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Complete Solutions to LEVEL-I (H.W) of chapter UNITS AND MEASUREMENTS of Class 11 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions39
Academic Year2023-24
  1. The accuracy of a clock is one part in `10^(10)`. The maximum difference between two such clocks operating for `10^(10)` secounds is......

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  2. The length of a rod is measured as `35.3cm` then the gradutions ont eh scale are up to

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  3. If `L = 2.06cm +- 0.02cm`.

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  4. The radius fo sphere is measured as `(5.2 +- 0.2)cm` then the percentage error in volume of the ball is.....

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  5. If the length and beradth of a plate are `(5.0 +- 0.2)cm` and `(4.0 +- 0.1)cm` the the absolue error in measurment of area is...

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  6. If the length of a cylinder is measured to be `8.28cm` with an error of `0.01cm` then the percentage error in measured length is nearly.

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  7. A student performs exeriment with simple pendulum and measures time for `10` vibrations. If the measures the time for `100` vibrations, the error in measurement of time period will be reduced by a factor of......

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  8. If `L_(1) = (3.03 +- 0.02)m` and `L_(2) = (2.01 +- 0.02)m` then `L_(1) + 2L_(2)` in (in `m`)

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  9. A body travels uniformly a distance of `( 13.8 +- 0.2) m` in a time `(4.0 +- 0.3) s`. Find the velocity of the body within error limits and the percentage error.

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  10. The pressure on a square plate is mesaurement by measuring the force on the plate. If the maximum error in the measurment of force and length are respectively `4%` and `2%` then the maximum error in Measument of pressure is...........

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  11. `2.34` is obtained by rounding off the number

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  12. The number of singnificant figures in `0.0006032` is

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  13. The radius of disc is `1.2cm` its area according to idea of significant figures is..........

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  14. When Energy is expressed in `erg` the no of significant figure is four. If it is expressed in joule the no of significant figures will become

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  15. `sqrt(58.97)` is

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  16. A stick has a length of `12.132cm` and an other stick has a length of `12.4cm` then the total length of the stick is...........

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  17. The respective number of signficant figures for the numbers `23.023, 0.0003 and 2.1 xx 10^(-3)` are

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  18. The number of significiant figures in `5.69 xx 10^(15) kg` is

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  19. The value of `124.2 + 52.487` with due regard to significant places is........

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  20. The value fo `(9.270)/(41)` with due regard to significant figures is.....

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  21. When `57.986` is rounded off to 4 significant figures, then it becomes............

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  22. If `'L'` is length of sample pendulum and `'g'` is acceleration due to gravity then the dimensional formula for `((l)/(g))^(1/2)` is same that for

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  23. The demensional formula for the product of two physical quantites `P` and `Q` is `[L^(2) T^(-2)]` the dimensional formula of `P//Q` is `[T^(2)]` the `P` and `Q` respectively are......

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  24. The fundamental physical quantites that have same dimesions in the dimensional formula of force and Energy are..............

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  25. The `eta` is rigidity modulus, `r` is the radius , `l` is the length and `C` is the moment fo the couple then `(2lc)/(pi eta r^(4))` has the dimensions of...........

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  26. The acceleration of an object vareis with time as `a = AT^(2) + BT + C` taking the unit of time as `1 sec` and acceleration as `ms^(-2)` then the units of `A,B,C` respectively are.........

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  27. If `eta = (A)/(B) log (Bx + C)` is dimensionally true, then (here `eta` is the coefficent of visocosity and `x` is the distance)

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  28. If the velocity `(v)` of a body in time `'t'` is given by `V = AT^(3) + BT^(2) + CT + D` then the dimensionas of `C` are...............

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  29. In the relation `V = ( pi)/( 8) ( P r^(4))/( nl)` , where the letters have their usual meanings , the dimensions of `V` are

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  30. If the acceleration due to gravity is `10ms^(-2)` and unit of length and time are changed in kilometer and hour respectively the numerical value of the acceleration is

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  31. The magnitude of Energy is `100J` What will be its value if the units of mass and time are doubled and that fo length is halved?

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  32. If the units of mass and velocity are increased by two times then the unit of momentum will be increased by............

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  33. `SI` unit and `CGS` unit of quantity vary by `10^(7)` times, it is ............

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  34. The initial velocity of a particle is given by `u^(2) = v^(2) - 2gx` where `x` is the distance covered. IF `u = 18 kmh^(-1), g = 1000 cm//s^(2) x = 150 cm` then `v = ......... m//s`

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  35. The eqaction which is dimensionally correct among the following is

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  36. The dimensions of `gamma` in the relation `v = sqrt((gamma p)/(rho))` (where `v` is velocity, `p` is pressure , `rho` is density)

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  37. If frequency `F`, velocity `V` , and density `D` are considered fundamental units , the dimensional formula for momentum will be

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  38. If momentum `(p)`, Mass `(M)`, Time `(T)` are chosen as fundamental quantites then the dimensional formula for length is..........

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  39. If pressure P, velocity V and time T are taken as fundamental physical quantities, the dimensional formula of force if

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LEVEL-I (H.W) questions and complete solutions for chapter UNITS AND MEASUREMENTS of NARAYANA PHYSICS (HINGLISH) of Class 11