` and `927^(@)C` is

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  23. If the temperature of a black body be increased from `27^(@)C` to `327^(@)C` the radiation emitted increases by a fraction of

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  24. The rectangular surface of area `8 cm xx 4 cm` of a black body at temperature `127^(@)C` emits energy `E` per section if length and breadth are reduced to half of the initial value and the temperature is raised to `327^(@)C`, the ratio of emission of energy becomes

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  25. At temperature T , the power radiated by a body is Q watts . At the temperature 3 T the power radiated by it will be

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  26. Two spherical black bodies of radii `R_(1)` and `R_(2)` and with surface temperature `T_(1)` and `T_(2)` respectively radiate the same power. `R_(1)//R_(2)` must be equal to

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  27. Temperature of a black body increases from `327^(@)C` to `927^(@)C`, the initial energy possessed is 2KJ, what is its final energy

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  28. The original temperature of a black body is . `727^(@) C` . The temperature at which this black body must be raised so as to double the total radiant energy, is

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  29. Two black metallic spheres of radius 4m, at 2000 K and 1m at 4000 K will have ratio of energy radiation as

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  30. The energy spectrum f a black body exhibits a maximum around a wavelength `lamda_0`. The temperature of the black body is now changed such that the energy is maximum around a wavelength `3 lamda_0//4`. The power radiated by the black body will now increase by a factor of

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  31. A black body is at a temperature `300 K`. It emits energy at a rate, which is proportional to

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  32. The temperature of a body is increased by `50%`. The amount of radiation emitted by it would be nearly

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  33. Two identical metal balls at temperature `200^(@)C` and `400^(@)C` kept in air at `27^(@)C`. The ratio of net heat loss by these bodies is

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  34. Two spheres made of same material have radii in the ratio 1: 2 Both are at same temperature. Ratio of heat radiation energy emitted per second by them is

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  35. A black body at a temperature of `127^(@)C` raidates heat at the rate of `1cal//cm xx sec`. At a temperature of `527^(@)C` the rate of heat radiation from the body in `(cal//cmxx sec)` will be

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  36. A black body radiates 20 W at temperature `227^(@)C`. If temperature of the black body is changed to `727^(@)C` then its radiating power wil be

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  37. Two spheres of same material have radius 1 m and 4 m and temperature 4000 K and 2000 K respectively. The energy radiated per second by the first sphere is

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  38. The radiation emitted by a star A is 10,000 times that of the sun. If the surface temperatures of the sun and the star A are 6000 K and 2000 K respectively, the ratio of the radii of the star A and the sun is

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  39. A black body radiates at the of W watts at a temperture T. If the temperature of the body is reduced to `T//3`, it will radiate at the rate of (in Watts)

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  40. Star A has radius r surface temperature T while star B has radius 4 r and surface temperature T /2. The ratio of the power of two starts, P A : P B is

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  41. Suppose the sun expands so that its radius becomes `100` times its present radius and its surface temperature becomes half of its present value. The total energy emited by it then will increase by a factor of :

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  42. If the temperature of the sun were to increase form T to 2T and its radius from R to 2R, then the ratio of the radiant energy received on earth to what it was previously will be

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  43. At `127^(@)C` radiates energy is `2.7 xx 10 J//s`. At what temperature radiated energy is `4.32 xx 10 J//s`

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  44. If the initial temperatures of metallic sphere and disc, of the same mass, radius and nature are equal, then the ratio of their rate of cooling in same environment will be

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  45. A black body radiates energy at the rate of `1 xx 10 J // s xx m` at temperature of `227 ^(@)C`, The temperature to which it must be heated so that it radiates energy at rate of `1 xx 10 J//sm`, is

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  46. The temperature of a body is increased from `–73°C` to 327°C. Then the ratio of emissive power is –

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  47. If the temperature of the body is increased by 10%, the percentage increase in the emitted radiation will be

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  48. If the sun's surface radiates heat at `6.3 xx 10^(7) Wm^(-2)`. Calculate the temperature of the sun assuming it to be a black body `(sigma = 5.7 xx 10^(-8)Wm^(-2)K^(-4))`

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  49. A sphere at temperature `600 K` is placed in an enviroment to temperature is `200 K`. Its cooling rate is `H`. If its temperature reduced to `400 K` then cooling rate in same enviorment will become

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  50. The value of Stefan's constant is

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  51. The rate of cooling at 600 K, if surrounding temperature is 300 K is R. The rate of cooling at 900 K is

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  52. A blackbody of surface area `10cm^(2)` is heated to `127^(@)C` and is suspended in a room at temperature `27^(@)C`. Calculate the initial rate of loss of heat from the body to the room.

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  53. Two identical objects A and B are at temperature `T_(A)` and `T_(B)` respectively. Both objects are placed in a room with perfectly absorbing walls maintained at temperature `T(T_(A)gt TgtT_(B))`
    Statement-1: The objects A and B attain the temperature T eventually.
    Statement-2: A only emits radiation while B only absorbs until radiation both attain the temperature T

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  54. When a body has the same temperature as that of its surroundings

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  55. The ratio of radiant energies radiated per unit surface area by two bodies is `16 : 1`, the temperature of hotter body is 1000 K , then the temperature of colder body will be

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  56. The spectral energy distribution of star is maximum at twice temperature as that of sun. The total energy radiated by star is

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Radiation (Stefan s law) questions and complete solutions for chapter TRANSMISSION OF HEAT of UNIVERSAL BOOK DEPOT 1960 PHYSICS (HINGLISH) of Class 11