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Complete Solutions to Graphical Questions of chapter TRANSMISSION OF HEAT of Class 11 book with complete answers and questions

ERRORLESSGraphical Questions
Number Of Questions17
Academic Year2023-24
  1. The graph, shown in the adjacent diagram, represents the variation of temperature (T) of two bodies, x and y having same surface area, with time (t) due to the emission of radiation. Find the correct relation between the emissivity and absorptivity power of the two bodies

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  2. The plots of intensity versus wavelength for three black bodies at temperature `T_1,T_2 and T_3` respectively are as shown. Their temperatures are such that

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  3. The adjoining diagram shows the spectral energy density distribution `E_(lambda)` of a black body at two different temperatures. If the areas under the curves are in the ratio 16 : 1, the value of temperature T is

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  4. Following graph shows the correct variation in intensity of heat radiations by black body and frequency at a fixed temperature

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  5. Variation of radiant energy emitted by sun, filament of tungsten lamp and welding arc as a function of its wavelength is shown in figure. Which of the following option is the correct match?

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  6. A body cools in a surrounding which is at a constant temperature of `theta_(0)` Assume that it obeys Newton's law of cooling Its temperature `theta` is plotted against time t Tangents are drawn to the curve at the points `P (theta =theta_(1))` and `Q(theta =theta_(2))` These tangents meet the time axis at angle of `phi_(2)` and`phi_(1)` as shown

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  7. Shown below are the black body radiation curves at temperature `T_(1)` and `T_(2) (T_(2) gt T_(1))`. Which of the following plots is correct?

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  8. The spectrum of a black body at two temperatures `27^(@)C` and `327^(@)C` is shown in the figure. Let `A_(1)` and `A_(2)` be the areas under the two curves respectively. Find the value of `(A_(2))/(A_(1))`

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  9. A block of metal is heated to a temperature much higher than the room temperature and allowed to cool in a room free from air currents. Which of the following curves correctly represents the rate of cooling

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  10. The energy distribution E with the wavelength `(lambda)` for the black body radiation at temperature Kelvin T is shown in the figure. As the temperature is increased the maxima will

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  11. For a small temperature difference between the body and the surroundings the relation between the rate of loss heat R and the temperature of the body is depicted by

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  12. Heat is flowing through a conductor of length l from x = 0 to x = l . If its thermal resistance per unit length is uniform, which of the following graphs is correct

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  13. Radius of a conductor increases uniformly from left end to right end as shown in fig.

    Material of the conductor is isotropic and its curved surface is thermally isolated from surrounding. Its ends are maintained at temperatures `T_(1)` and `T_(2) ( T_(1) gt T_(2))`: If, in steady state, heat flow rate is equal to H , then which of the following graphs is correct

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  14. Which of the following graphs correctly represents the relation between ln E and ln T where E is the amount of radiation emitted per unit time from unit area of a body and T is the absolute temperature

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  15. A hollow copper sphere S and a hollow copper cube C, both of negligible thin walls of same area, are filled with water at `90° C` and allowed to cool in the same environment. The graph that correctly represents their cooling is

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  16. In the figure, the distribution of energy density of the radiation emitted by a black body at a given temperature is shown. The possible temperature of the black body is

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  17. Which of the following is the `v_(m)` = T graph for a perfectly black body ( `v_(m)` =maximum frequency of radiation)

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Graphical Questions questions and complete solutions for chapter TRANSMISSION OF HEAT of UNIVERSAL BOOK DEPOT 1960 PHYSICS (HINGLISH) of Class 11