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Complete Solutions to Objective Type Question of chapter UNITS AND DIMENSIONS of Class 11 book with complete answers and questions

GRB PUBLICATIONObjective Type Question
Number Of Questions100
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Proper symbol for kilowatt-hour is :

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  2. The unit of atomic mass is :

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  3. Express 1 micro in metre.

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  4. One nanometer is equal to :

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  5. Light year is :

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  6. Light year is a unit of

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  7. How many wavelength of `Kr^(86)` are there is one metre

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  8. Which of the following is not unit of time ?

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  9. One sec is defined to be equal to :

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  10. `N kg^(-1)` is the unit of :

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  11. What is the SI unit of force?

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  12. Which of the following is not unit of length ?

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  13. An atmosphere :

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  14. SI unit of pressure is

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  15. The unit of impulse is the same as that of

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  16. Dyne-sec stands for the unit of :

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  17. Joule-second is the unit of

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  18. One kilowatt-hour is equal to :

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  19. The unit of power is :

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  20. The units and dimensions of impendance are :

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  21. Which one of the following quantities has not been expressed in proper units?

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  22. Which of the following is dimensionally correct?

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  23. Indicate which pair of physical quantities gives below has not the same units and dimensions?

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  24. Four lengths are measured as 18.425 cm, 7.21 cm, 5.04 cm and 10.3571 cm. taking significant figures into account, the sum of lengths should be :

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  25. The dimensional formula for force per unit linear mass density of wire is the same as that for :

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  26. The dimensions of torque are :

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  27. The expression `[ML^(2)T^(-2)]` represents

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  28. The dimensional formula of angular velocity is

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  29. Planck's constant has dimensions …………….

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  30. The dimensions of gravitational constant G are :

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  31. E, m, L, G denote energy mass, angular momentum & gravitation constant respectively. The dimensions of `(EL^(2))/(m^(5)G^(2))` will be that of :

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  32. The dimensional formula for the modulus of rigidity is

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  33. Turpentine oil is flowing through a tube of length `L` and radius `r`. The pressure difference between the two ends of the tube is `p` , the viscosity of the coil is given by `eta = (p (r^(2) - x^(2)))/(4 vL)`, where `v` is the velocity of oil at a distance `x` from the axis of the tube. From this relation, the dimensions of viscosity `eta` are

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  34. The dimension formula for surface tension is :

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  35. The volume of a liquid of density `rho` and viscosity `eta` flowing in time t through a capillary tube of length l and radius R, with a pressure difference P, across its ends is proportional to :

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  36. Which of the following is the dimensional formula for capacitance `xx ("potential")^(2)`?

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  37. Given `F = (a//t) + bt^2` where F denotes force and t time. The diamensions of a and b are respectively:

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  38. The velocity of the waves on the surface of water is proptional to `lambda^(a) rho^(beta) g^(gamma)` where `lambda` = waver length, `rho` = density and `g` =m acceleration due to gravity. Which of the following relation is correct?

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  39. Which of the following pairs have the same units?

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  40. The time dependence of a physical quantity P is given by `P=P_(0) exp (-alpha t^(2))`, where `alpha` is a constant and t is time. The constant `alpha`

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  41. The velocity of water wave `v` may depend on their wavelength `lambda`, the density of water `rho` and the acceleration due to gravity `g`. The method of dimensions gives the relation between these quantities as

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  42. From the dimensional consideration, which of the following equation is correct

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  43. If the time period `(T)`of vibration of a liquid drop depends on surface tension `(S)` , radius`( r )` of the drop , and density `( rho )` of the liquid , then find the expression of `T`.

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  44. A gas bubble, from an exlosion under water, oscillates with a period `T` proportional to p^(a)d^(b)E^( c )`. Where `'P'` is the static pressure, `'d'` is the density of water `'E'` is the total energy of the explosion. Find the values of `a, b and, c`.

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  45. If `P` represents radiation pressure , `C` represents the speed of light , and `Q` represents radiation energy striking a unit area per second , then non - zero integers `x, y, z` such that `P^(x) Q^(y) C^(z)` is dimensionless , find the values of `x, y , and z`.

