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Complete Solutions to SECTION-E of chapter MOTION IN A STRAIGHT LINE of Class 11 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions71
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Velocity of a particle is given by` v = (3t ^(2) +2t) m/s.` Find its average velocity between t = 0 to t=3s and also find its acceleration at t = 3s. Motion of the particle is in one dimension.

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  2. The displacement of an object varies with time according to the equation,
    `ty = ((3)/(8) t ^(2) 0 3t + 5) m.` Find the instataneous velocity at t = 4s.

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  3. The ratio of distances travelled by a body starting from rest with constant acceleration in `g^(th) and 8^(th)` second is .........

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  4. A ball is thrown in vertically upward direction. It returns back to the same position in 2s. Then the maximum height achieved by the ball is ...... (Take g = 9.8 `ms^(-2)`)

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  5. A particle is thrown in vertically upward direction, the correct graph of speed `(v) to` time (1) is ......

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  6. Acceleration of a particle is given by `vec a = (2t +5) hatims^(-2).` Calculate the velocity of particle after 5s, if it starts from rest.

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  7. A car is moving with a constant acceleration and initial velocity `2 ms^(-1)` on a straight path. After 10 s it attains the velocity `12 ms^(-1).` Then find the distance covered by it in this 10 s.

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  8. A car starting from rest, moves some distance with constant acceleration `3 ms^(-2).`
    Then it moves with constant deceleration `2 ms ^(-2)` and finally becomes stationary. If the total time taken for the complete journey is 100 s, what was maximum velocity of the car e iu during the journey ?

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  9. When a ball A is thrown in vertically upward direction with velocity `20 ms^(-1),` exactly at the same time another ball B is allowed to fall freely from height 1. The magnitude of velocity of A with respect to B at time 2 sec is ...... `ms^(-1) (g = 10 m//s^(2)`)

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  10. A car starting from position of rest, moves with constant acceleration x. Then it moves with constant deceleration y and become stationary. If the total time elapsed during this is t, then the total distance travelled by car in time t is

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  11. A car moving over a straight path, covers a distance d with constant speed of 40 km/hr and then the same distance with speed 60km/hr. The average speed of car is .....

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  12. Obtainwork energy theorem of a particle moving in one dimension under the variable force .

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  13. A particle, starting from rest, moves with constant acceleration `4 ms^(-2).` The distance travelled by the particle in `5^(th)` second is.

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  14. Displacement (in metre) of a particle varies with time (in second) is given as `y(t) = 4t ^(2) - 16t +5.` Time taken by the particle to come to rest is…….

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  15. If the speed of a vehicle become 3 times for a given deceleration its stopping distance become .....

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  16. The linear speed of the tip of second arm of a clock is v. The magnitude of change in its velocity in 30 second is ......

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  17. A body initially at rest is moving with uniform acceleration "a". It's velocity after n seconds is V. The displacement of the body in last 2 seconds is …….

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  18. When a driver of Shatabdi Express, running with velocity 108 km/hr, sights a goods train going ahead of him at a distance 50 m in the same direction on the same track, running with velocity 72 km/hr, he applies brakes. In order to avoid an accident, what should be the magnitude of the deceleration produced by the brakes?

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  19. A train is moving with constant acceleration. When the ends of the train pass by a signal their speeds are 30 km/h and 40 km/h respectively. Calculate the speed of the midpoint of train while passing the signal.

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  20. Two cars A and B are at positions 50 m and 100 m from the origin at t = 0. They start simultaneously with constant velocities 10 m/s and 5 m/s respectively in the same direction. Find the time at which they will overtake one another.

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  21. If velocity (in `ms^(-1)`) varies with time as V = 5t, find the distance travelled by the particle in time interval of t = 2s to t = 4 s.

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  22. A bullet comes out of the barrel of gun of length 2 meter with a speed of 20 m/s. The average acceleration of the bullet is ...... `m//s^(2).`

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  23. A ball thrown in vertically upward direction attains maximum height of 20 meter. At what height would its velocity be half of its initiall velocity?

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  24. A particle is subjected to a force which varies with distance as shown in figure . The work done on the particle at in dispalcement of 12 m is `……` .

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  25. The displacement of a particle is given by `x(t) = (4t ^(2) +8)` meter. The instantaneous velocity of a particle at t = 2s is

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  26. An object is thrown in vertically upward direction. The time to reach maximum height is ………..

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  27. The ratio of the distance travelled in the fourth and the third second by a starting particle, moving over a straight path from rest with constant acceleration is......

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  28. The position of a particle moving along a. straight line is given by `x = 2 - 5t + t ^(3)` The acceleration of the particle at t = 2 sec. is ...... Here x is in meter.

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  29. The path length can be equal to or ........... than the displacement.

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  30. With uniform circular motion, the equation of the centripetal force is ....

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  31. The distance between Ahmedabad and Surat is 300 km. Two trains set off simultaneously towards each other with speeds 60 km/h and 40 km/h respectively. When will they cross each other?

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  32. A particle of mass m moves on a circular path of radius r . Its centripetal acceleration is `kt^(2)` , where k is a constant and t is time . Express power as function of t .

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  33. The ratio of the distance travelled in the third and fourth second by a particle moving over a straight path with constant acceleration is ......

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  34. The slope of graph `v tot` represents ......

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  35. The displacement of a particle is given by `y (t) =2t ^(2) +5m.` Hence its velocity at the end of 6 sec. will be ...... m/s.

