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Complete Solutions to Exercise of chapter STOICHIOMETRY of Class 11 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions100
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Calculate number of neutrons present in `12 xx 10^25` atoms of oxygen `(8O^17)`: (Given : `N_A=6 xx 10^23`)

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  2. If mass of one atom is `3.32 xx 10^(-23)g,` then calculate number of nucleons (neutrons and protons) present in 2 atoms of the element:

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  3. Calculate number of electron present in `9.5" g of" PO_(4)^(3-)`:

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  4. What is the number of moles of O-atoms in 126 amu of `HNO_3` ?

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  5. What is the charge of 96 amu of `s^(2-)` ?

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  6. A sample of sodium has a mass of `46g.` What is the mass of the same number of calcium atoms as sodium atoms present in given sample ?

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  7. The total number of neutrons present in `54mL H_2O(l)` are :

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  8. Total number of electrons present in `48g Mg^(2+)` are :

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  9. The number of neutrons in `5g` of `D_2 O(D` is `._(1)^(2)` H) are:

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  10. Cisplatin, an anticancer drug, has the molecular formula `Pt(NH_3)_2 Cl_2.` What is the mass (in gram) of one molecule ? (Atomic masses : `Pt=195, H=14, Cl=35.5`)

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  11. Aspirin has the fromula `C_9 H_8 O_4`. How many atoms of oxygen are there in a tablet weighing `360 mg` ?

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  12. `20g` of ideal gas contains only atoms of `S and O` occupies `5.6 L` at 1 atm and `273K.` what is the molecular mass of gas ?

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  13. A sample of ammonium phosphate, `(NH_4)_3PO_4,` contains 6 moles of hydrogen atoms. The number of moles of oxygen atoms in the sample is :

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  14. Total number of moles of oxygen atoms in 3 litre `O_3 (g)` at `27^@ C and 8.21` atm are :

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  15. `3.011 xx 10^(22)` atoms of an element weighs 1.15 g. The atomic mass of the element is

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  16. One atom of an element weigs `6.644xx10^(-26)`kg.How many gram atoms are present in 40kg of the element ?

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  17. Mass of one atom of the element `A` is `3.9854 xx 10^(-23)g`. How many atoms are contained in 1g of the element `A` ?

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  18. Which of the following contains the largest mass of hydrogen atoms ?

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  19. Which has minnimum number of oxygen atom ?

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  20. Arrange the following threads in the order of increasing strength : Wool, Silk, Cotton, Nylon

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  21. If the volume of a drop of water is `0.0018 ml` then the number of water molecules present in two drop of water at room temperature is :

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  22. It is known that atom contain protons, neutrons and electrons. If the mass of neutron is assumed to half of its original value whereas that of proton is assumed to be twice of its original value then the atomic mass of `6_C^ 14` will be :

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  23. Common salt obtained from sea-water contains `8.775% Na Cl` by mass. The number of formula units of `NaCl` present in `25 g` of this salt is :

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  24. The number of hydrogen atoms present in `25.6 g` of sucrose `(C_12 H_22 O_11)` which has a molar mass of `342.3g` is :

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  25. Caffiene has a molecular mass of `194`. If it contains `28.9%` by mass of nitrogen, number of atoms of nitrogen in one molecule of caffeine is :

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  26. The density of water is 1g/mL. Assuming that there are no intermolecular spaces between water molecules in liquid water, the volume of a water molecule is

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  27. A `25.0 mm xx 40.0mm` piece of gold foil is `0.25mm` thick. The density of gold is `19.32g/cm^3`. How many gold atoms are in the sheet ? (Atomic weight : `Au=197.0`)

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  28. If average molecular mass of air is 29, then assuming `N_(2)` gas is there, which option are correct regarding composition of air?
    (i )`75% "by mass of" Nitrogen" "(ii) 75% "by moles "Nitrogen"

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  29. Density of dry air containing ony `N_2 and O_2` is `1.15 g/L` at `740 mm ` of `Hg and 300 K`. What is % composition of `N_2` by mass in the air ?

