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Complete Solutions to Exercises of chapter GRAVITATION of Class 11 book with complete answers and questions

HC VERMAExercises
Number Of Questions39
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Two spherical balls of mass 10 kg each are placed 10 cm apart. Find the gravitational force of attraction between them.

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  2. Four particles having masses, m, 2m, 3m, and 4m are placed at the four corners of a square of edge a. Find the gravitational force acting on a particle of mass m placed at the center.

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  3. Three equal masses m are placed at the three corners of an equilateral triangle of side a. find the force exerted by this system on another particle of mass m placed at (a) the mid point of a side (b) at the center of the triangle.

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  4. Three uniform spheres each having a mass M and radius a are kept in such a way that each touches the other two. Find the magnitude of the gravitational force on any of the spheres due to the other two.

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  5. Four particles of equal masses M move along a circle of radius R under the action of their mutual gravitational attraction. Find the speed of each particle.

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  6. Find the acceleration due to gravity of the moon at a point 1000 km above the moon's surface. The mass of the moon is `7.4 x10^22 ' kg and its radius is 1740 km.

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  7. Two small bodies of masses 10 kg and 20 kg are kept a distance 1.0 m apart and released. Assuming that only mutual gravitational force are acting, find the speeds of the particles when the separation decreases to 0.5 m.

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  8. A semicircular wire has a length L and mass M. A particle of mass m is placed at the center of the circle. Find the gravitational attraction on the particle due to the wire.

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  9. Derive an expression for the gravitational field due to a uniform rod of length L and M at a point on its perpendicular bisector at a distance d from the centre.

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  10. Two concentric spherical shells have masses `M_1,M_2` and radii `R_1,R_2(R_1ltR_2)`. What is the force exerted by this system on a particle of mass `m` if it is placed at a distance `(R_1+R_2)/2` from the center?

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  11. A tunnel is dug along a diameter of the earth. Find the force in on a particle of mass m placed in the tunnel at a distance x from the centre.

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  12. A tunnel is dug along a chord of the earth a perpendicular distance `R/2` from the earth's centre. The wall of the tunnel may be assumed to be frictionless. Find the force exerted by the wall on a particle of mass m when it is at a distance x from the centre of the tunnel.

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  13. a solid sphere of mass m and radius r is placed inside a hollow thin spherical shell of mass M and radius R as shown in figure. A particle of mass m is placed on the line joining the two centers as a distance x from the point of contact of the sphere and the shell. Find the magnitude of the resultant gravitational force on this particle due to the sphere and the shell if `a). rltxlt2r, b). 2rltxlt2R and c). xgt2R`.

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  14. A uniform metal sphere of radius `R` and mass `m` is surrounded by a thin uniform spherical shell of same mass and radius `4R`. The centre of the shell `C` falls on the surface of the inner sphere. Find the gravitational fields at points `A` and `B`.

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  15. A thin sphereical shell having uniform density is cut in two parts by as plane and kept separated as shown in figure. The point A is the center of the plane section of the first part and B is the center of the plane section of the second part. Show that the gravitational field at A due to the first part is equal in magnitude to the gravitational field at B due to the second part.

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  16. Two small bodies of masses 2.00 kg and 4.00 kg are kept at rest at a separation of 2.0 m. Where should a particle of mass 0.10 kg be placed to experience no net gravitational force from these bodies? The particle is placed at this point. What is the gravitational potential energy of the system of three particle with usual reference level?

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  17. Three particle of mas m each are placed at the three corners of an equlateral triangle of side a. Find the work which should be done on this system to increase the sides of the triangle to 2a.

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  18. A particle of mass 100 g is kept on the surface of a uniform sphere of mass 10 kg and radius 10 cm. Find the work to be done against the gravitational force between them to take the particle away from the sphere.

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  19. The gravitational field in a region is given by `vecE=(5Nkg^-1)veci+(12Nkg^-1)vecj.`. a. find the magnitude of the gravitational force acting on a particle of mass 2 kg placed at the origin b. Find the potential at the points (12m,0) and (0,5m) if the potential at the origin is taken to be zero. c. Find the change in gravitational potential energy if a particle of mass 2 kg is taken from the origin to the point (12m,5m). d. Find the change in potential energy if the particle is taken from (12m,0) to (0,5m)`.

