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Complete Solutions to ILLUSTRATION of chapter UNITS AND MEASUREMENTS of Class 11 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions49
Academic Year2023-24
  1. The moon is observed from two diametrically opposite points A and B on earth. The angle `theta` substended at the moon by the two directions of observation is `1 ^@ 54'.` Given the diameter of earth to be about `1.276xx10^7m,` calculate the distance of moon from earth.

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  2. Calculate the angle in radians of
    (i) `1^(@)` (degree)
    (ii) `1` (minute of arc or arc minute) and
    (iii) `1` (second of arc or arc sec)
    in radian.(Use `360^(@)=2pi rad`,`1^(@) = 60^(@)` and `1^(')=60^(@)` and `1^(')=60^(''))`

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  3. A man wishes to estimate the distance of a nearby tower from him. He stands at a point A in front of the tower C and spots a very distant object O in line with AC. He then walks perpendicualr to AC upto B, a distaance of 100m and looks at O and C again. Since O is very distant, the direction of BO is practically the same as AO, but he finds the line of sight of C shifted from the original line of sight by an angle `theta = 40^@ ( theta "is known as parallax").` Estimate the distance fo the tower C from his original position A.

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  4. If the size of a nucleus `(~~10^(-15)m)` is scaled up to the tip of a sharp pin `(~~ 10^(-5)m),` what roughly is the size of an atom?

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  5. The length of a straight line is measured a number of times by a number of observers. The following are the results of these measurements. Decide precision and Accuracy.
    `"Actual length" = 3.785 CM +- 0.001 cm`
    Ist set of measurements 3.8 cm, 3.9 cm, 3.7 cm
    2nd set of measurements 3.478 cm, 3.479 cm, 3.478 cm, 3.478 cm, 3.479 cm
    3rd set of measurements 3.55 cm, 3.65 cm, 3.45 CM, 3.35 cm
    4th set of measurements 3.784 cm, 3.785 cm, 3.784 cm, 3.785 cm, 3.784 cm.

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  6. Two clocks are being tested against a standard clock located in a national laboratory. At 12:00:00 noon by the standard clock, the readings of the two clocks are :
    `{:(,"Clock 1","Clock 2"),("Monday",12:00:05,10:15:06),("Tuesday",12:01:15,10:14:59),("Wednesday",11:59:08,10:15:18),("Thursday",12:01:50,10:15:07),("Friday",11:59:15,10:14:53),("Saturday",12:01:30,10:15:24),("Sunday",12:01:19,10:15:11):}`
    If you are doing an experiment that requires precision time interval measurements, which of the two clocks will you prefer ?

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  7. In an experiment, the values of refractive indices of glass were found to be `1.54, 1.53, 1.44, 1.54, 1.56` and `1.45` in successive measurements (i) mean value of refreactive index of glass (ii) mean absolute error (iii) relative error and (iv) percentage error are respectively.

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  8. हम एक सरल लोलक कस दोलन - काल ज्ञात करते है । प्रयोग के क्रमिक मापनों में लिए गए पाठ्यांक हैं : 2.63 s, 2.56 s, 2.42 s, 2.71 s एवं 2.80 s । निरपेक्ष त्रुटि , सापेक्ष त्रुटि एवं प्रतिशत त्रुटि परिकलित कीजिए ।

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  9. If `L = 2.06 cm +- 0.02 cm`
    `B = 1.11 cm +- 0.03 cm`
    What are (L + B) and (L - B) equal to ?

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  10. Two objects `A` and `B` are of lengths `5cm` and `7cm` determined with errors `0.1cm` and `0.2cm` respecitively. The error in determining (a) the total length and (b) the difference in their lengths are

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  11. If `L = 2.01 m +- 0.01 m`, what is 3L?

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  12. If `L_(1) = (2.02 +- 0.01)m` and `L_(2) = (1.02 +- 0.01)m` then `L_(1) + 2L_(2)` is (in m)

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  13. The length and breath of a recantangular object are `25.2cm` and `16.8cm` respecitively and have been measured to an accuracy of `0.1cm`. Relative error and percentage error in the area of the object are

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  14. In a sample pendulum experiment, length is measured as `31.4cm` with an accuracy of `1mm`. The time for `100` ocscillations of pendulum is `112s` with an accuracy of `0.01s`. The percentage accuracy in `g` is

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  15. If `L = 20.04 m +- 0.01 m`
    `B = 2.52 m +- 0.02 m`. What are the values of `(L xx B)` and `(L//B)`?

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  16. One side of a cube is measured as `a=4.03pm 1%`. What is its value?

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  17. The density of a cube is measured by measuring its mass and the length of its sides. If the maximum errors in the measurement of mass and length are `3% and 2%`, respectively, then find the maximum error in the measurement of the density of cube.

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  18. The error in the measurement of the radius of a sphere is `1%`. Find the error in the measurement of volume.

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  19. An experiment measures quantites `a, b, c` and `X` is calculated from the formula
    `X = (ab^(2))/(c^(3))`
    If the percentage errors in `a,b,c` are `+- 1%, +- 3%, +- 2%` respectively, the perentage error in `X` can be

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  20. The percentage errors in the measurement of mass and speed are `2% and 3%` , respectively . How much will be the maximum error in the estimation of `KE` obtained by measuring mass and speed?