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  46. A system has basic dimensions as density [D], velocity [V] and area [A]. The dimensional representation of force in this system is :

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  47. The SI unit of temperature is :

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  48. Celsius is a unit:

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  49. Practical unit of heat is :

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  50. The dimensional formula of calorie are

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  51. Dimensional formula for latent heat is________

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  52. Define universal gravitational constant. Given its value with SI units.

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  53. The van der Waal's equation of state for some gases can be expressed as :
    `(P + (a)/( V^(2))) ( V - b) = RT`
    Where `P` is the pressure , `V` is the molar volume , and `T` is the absolute temperature of the given sample of gas and `a, b , and R` are constants.
    The dimensions of ` a` are

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  54. The dimensional formula for coefficient of thermal conductivity is :

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  55. The unit of Stefan's constant `sigma` is

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  56. Number of particles is given by `n=-D(n_(2)-n_(1))/(x_(2)-x_(1))` crossing a unit area perpendicular to `X`-axis in unit time, where `n_(1)` and `n_(2)` are number of particles per unit volume for the value of `x` meant to `x_(2)` and `x_(1)`. Find dimensions of `D` called as diffusion constant

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  57. The ratio of the emu of charge to esu of charge is :

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  58. the density of a material is 8 g/cc. In a system in which units of length is 5 cm and of mass is 20 g, the density of material is :

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  59. Electron volt is a unit of :

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  60. Which of the following quantities has the units `Kg m^(2) s^(-3) A^(-2)`?

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  61. The dimensions of self-inductance are :

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  62. The dimensional formula for magnetic permeability `mu` is :

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  63. If L and R denote inductance and resistance respectively, then the dimension of `L//R` is :

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  64. If c and R denote capacity and resistance the dimensions of CR are :

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  65. If C and L denote to capacity and inductance, the dimensions of LC are :

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  66. The velocity of electromegnetic waves in vacuum is given by :

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  67. A pressure of `10^(6)" dyne"//cm^(2)` is equivalent to :

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  68. Which of the following functions of A and B may be perfomed if a and B posses different dimensions?

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  69. In a particular system the units of length, mass and time are chosen to be `10 cm, 10 g` and `0.1 s` respectively. The unit of force in this system will be equal to

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  70. The dimensions of the coefficient of ciscosity are `[ML^(-1)T^(-1)]`. To convert the CGS unit poise (P) to the MKS unit poiseuille (PI), the poise has to be multiplied by :

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  71. The dimensional formula of magnetic flux density is :

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  72. According to Bernoulli's theorem `(p)/(d) + (v^(2))/(2) + gh` = constant is (`P` is pressure, `d` is density, `h` is height, `v` is velocity and `g` is acceleration due to gravity)

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  73. Parsec' is the unit of :

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  74. The ratio of the dimension of Planck's constant and that of moment of inertia is the dimension of

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  75. The velocity v of a particle at time t is given by `v=at+b/(t+c)`, where a, b and c are constants. The dimensions of a, b, c are respectively :-

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  76. Find the value of x in the relation
    `Y = (T^x . Cos theta. Tau)/(L^3), where`
    Y is Young's modulu. T is time period, 'Tau' is torque and L is length.

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  77. The speed `(v)` of ripples on the surface of waterdepends on surface tension `(sigma)`, density `(rho)` and wavelength `(lambda)`. The square of speed `(v)` is proportional to

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  78. In the relation `V = ( pi)/( 8) ( P r^(4))/( nl)` , where the letters have their usual meanings , the dimensions of `V` are

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  79. The energy (E), angular momentum (L) and universal gravitational constant (G) are chosen as fundamental quantities. The dimensions of universal gravitational constant in the dimensional formula of Planck's constant (h) is :

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  80. Which one of the following pair of quantities has same dimension ?

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  81. Which physical quantities have same dimensions ?

