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Complete Solutions to Additional Questions Solved - Numerical Questions of chapter PROPERTIES OF MATTER of Class 11 book with complete answers and questions

FULL MARKSAdditional Questions Solved - Numerical Questions
Number Of Questions19
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Two steel wires of lengths 1 m and 2 m have diameters 1 mm and 2mm respectively . If they are stretched by force of 40 N and 80 N respectively, find the ratio of their elongations.

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  2. A wire of length 2m and cross-sectional area `2 xx 10^(-6) m^(2)` is made of a material of Young's modulus `2 xx 10^(11) Nm^(-2)`. What is the work done in stretching it through 0.1 mm.

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  3. A wire is stretched by 0.01 m when it is stretched by certain force. Another wire of the same material but double the length and double the diameter is stretched by the same force. What is the elongation in metres ?

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  4. Two wires of same material and same diameter have lengths in the ratio 2 : 5. They are stretched by same force. Calculate the ratio of workdone in stretching them.

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  5. The approximate depth of an ocean is 2700m. The compressibility of water is `45.4xx10^(-11)` Pa and density of water is `10^(3)` kg. What fractional compression of water will be obtained the bottom of the ocean?

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  6. An iceberg of density `900 kgm^(-3)` is floating in water of density `1000 kgm^(-3)`. What is the percentage of volume of iceberg outside the water ?

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  7. A cubical copper block has eahc side 2.0 cm. It is suspended by a string and submerged in oil of density `820 kg m^(-3)`. Calculate the tension in the string.
    (density of copper = `8920 kg m^(-3)`)

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  8. By sucking through a straw, a student can reduce the pressure in his lungs to 750 mm of Hg (density `=13.6 g cm^(-2))`. Using the straw, he can drink water from a glass upto a maximum depth of.

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  9. A sphere made of a material of specific gravity 8 has a concentric spherical cavity and just sinks in water. Calculate the ratio of the radius of the cavity to that of the outer radius of the sphere.

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  10. A solid floats in liquid A with half its volume immersed and in liquid B with `2/3` of its volume immersed. The densities of the liquids A and B are in the ratio.

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  11. An ideal liquid is flowing in a cylindrical tube of internal diameter 4 cm with a velocity of `5 ms^(-1)`. If this tube is connected to another tube of internal diameter 2 cm, then the velocity of the liquid in the second tube will be ?

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  12. The cylindrical tube of a spray pump has radius R, one end of which has 'n' fine holes, each of radius r. If the speed of the liquid in the tube is V, what is the speed of the ejection of the liquid through the holes.

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  13. What is the pressure on a swimmer 10 m below, the surface of a lake ?

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  14. A square metal plate of 10 cm side moves parallel to another plate with a velocity of `10 cm s^(-1)` , both plates immersed in water. If the viscous force is 200 dyne and viscosity of water is 0.01 poise. What is their distance apart ?

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  15. Find the terminal velocity of a steel ball 2 mm in diameter falling through glycerine. Relative density of steel is 8, relative density of glycerine is 1.3 and viscosity of glycerine is 8.3 poise.

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  16. The terminal velocity of a copper ball of radius 2 mm falling through a tank of oil at `20^@C` is `6.5 cm s^(-1)`. Compute the viscosity of the oil at `20^@ C` . Density of oil `=1.5 xx 10^(3) kg m^(-3)` density of copper is `8.9 xx 10^(3) kg m^(-3)`.

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  17. Water is flowing in a pipe of radius 1.5 cm with an average velocity of `15 cm s^(-1)` . What is the nature flow ? Given coefficient of viscosity of water is `10^(-3) kg m^(-1)s^(-1)` and its density is `10^3 kg m^(-3)`.

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  18. Water is flowing with a speed of `2 ms^(-1)` in a horizontal pipe with cross-sectional area decreasing from `2 xx 10^(-2) m^(2)` to `0.01 m^2` at pressure `4 xx 10^4 Pa`. What will be the pressure at small cross-section ?

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  19. Calculate the height to which water will rise in capillary tube of 1.5 mm diameter. Surface tension of water is `7.4 xx 10^(-3) Nm^(-1)`.

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Additional Questions Solved - Numerical Questions questions and complete solutions for chapter PROPERTIES OF MATTER of FULL MARKS PHYSICS (TAMIL ENGLISH) of Class 11