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  20. The gravitational potential in a region is given by `V=20Nkg^-1(x+y)`. A. Show that the equation is dimensionally correct b. Find the gravitational field at the point `(x,y)` Leave your answer in terms of the unit vector `veci,vecj,veck`. C. Calculate the magnitude of the gravitational fore on a particle of mass 500 g placed at the origin.

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  21. The gravitational field in a region is given by `E=(2veci+vecj)Nkg^-1` show that no work is done by the gravitational field when particle is move on the line `3y+2x=5`.

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  22. Find the height over the eart's surface at which the weight of a body becomes half of its alue t the surface.

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  23. What is the acceleration due to gravity on the top of Mount Everest? Mount Everest is the highest mountain peak of the world at the height of 8848 m. The value at see level is `9.80 ms^-2`.

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  24. find the acceleration due to gravity in a mine of depth 640 m if the value at the surfaceis 9.800 ms^-2`. The rdius of the earth is 6400 km.

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  25. A body is weighed by a spring balance to be `1000 n` at the north pole. How much will it weight at the equator? Account for the earth's rotation only.

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  26. A body stretches a spring by a particular length at the earth's surface at equator. At what height above the south pole will it stretch the same spring by the same length ? Assume the earth to be spherical.

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  27. At what rate should the earth rotate so that the apparent g at the equator becomes zero? What will be the length of the day in this situation?

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  28. A pendulum having a bob of mas m is hanging in a ship sailing along the equator from east to west. When the ship is stationary with respect to water the tension in the string is `T_0`. a. Find the speed of the ship due to rotation of the earth about its axis. b. find the difference between `T_0` and the earth's attraction on the bob. c. If the ship sails at speed v, what is the tension in the string ? Angular speed of earth's rotation is `omega` and radius of the earth is R.

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  29. The time taken by Mars to revolve round the sun is 1.88 years. Find the ratio of average distance between mars and the sun to that between the earth and the sun.

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  30. The moon takes about `27.3` days to revolve around the earth in a nearly circular orbit of radius `3.84xx10^5 km`. Calculate the mass of the earth from these data.

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  31. A mars satellite moving in an orbit of radius `9.4xx10^3 km` take `27540 s` to complete one revolution. Calculate the mass of mars.

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  32. A satellite of mass `1000 kg` is supposed to orbit the earth at a height of `2000 km` above the earth's surface. Find `a.` its speed in the orbit `b`. its kinetic energy. `c`. The potential energy of the earth-satellite system and `d`. its time period. Mass of the earth `=6xx10^24kg`.

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  33. (a).Find the radius of the circular orbit of a satellite moving with an angular speed equal to the angular speed of earth's rotation. (b). If the satellite is directly above the north pole at some instant, find the time it takes to come over the equatorial plane. Mass of the earth `=6xx10^24kg`

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  34. What is the true weight of an object in a geostationary satellite that weighed exactly 10.0 N at the north pole?

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  35. The radius of a planet is `R_1 ` and a satellite revolves round it in a circle of radius `R_2`. The time period of revolution is T. find the acceleration due to the gravitation of the plane at its surface.

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  36. find the minimum colatitude which can directly receive a signal from a geostationary satellite.

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  37. A particle is fired vertically upward fom earth's surface and it goes up to a maximum height of 6400 km. find the initial speed of particle.

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  38. A particle is fired vertically upward with a speed of `15 kms^-1`. With what speed will it move in interstellar space. Assume only earth's gravitational field.

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  39. A mass of `6xx10^24` kg (equal to the mass of the earth) is to be compressed in a sphere in such a way that the escape velocity from its surface is `3xx10^8ms^-1`. What should be the radius of the sphere?

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Exercises questions and complete solutions for chapter GRAVITATION of HC VERMA PHYSICS (ENGLISH) of Class 11