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  30. A gaseous mixture of `H_2 and CO_2` gases contains 66 mass % of `CO_2`. The vapour density of the mixture is :

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  31. The vapour density of a mixture containing `NO_2 and N_2 O_4` is `27.6`. The mole fraction of `N_2 O_4` in the mixture is :

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  32. Density of ideal gas at 2 atm and 600K is 2g/L. Calculate relative density of this with respect to Ne(g) under similar conditions : (given : `R=1/12 atm L/mol.K`)

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  33. Average atomic mass of magnesium is `24.31`amu. This magnesium is composed of 79 mole % of `24mg` and remaining 21 mole % of `25mg and 25mg`. Calculate mole % of `^26mg`.

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  34. Indium (atomic mass `=114.82`) has two naturally occurring isotopes, the predominant one from has isotopic mass `114.9041` and abundance of `95.72%`. Which of the following isotopic mass is the most likely for the other isotope ?

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  35. Calculate density of a gaseous mixture which consist of `3.01 xx 10^24` molecules of `N_2 and 32 g` of `O_2` gas at 3 atm pressure and `860 K` temperature (Given : `R=1/12` atm `L/mole.K`)

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  36. A mixture of `O_(2)` and gas `"Y"` `( mol. wt. 80)` in the mole ratio `a:b` has a mean molecular weight 40. What would be mean molecular weight, if the gases are mixed in the ratio `b:a` under identical conditions ? ( gases are )

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  37. If water sample are taken from sea, rivers or lake, they will be found to contain hydrogen and oxygen in the approximate ratio of `1 : 8`. This indicates the law of :

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  38. Carbon and oxygen combine to form two oxides, carbon monoxide and carbond dioxide in which the ratioi of the weights of carbon and oxygen is respectively 12:16 and 12:32. these figures illustrate the

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  39. A sample of calcium carbonate `(CaCO_(3))` has the following percentage composition : Ca = 40 % C = 12 % , O = 48 % . If the law of constant proportions is true , then the weight of calcium in 4 g of a sample of calcium carbonate from another source will be

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  40. When 0.015 ampere current is passed in our body what will happen?

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  41. One mole of element X has 0.444 times the mass of one mole of element Y. One atom of element ? X has `2.96` times the mass of one atom of `12C.` What is the atomic mass of ?X ?`

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  42. A given sample of pure compound contains `9.81 g` of `Zn`, `1.8xx10^(23)` atoms of chromium, and `0.60` mol of oxygen atoms. What is the simplest formula?

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  43. The formula of an acid is `HXO_2`. The mass of `0.0242` g of the acid is `1.657g`. What is the atomic mass of X ?

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  44. What is the emprical formula of vanadium oxide , if `2.74g` of the metal oxide contains `1.53g` of metal ?

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  45. Determine the empirical formula of kevlar, used in making bullet proof vests, is `70.6% C,4.2% H,11.8%N and 13.4%O`:

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  46. The hydrate salt `Na_2 CO_3.xH_2O` undergoes `63%`loss in mass on heating and becomes anhydrous. The value of `x` is :

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  47. A `6.85g` sample of the hydrated`Sr(OH)_2.x H_2O` is dried in an oven to given `3.13g` of anhydrous `sr(OH)_2.` What is the value of `x?` (Atomic masses : `Sr=87.60.O=16.0,H=1.0)`

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  48. What percentage of oxygen is present in the compound `CaCO_(3).3Ca_(3)(PO_(4))_(2) ?`

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  49. Dieldrin, an insecticide, contains `C,H,Cl and O. What is the empirical formula of Dieldrin ?

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  50. A gaseous compound is composed of `85.7%` by mass carbon and `14.3%` by mass hydrogen. Its density is `2.28` g/litre at `300 K and 1.0` atm pressure. Determine the molecular formula of the compound.