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  82. The SI unit of electron mobility is :

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  83. Resistance of a given wire is obtained by measuring the current flowing in it and the voltage difference applied across it. If the percentage errors in the measurment of the current and the voltage difference are `3%` each, then error in the value of resistance of the wire iS :

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  84. A spectrometer gives the following reading when used to measure the angle of a prism.
    Main scale reading =58.5 degree
    Vernier scale reading =0.9 divisions
    Given that 1 divisions on main scale corresponds to 0.5 degree. Total divisions on the vernier scale is 30 and match with 29 divisions of the main scale. the angle of the prism from the above data is :

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  85. If momentum (P), area (A) and time (T) are assumed to be formula :

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  86. The quantity which has the same dimensions as that of gravitational potential is :

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  87. The percentage error in measuring M, L and T are `1%, 1.5 %` and `3 %` respectively. Then the percentage error in measuring the physical quantity with dimensions `ML^(-1)T^(-1)` is :

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  88. The dimensions of `1/2 in_(0) E^(2)` (`in_(0)`: permittivity of free space, E: electric field) is-

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  89. A quantity X is given by `in_(0) L(DeltaV)/(Delta t)`, where `in_(0)` is the permittivity of free space, L is a length, `DeltaV` is a potential difference and `Delta t` is a time interval. The dimensional formula for X is the same as that of -

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  90. A cube has a side of length `1.2 xx 10^(-2)m`. Calculate its volume.

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  91. Pressure depends on distance as, `P = (alpha)/(beta)exp((-alpha z)/(k theta))`, where `alpha, beta` are constants, z is distance, k is Boltzmann's constant and `theta` is temperature. The dimensions of `beta` are :

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  92. A wire of length `l = 6+- 0.06 cm` and radius `r = 0.5 +- 0.005 cm` and mass `m = 0.3 +- 0.003 g`. Maximum percentage error in density is :

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  93. Which of the following sets have different dimensions ?

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  94. The circular scale of a screw gauge has 50 divisions and pitch of 0.5 mm. Find the diameter of sphere. Main scale reading is 2.

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  95. A student performs an experiment for determination of ` g [ = ( 4 pi^(2) L)/(T^(2)) ] , L ~~ 1m` , and he commits an error of `Delta L`. For `T` he takes the time of `n` oscillations with the stop watch of least count ` Delta T` . For which of the following data , the measurement of `g` will be most accurate ?

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  96. A student performs an experiment to determine the Young's modulus of a wire, exactly`2m` long, by Searle's method. In a partcular reading, the student measures the extension in the length of the wire to be `0.8mm with an uncertainty of `+- 0.05mm` at a load of exactly `1.0kg`, the student also measures the diameter of the wire to be `04mm` with an uncertainty of `+-0.01mm`. Take `g=9.8m//s^(2)` (exact). the Young's modulus obtained from the reading is

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  97. Student `I ,II , and III` perform an experiment for measuring the acceleration due to gravity `(g) ` usinf a simple pendulum. They use lengths of the pendulum and // or record time for different number of oscillations . The observations are shown in the following table . Least count for length ` = 0.1 cm`
    `{:(underset(III)underset(II)underset(I)underset()underset()("Student"),underset(20.0)underset(64.0)underset(64.0)underset((cm))underset("Pendulam")("Length of "),underset(4)underset(4)underset(8)underset((n))underset("n Oscillation")("Number of"),underset(9.0)underset(16.0)underset(16.0)underset((s))underset("Period")("Time")):}`
    Least count for time `= 0.1 s`.
    If `E_(I), E_(II)` , and `E_(III)` are the percentage errors in `g` , i.,e., `((Delta g)/( g) xx 100)` for students I,II , and III, respectively , then

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  98. A vernier calipers has `1mm `marks on the main scale. It has `20` equal divisions on the Verier scale which match with `16` main scale divisions. For this Vernier calipers, the least count is

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  99. The density of a solid ball is to be determined in an experiment. The diameter of the ball is measured with a screw gauge, whose pitch is `0.5mm` and there are `50` divisions on the circular scale. The reading on the main scale is `2.5mm` and that on circular scale is `20` divisions. if the measured mass of the ball has a relative error of `2%`, the relative percentage error in the density is

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  100. In the determination if Young's modulus `((Y = (4MLg)/(pild^(2))` by using searle's method, a wire of length `L=2m` and diameter `d=0.5mm` is used. For a load `M=2.5kg`, an extension `l=0.25mm` in the length of the wire is observed. Quantites `D and l` are measured using a screw gauge and a micrometer, respectively. they have the same pitch of `0.5mm`. the number of divisions on their circular scale is `100`. the contrubution to the maximum probable error of the `Y` measurement

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Objective Type Question questions and complete solutions for chapter UNITS AND DIMENSIONS of GR BATHLA & SONS PHYSICS (HINGLISH) of Class 11