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  36. Two trains cross each other in opposite direction with velocity 72 km/h. The magnitude of relative velocity of one train with respect to the other is ......

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  37. A bus covers 3 equal distances. The first is covered with speed 10 km/h, second with speed 20 km/h and third with 60 km/h, then find its average speed in km/h.

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  38. If a size of particle is a and wavelength of light is `lamda` for `a lt lt lamda` scattering is directly proportional to….

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  39. The object reaches at maximum height of 20 m in 5 s when thrown upwards. Then what time will be taken by it to come to ground?

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  40. An object fallen freely from top of tower reaches at ground in 4s, then find the height of tower. (Take `g = 10 ms^(-2)`)

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  41. The ratio of the speeds of the objects of masses `m_(1), m_(2),` and my respectively are fallen freely from a same point 'O' when reaches at ground is ......

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  42. What will be the velocity of object thrown upwards with `40 ms^(-1)` after 2 s?

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  43. An object starting from rest and performing | 41 uniform accelerated motion gains 144 km/h speed in 20 s, then what will be distance covered in 20 s?

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  44. The displacement of particle with respect to time is `s = 3^(t3) - 7t^(2) + 5t + 8` where s is in m and t is in s, then acceleration of particle at t = ls is

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  45. Displacement of particle changes with respect to time according to equation `x =ae ^(-alpha t) + be ^(betat)` where a, b, a and Bare positive constants, then velocity of particle is ......

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  46. The ratio of time taken by two objects A and B of masses 1 kg and 3 kg to free fall from height 16 m and 25 m respectively is ......

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  47. Water drops are falling from a pipe at 5 m height at regular interval of time. When the third drop is released at the same time the first drop touches the ground. Then the height of second drop from ground is ....... m. (g = 10 `ms^(-2)`)

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  48. A car moving with a speed of 40 km/h can be stopped by applying brakes after at least 2m. If the same car is moving with a speed of 80 km/ h. The minimum stopping distance will be……………..

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  49. A stone is dropped from the top of tower. If its velocity at the mid point of height of tower is `10ms^(-1),` then the height of a tower is ..... `(g = 10 ms^(-2))`

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  50. A person throws balls upward in regular intervals of time of 2 s. What should be the speed of throwing of balls such that both balls remain in air ?

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  51. A particle moves in X-direction with acceleration f from rest. This acceleration changes according to `f = f _(0) (1- (t)/(T)).` and T are constant. t = 0 and for if any negative time interval if f = 0, then velocity of particle is ......

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  52. A ship A is moving Westwards with a speed of `10 km h^(-1)` and a ship B 100 km South of A, is moving Northwards with a speed of `10 km h^(-1).` The time after which the distance between them becomes shortest, is :

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  53. A particle of unit mass undergoes one dimensional motion such that its velocity varies according to `v(x) = `= beta x ^(-2n)` where B and n are constants and x is the position of the particle. The acceleraion of the particle as a function of x, is given by :

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  54. Two stones of masses m and 2 m are whirled in horizontal circles, the heavier one in a radius and the lighter one in radius `r/2.` The tangential speed of lighter stone is n times that of the value of heavier stone when they experience same centripetal forces. The value of n is:

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  55. Two cars P and Q start from a point at the same time in a straight line and their positions are represented by `x_(p) (t) = at + bt ^(2) and x _(Q) (t) = f t - t ^(2).` At what time do the cars have the same velocity?

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  56. Find the area of a square inscribed in a circle of radius 8 cm.

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  57. A stone falls freely under gravity. It covers distances `h_(1), h_(2) and h_(3)` in the first 5 seconds, the next 5 seconds and the next 5 seconds respectively. The relation between `h_(1), h_(2) and h_(3)` is

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  58. In an n type silicon, which of the following statements is true:

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  59. The displacement of object is proportional to cube of the time, then acceleration is .....

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  60. When a man walks he waves his hands, because……….

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  61. If A and B are invertible matrices, then which of the following is not correct

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  62. Which of the following statement is correct ?

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  63. Mass of an object is 2 kg and mass of another object is 4 kg. Size of both objects is identical. If both are fallen from 72 m height, then ...... of both objects will be same when they reach at I m height from ground.

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  64. Which of the following statement is correct ?

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  65. A train of 100 m length moves with 40 m/s and overtakes another train of 200 m length moves with `30 ms^(-1).` Time taken by `1^(st)` train to overtake another train is ......

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  66. A bullet is fired into a huge wooden block. The bullet while moving inside the block loses halfthe velocity when it travels 3 cm inside the block. How far, then would it go inside the block ? Resistive force is constant.

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  67. Speeds of two identical cars are u and 4u at a specific instant. The ratio of the respective distances in which two cars are stopped from that instant.

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  68. A ball is fallen freely from top of tower of height 100 m and another ball is thrown upwards with 50 m/s at the same time when they will cross each other ? `(g = 10 m//s^(2))`

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  69. If the displacement at time 't' is x = acost, the acceleration is .......

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  70. The below shown graphs represent the same motion. But one of them is incorrect. Find it.

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  71. Due to which the surface charge density arises on the surface of a dielectric slab, when it is placed in a uniform electric field ?

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SECTION-E questions and complete solutions for chapter MOTION IN A STRAIGHT LINE of KUMAR PRAKASHAN KENDRA PHYSICS (GUJRATI ENGLISH) of Class 11