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  51. Complete combustion of 0.858 g of compound X given 2.64 g `CO_(2)` and 1.26 g of `H _(2) O`. The lowest molecular mass X can have :

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  52. The sulphate of a metal `M` contains `9.87%` of `M`, This sulphate is isomorphous with `ZnSO_(4).7H_(2)O`. The atomic weight of `M` is

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  53. In an organic compound of molar mass `108 gm mol^-1 C, H and N` atoms are presents in `9 : 1 : 3.5` by mass. Molecular formula can be

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  54. On analysis, a certain compound was found to contain iodine and oxygen in the ratio of 254:80. The formula of the compound is (At mass I = 127, O = 16)

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  55. An element A is teravalent and another element B is divalent. The formula of the compound formed from these elements will be :

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  56. A compound used in making nylon, contains `43.8%` oxygen. There are four oxygen atoms per molecule. What is the molecular mass of compound ?

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  57. Suppose the elements X and Y combine to form two compounds `XY_(2)` and `X_(2)Y_(2)`. When 0.1 mole of `XY_(2)` weighs 10 g and 0.05 mole of `X_(3)Y_(2)` weighs 9 g, the atomic weights of X and Y are 

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  58. `44g` of a sample on complete combustion given `88g CO_2 and 36g` of `H_2 O.` The molecular formula of the compound may be :

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  59. 40 miligram diatomic volatile substance `(X_2)` is converted to vapour that displaced `4.92mL` of air at 1atm and 300k. Atomic mass of element X is nearly :

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  60. Two elements 'A' and 'B' (atomic weights 75 and 16 respectively) combine to give a compound having `75.8%` of 'A'. The compound has the formula (St. John's) 

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  61. A sample of phosphorus that weighs `12.4g` exerts a pressure 8 atm in a `0.821` litre closed vesel at `527^@ C`. The molecular formula of the phosphorus vapour is :

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  62. Manganese forms non-stoichiometric oxides having the general formula `MnO_(x)`. The value of x for the compound that analyzed 64% Mn. (At wt Mn=55)

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  63. `1.44` gram if titanium `(Ti)` reacted with excess of `O_(2)` and produce `x` gram of non`-` stoichiometric compound `Ti_(1.44)O`. The value of `x` is `:`

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  64. Write the Resistivity values of Silver,copper,gold?

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  65. Write bond length and bond energy of H -H and F -F?

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  66. 2.0 g of a sample contains mixture of `SiO_(2)` and `Fe_(2)O_(3)`. On very strong heating , it leaves a residue weighing `1.96 g`. The reaction responsible for loss of mass is given below .
    `Fe_(2)O_(3)(s) to Fe_(3)O_(4)(s) + O_(2)(g)`, (unbalance equation) lt brgt What is the precentage by mass of `SiO_(2)` in original sample ?

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  67. What volume of air at 1 atm and 273 K containing `21%` of oxygen by volume is required to completely burn sulphur `(S_(8))` present in 200 g of sample , which contains 20% inert material which dones not brum . Sulphur burns according to the reaction
    `(1)/(8) S_(8) (s) + O_(2)(g)to SO_(2)(g)`

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  68. For the reaction, `2Fe(NO_3)+3Na_2CO_3rarrFe_2(CO_3)_3+6NaNO_3` initially `2.5` mole of `Fe(NO_3)_3 and 3.6` mole of `Na_2 CO_3` are taken. If `6.3` mole of `NaNO_3` is obtained then % yield of given reaction is :

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  69. How many moles of `P_(4)` can be produced by reaction of 0.1 mole `Ca_(5)(PO_(4))_(3)F,0.36` mole `SiO_(2)` and 0.90 mole C according to the following reaction?

