Class 11 | PHYSICS |
FULL MARKS | Textual Evaluation Solved - Long Answer Questions |
Number Of Questions | 13 |
Academic Year | 2023-24 |
State Hooke's law of elasticity.
Explain the different types of modulus of elasticity.
Derive an expression for the elastic energy stored per unit volume of a wire.
The pressure in a liquid at a given depth below the surface ………….. .
State and prove Pascal's law in fluids.
State and prove Archimedes principle.
Derive the expression for the terminal velocity of a sphere moving in a high viscous fluid using stokes force.
Derive Poiseuille's formula for the volume of a liquid flowing per second through a pipe under streamlined flow.
Obtain an expression for the excess of pressure inside a (i) liquid drop (ii) liquid bubble (iii) air bubble.
What is capillarity? Obtain an expression for the surface tension of a liquid by capillary rise method.
Obtain an equation of continuity for a flow of fluid on the basis of conservation of mass.
State and prove Bernoulli's theorem for a flow of incompressible, non-viscous, and streamlined flow or fluid.
Explain the construction and working of transformer.
Textual Evaluation Solved - Long Answer Questions questions and complete solutions for chapter PROPERTIES OF MATTER of FULL MARKS PHYSICS (TAMIL ENGLISH) of Class 11