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  21. In the measurement of a physical quantity `X = (A^(2) B)/(C^(1//3) D^(3))`. The percentage erros introduced in the measurments of the quantities `A,B,C` and `D` are `2%,2%,4%` and `5%` respectively. Then the minimum amount of percentage of error in the meaurement fo `X` is contributed by

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  22. The dimensional formula for a physical quantity `x` is `[M^(-1) L^(3) T^(-2) ]` . The errors in measuring the quantities `M , L , and T,` respectively are `2%, 3% , and 4%`. The maximum percentage of error that occurs in measuring the quantity `x` is

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  23. In Poiseuilli's method of determination of coefficient of viscosity, the physical quantity that requires greater accuracy in measurement is

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  24. In an experiment of simple pendulum, the errors in the measurement of length of the pendulum `(L)` and time period `(T)` are `3%` and `2%` respectively. The maximum percentage error in the value of `L//T^(2)` is

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  25. The measured mass and volume of a body are `2.42 g and 4.7 cm^(3)` respectively with possible error 0.01 g and 0.1 cc. Find the maximum error in density.

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  26. A recantangular metal slab of mass `33.333` has its length `8.0cm`, breath `5.0cm` and thickness `1mm`. The mass is measured with accuracy up to `1mg` with a senstive balance. The length and breath are measured with vernier calipers having a least count of `0.01cm`. The thickness is measured with a new a screw gauge of least count `0.01mm`. The percentage accuracy in density calculated from the above measurements is

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  27. The error in the measurement of the length of a simple pendulum is `0.1%` and the error in the time period is `2%`. What is the possible percentage of error in the physical quantity having the dimensional formula `LT^(-2)`?

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  28. The heat generated in a circuit is dependent upon the resistance, current and time for which the current is flown. If the error in measuring the above are 1%, 2% and 1% respectively, then maximum error in measuring the heat is

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  29. Two resistors of resistances `R_(1)=100 pm 3` ohm and `R_(2)=200 pm 4` ohm are connected (a) in series, (b) in parallel. Find the equivalent resistance of the (a) series combination, (b) parallel combination. Use for (a) the relation `R=R_(1)+R_(2)` and for (b) `1/(R')=1/R_(1)+1/R_(2)` and `(Delta R')/R'^(2)=(Delta R_(1))/R_(1)^(2)+(Delta R_(2))/R_(2)^(2)`

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  30. The period of oscillation of a simple pendulum is `T = 2pisqrt(L//g)`. Measured value of L is `20.0 cm` known to `1mm` accuracy and time for 100 oscillations of the pendulum is found to be 90 s using a wrist watch of 1 s resolution. What is the accuracy in the determination of g?

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  31. Find significant in the followingr observations .
    (i) `0.007 gm` (ii) `2.64 xx 10^(24)kg` (iii) `0.2370 gm//cm^(3)` (iv) `6.320J//K`
    (v) `6.032N//m^(2)` (vi) `0.0006032K^(-1)` .

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  32. Round off to 3 significant figures :
    i) 20.93
    ii) 0.0003125

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  33. Find the value of 2.2 + 4.08+ 3.125 + 6.3725 .

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  34. A stick has a length of 12.132 cm and another stick has a length of 12.4 cm .
    (a) If the two sticks are placed end to end , what is their total length ?
    (b) If the two sticks and placed sides by side, what is the difference in their lengths ?

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  35. find the value of 44.8 - 21.235 .

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  36. Solve with due regard to significant figures.
    (i) 46.7 -10.04
    (ii) `(3.0xx10^(-8))+(4.5xx10^(-6))`

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  37. Find the product of 1.2 ,2.54 and 3.257 with due regard to significant figures.

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  38. The value of `pi//53.2` with due regard to singificant figures is,

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  39. Find out the results of the following operations.
    i) `117.3 xx 0.0024`
    ii) `9.27 div 41`
    iii) `42xx 0.041`
    iv) `124.2 + 52.487`
    v) 124.2 - 52.487
    vi) `sqrt(58.97)`
    viii) `(17.5)^2`

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  40. The mass of `1.2cm^(3)` of a certain substance is 5.74 g. Its density with due regard to significant figure is

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  41. If a circular piece of tin has a measured radius of 2.6 cm, then what is its circumference?

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  42. Derive an expression for the rate of flow of a liquid through a capillary tube. Assume that the rate of flow depends on i) pressure gradient `(P/l)` , (ii) The radius, r and (iii) the coefficient of viscosity , `eta` . The value of the proportionally constant k`=pi/8`

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  43. The dimensionla formula for the product of two physical quantities `P` and `Q` is `[ML^(2) T^(-2)]`. The dimensional formula of `(P)/(Q)` is `[MT^(-2)]`. Then `P` and `Q` respectively are

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  44. The equation of state of some gases can be expressed as `(P+ (a)/(V^(2)))(V-b)= RT`, where P is the pressure, V is the volume, T is the absolute temperature and a, b & R are constants. The dimensions of 'a' are : -

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  45. If E, M, L and G denote energy, mass, angular momentum and gravitational constant repectively then the quantity `(E^(2)L^(2)//M^(5)G^(2))` has the dimensions of :-

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  46. If pressure P, velocity V and time T are taken as fundamental physical quantities, the dimensional formula of force if

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  47. If energy `(E )` , velocity `(V)` and time `(T)` are chosen as the fundamental quantities , the dimensions formula of surface tension will be

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  48. If velocity of light c, planck's constant h and gravitational constnat G are taken as fundamental quantities then the dimensions of the length will be

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  49. If unit of mass is taken as 1 kg of time as 1 minute and that acceleration due to gravity is taken as `9.81 ms^(-2)` , what is the unit of energy ?

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ILLUSTRATION questions and complete solutions for chapter UNITS AND MEASUREMENTS of NARAYANA PHYSICS (HINGLISH) of Class 11