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  70. Some older emergency oxygen masks contains potassium superoxide `KO_2` which reacts with `CO_2` and water present in exhaled air to produce oxygen according to the given equation. If a person exhales `0.667 g` of `CO_2` per minute, how many gram of `KO_2` are consumed in `5.0` minutes ? `4KO_2 + 2H_2O + 4CO_2rarr4KHCO_3 + 3O_2`

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  71. The mass of `N_2F_2` produced by the reaction of `2.0g` of `NH_3 and 8.0g` of `F_2` is `3.56g`. What is the per cent yield ?

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  72. Calculate the mass of lime `(CaO)` obtained by heating `200kg` of `95%` pure lime stone `(CaCo_3)`:

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  73. Phospheric acid `(H_(3)PO_(4))` perpared in two step process .
    (1) `P_(4)+5O_(2) to P_(4)O_(10)" "(2) P_(4)O_(10) + 6H_(2)O to 4H_(3)PO_(4)`
    Well allow 62 g of phosphrous to react with exces oxygen which from `P_(4)O_(10)` in `85%` yield . In the sep (2) reaction `90%` yield of `H_3PO_(4)` is obtained . Mass of `H_(3) PO_(4)` produced is :

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  74. 9 mole of '' D'' and 14 moles of E are allowed to react in aclosed vessel according to given reactions. Calculate number of moles of formed in the end if reaction , if 4 moles of G are present in reaction vessel . (Precentage yield of reaction id mentioned in the reaction )
    step -1 `3D + 4Eoverset(80%)to 5C +A`
    setp -2 `3D + 5Goverset(50%)to 6B + F`.

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  75. The chief ore of Zn is the sulphide , ZnS. The are is concentrated by froth floation process and then heated in air to convert Zns to Zno.
    `2ZnS+30_(2)overset(80%)to 2ZnO+ 2SO_(2)`
    `ZnO+H_(2)SO_(4)overset(100%)to ZnSO_(4)+ H_(2)`
    `2ZnSO_(4)+2H_(2)Ooverset(80%)to 2Zn+ 2H_(2)SO_(4)+O_(2)`
    The number of moles of ZnS required for producing 2 moles of Zn will be:

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  76. 0.8 mole of a mixture of CO and `CO_(2)` requires exactly 40 g of NaOH in solution for complete conversion of all the `CO_(2)` into `Na_(2)CO_(3)`. How many more moles of NaOH would it require for conversion into `Na_(2)CO_(3)`. If the mixture is completely oxidised to `CO_(2)`?

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  77. Silver oxide `(Ag_(2)O)` decomposes at temperture `300^(@)` yielding mentallic silver and oxgyen gas .What is the pre cent by mass of the silver oxide in the sample ?

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  78. 342 g of `20%` by mass of `Ba(OH)_(2)` solution (sp. Gr. 0.57) is reaction with 1200 mL of ` 2M HNO_(3)` . If the final density of solution is same as pure water then molarity of the ion in resulting solution which decides the nature of the above solution is:

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  79. `100mL` of `H_(2)SO_(4)` solution having molarity `1M` and density `1.5g//mL` is mixed with `400mL` of water. Calculate final molarity of `H_(2)SO_(4)` solution, if final density is `1.25g//mL`?

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  80. What volume of `HCl` solution of density `1.2 g cm^-3` and containing `36.5%` by mass `HCl`, must be allowed to react wtih zinc `(Zn)` in order to liberate `4.0 g` of hydrogen ?

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  81. An ideal gaseous mixture of ethane `(C_(2)H_(6))` and ethene `(C_(2)H_(4))` occupies `28` litre at `1atm` `0^(@)C`. The mixture reacts completely with `128 gm O_(2)` to produce `CO_(2)` and `H_(2)O`. Mole of fraction at `C_(2)H_(6)` in the mixtture is-

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  82. Wood's metal contains `50.0%` bismuth, `25.0%` lead, `12.5%` tin and `12.5%` cadmium by mass. What is the mole fraction of tin ?(\ (Atomic mass : `Bi=209, Pb=207, Sn=119, Cd=112)`

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  83. The density of a `56.0%` by mass aqueous solution of 1-propanol `(CH_3 CH_2 CH_2 OH)` is `0.8975 gcm^-3`. What is the mole fraction of the 1-propanol ?

