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Complete Solutions to Short Answer of chapter FLUID MECHANICS of Class 11 book with complete answers and questions

HC VERMAShort Answer
Number Of Questions16
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Is it always true that the molecules of a dense liquid are heavier than the molecules of a lighter liquid?

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  2. If someone presses a pointed needle against your skin, your are hurt. But if someone presses as rod against your skin with the same force you easily tolerate. Explain

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  3. In the derivation of `P_1-P_2=rhogz` it was asumed that the liquid is incompressible. Whuy will tis equation not be stictly valid for a compressible liquid?

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  4. Suppose the density of air at Madras is `rho_0 and `atmosphere pressure is `P_0. If we go up the density and the pressure both decreae. Suppose we wish to calculate the pressure at a height 10 km above Madras. Ilf we use the equation `P_0-P=rho_0gz` will we get a pressure more than the actual or less than the actual? Neglect the variation in g. Does your answr change if you also consider the variation in g?

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  5. The free surface of a liquid resting in an inertial frame is horizontal. Does the normal to the free surface pass through the centre of the earth? Think separately if the liquid is a. at te equaltor b. at a pole c. somewhere else.

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  6. A barometer tube reads 76 cm of mercury. IFF the tube is gradually inclined keeping the open end immersed in the mercury reservoir, will the length of mercury column be 76 cm, more than 76 cm or less than 76 cm?

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  7. A one meter long glas tube is open at both ends. One end of the tube is dipped into a mercury cup, the tube is kept vertical and the air is pumped out of the tube by connecting the upper end ot a suction pump. Can mercury be puled up into the pump by this process?

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  8. A satellite revolves round the earth. Air pressure inside the satellite is maintained at 76 cm of mercury. What will be the height of mercury column in a barometer tube 1m long placed inn the satellite?

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  9. Consider the barometer shown in figure. If a small hole is made at a point P in the barometer tube, will the mercury come out from this hole?

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  10. Is Archimedes principle valid in an elevator accelerting up? In a car accelerating on a level road?

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  11. Why is it easier to swim in sea water thasn in fresh water?

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  12. A glass of water has an ice cube floating in water. The water level just touches the rim of the glass. Will the water overflow when the ice melts?

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  13. A ferry boat loaded with rocks has to pass under a bridge. The maximum height of the rock is slightly more than the height of the rocks is slightly more than the height of the bridge so tht the boat just fails to pass under the bridge. Should some of the rocks be removed or some more rocks be added?

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  14. Water is slowly coming out from a vertical pipe. As the water descends after coming out its area of cross section reduces. Explain this on the basis of the equation of continuity.

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  15. While watering a distant plant, a gardener partially closes the exit hole of the pipe by putting his finger on it. Explain why this results in the water stream going to a larger distance.

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  16. A Gipsy car has a canvas top. When the car ruins at high speed, the top bulges out. Explain.

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Short Answer questions and complete solutions for chapter FLUID MECHANICS of HC VERMA PHYSICS (HINGLISH) of Class 11