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Complete Solutions to MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS of chapter SETS of Class 11 book with complete answers and questions

Class 11MATHS
Number Of Questions29
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Which of the follwing collection of objects is not a set? (i) The collection of all even integers. (ii) The collection of all months of a year beginning with letter J. (iii) The collection of most talented writers of India. (iv) The collection of all prime numbers less than 20.

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  2. If `A={1,2,3,4,5}` then which of the following is not true?

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  3. Which of the following is a null set?

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  4. Which of the following is a finite set?
    (i) `{x:x=2n, n in N}`
    (ii) `{x:x "is a prime number"}`
    (iii) `{x:x in N, x "is a factor of 128"}`
    (iv) `{x:x in I, x le7}`

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  5. Given sets `A={1,3,5,7,9}, B={0,2,4,6}` and `C={7,8,9}`. Which of the following may be taken as universal set for all the three sets A,B and C?

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  6. Number of proper subsets of a set containing 4 elements is
    (i) `4^(2)`
    (ii) `4^(2)-1`
    (iii) `2^(4)`
    (iv) `2^(4)-1`

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  7. Which of the following is not correct?

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  8. On real axis if `A=[1,5]` and `B=[3,9]` then A-B is

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  9. If `n (A-B)=10, n(B-A)=23, n(AuuB)=50`, then `n(AnnB)` is

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  10. Two finite sets A and B are such that `AsubB`, then which of the following is not correct?

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  11. Two finite sets have m and n elements respectively. The total number of subsets of the first set is 192 more than the total number of subsets of the second set. The values of m and n respectively are (i) 7,6 (ii) 8,6 (iii) 8,5 (iv) 9,7

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  12. For an two sets A and B`, Ann(AuuB)` is equal to
    (i) A
    (ii) B
    (iii) `phi`
    (iv) `AnnB`

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  13. The symmetric difference of `A={0,1,2}` and `B={2,3,4}` is

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  14. The symmetric difference of sets A and B is equal to
    (i) `(A-B)uu(B-A)`
    (ii) `(B-A)uuB`
    (iii) `(AuuB)-(AnnB)`
    (iv) `(AuuB)nn(AnnB)`

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  15. The symmetric difference of sets A and B is equal to

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  16. For any two sets` X` and `Y,Xnn(XuuY)`' is equal to

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  17. For any two sets A and B, `((A'uuB')-A)'` is equal to

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  18. For any two sets A and B `[B'uu(B'A)]'` is equal to

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  19. For any three sets A,B, and `C,(A-B)nn(C-B)` is equal to (i) `A-(BnnC)` (ii) `(A-C)nnB` (iii) `(AnnC)-B` (iv) `(A-B)nnC`

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  20. Let A and B are two disjoint sets and N be the universal set then `A'uu((AuuB)nnB')` is equal to
    (i) `phi`
    (ii) `xi`
    (iii) `A`
    (iv) `B`

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  21. Let S=Set of points inside the square, T=set of points inside the triangle and C=the set of points inside the circle. If the triangle and circle intersect each other and are contained in a square. Then (i) `SnnTnnC=phi` (ii) `SuuTuuC=C` (iii) `SuuTuuC=S` (iv) `SuuT=SnnC`

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  22. Let R be the set of points inside a rectangle of sides a and b `(a,b gt1)` with two sides along the positive direction of x-axis and y-axis. Then
    (i) `R={(x,y):0lexlea,aleyleb}`
    (ii) `R={(2,y):0lexlta,0leyleb}`
    (iii) `R={(x,y):0lexlea,0ltyltb}`
    (iv) `R'={(x,y):0ltxlta,0ltyltb}`

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  23. In a class of 80 students, 39 students play football and 45 students play cricket and 15 students play both the games. Then the number of students who play neither is

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  24. In a town of 840 persons, 450 persons read Hindi, 300 read English and 200, read both. The number of persons who read neither is

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  25. In a group of 70 people, 52 like soft drinks and 37 like tea and each person likes atleast one of the two drinks. Then the number of people who like both the drinks is (i) 15 (ii) 19 (iii) 18 (iv) 20

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  26. A T.V survey gives the following data for T.V watching 59% of the people of watch program A, 67% of the people watch program B and `x`% of the people watch both the program, then

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  27. If `A={(x,y):y=1/x, 0 != x in R}, B={(x,y):y=-x,x in R}` then (i) `AnnB=A` (ii) `AnnB=B` (iii) `AnnB=phi` (iv) `AuuB=A`

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  28. If `n (xi)=50, n (A)=38, n(B)=30` then the least value of `n(AnnB)` is (i) 30 (ii) 38 (iii) 50 (iv) 18

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  29. Let `x={1,2,3,….40},A={x:x"is divisible by 2 and 3"}` and `B={x:x=n^(2),x in N}` then `n(A)-n(B)` is

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MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS questions and complete solutions for chapter SETS of S CHAND MATHS (ENGLISH) of Class 11