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  84. What is the molartiy of `SO_4^(2-)` ion in aqueous solution that contain `34.2` ppm of `Al_2(SO_4)_3`? (Assume complete dissociation and density of solution `1gm per mL`)

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  85. The correct relationship between molarity (M) and molality (m) is (d = density of the solution, in `"KgL"^(-1)` , `M_2` = molar mass of the solute in kg `"mol"^(-1)` )

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  86. Molarity and molality of a solution of a liquid (mol.mass `=50`) in aqueous solution is `9` and 10 respectively. What is the density of solution ? (Round of the answer to nearest whole number)

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  87. An aqueous solution of ethanol has density 1.025 g/mL and it is 2 M. What is the molality of this solution ?

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  88. `0.2` mole of `HCI and 0.2` mole of barium chloride were dissolved in water to produce a `500mL` solution. The molarity of the `CI^-` ions is :

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  89. Calculate the mass of anhydrous `HCI` in `10mL` of concentrated `HCI` (density `=1.2 gper mL`) solution having `37% HCI` by mass is :

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  90. Calculate the molality of 1L solution of `80% H_2SO_4 (w/V)` given that the density of the solution is `1.80 g mL^-1`. ( round of the answer to nearest whole number )

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  91. Fluoxymesterone, `C_20 H_29 FO_3,` is an anabolic steroid. A 500 mL solution is prepared by dissolving `10.0 mg` of the steoid in water. `10.0 mL` portion of this solution is diluted to a final volume of `1.00 L`. what is the resulting molarity ?

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  92. `100mL` of `10% NaOH(w/V)` is added to `100 mL` of `10% HCI(w/V)`. The nature of resultant solution is :

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  93. How many millitries of `0.1M H_(2)SO_(4) "must be added to" 50mL of 0.1M NaOH` to give a solution that has a concentration of `0.05M in H_(2)SO_(4)`?

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  94. `1M HCl and 2 M HCl ` are mixed in volume ratio 4:1. What is the final molarity of HCl solution?

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  95. Three solutions X,Y,Z of HCl are mixed to produce 100mL of 0.1M solution . The milarities of X,Y and Z are 0.7M, 0.12M and 0.15M respectively. What respective volumes of X,Y and Z should be mixed?

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  96. The impure 6g of ` NaCl` is dissolved in water and then treated with excess of silver nitrate solution. The mass of precipitate of silver chloride is found to be 14g. The % purity of `NaCl ` solution would be:

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  97. Decreasing order (first having highest and then other following it) of mass of pure NaOH in each of the aqueous solution
    (P) 50 gm of `40%(w//w)` NaOH
    (Q) 50 gm of `50%(w//w)` NaOH `[d_("soln.")=1.2gm//ml]`
    (R) 50 gm of 20 M NaOH `[d_("soln").=1gm//ml]`

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  98. `0.607g` of silver salt of tribasic organic acid was quantitatively reduced to `0.37g` of pure `Ag`. What is the mol. Wt. of the acid ?

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  99. A sample of peanut oil weighing `1.5763 g` is added to `25 mL` of `0.4210 M KOH`. After saponification is complete `8.5 mL` of `0.28 M H_(2)SO_(4)` is needed to neutralize excess `KOH`. The saponification number of peanut oil is:

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  100. 20 Ml of a mixture of CO and `H_(2)` were mixed with excess of `O_(2)` and exploded and cooled. There was a volume contraction of 18mL. All volume measurements corresponds to room temperture `(27^(@)C)` and one atmospheric pressuer. Determine the volume ratio `V_(1), V_(2)` of CO and `H_(2)` in the original mixture.

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Exercise questions and complete solutions for chapter STOICHIOMETRY of NARENDRA AWASTHI of Class 11