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Complete Solutions to Level 3 - Passage of chapter STOICHIOMETRY of Class 11 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions18
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Oleum is considered as a solution of `SO_(3)` in `H_(2)SO_(4)`, which is obtained by passing `SO_(3)` in solution of `H_(2)SO_(4)` When 100 g sample of oleum is diluted with desired mass of `H_(2)O` then the total mass of `H_(2)SO_(4)` obtained after dilution is known is known as % labelling in oleum.
    For example, a oleum bottle labelled as '`109% H_(2)SO_(4)`' means the 109 g total mass of pure `H_(2)SO_(4)` will be formed when 100 g of oleum is diluted by 9 g of `H_(2)O` which combines with all the free `SO_(3)` present in oleum to form `H_(2)SO_(4)` as `SO_(3)+H_(2)O to H_(2)SO_(4)`
    What is the % of free `SO_(3)` in an oleum that is labelled as `'104.5% H_(2)SO_(4)'` ?

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  2. Oleum is considered as a solution of `SO_(3)` in `H_(2)SO_(4)`, which is obtained by passing `SO_(3)` in solution of `H_(2)SO_(4)` When 100 g sample of oleum is diluted with desired mass of `H_(2)O` then the total mass of `H_(2)SO_(4)` obtained after dilution is known is known as % labelling in oleum.
    For example, a oleum bottle labelled as '`019% H_(2)SO_(4)`' means the 109 g total mass of pure `H_(2)SO_(4)` will be formed when 100 g of oleum is diluted by 9 g of `H_(2)O` which combines with all the free `SO_(3)` present in oleum to form `H_(2)SO_(4)` as `SO_(3)+H_(2)O to H_(2)SO_(4)`
    9.0 g water is added into oleum sample lablled as "112%" `H_(2)SO_(4)` then the amount of free `SO_(3)`remaining in the solution is : (STP=1 atm and 273 K)

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  3. Oleum is considered as a solution of `SO_(3)` in `H_(2)SO_(4)`, which is obtained by passing `SO_(3)` in solution of `H_(2)SO_(4)` When 100 g sample of oleum is diluted with desired mass of `H_(2)O` then the total mass of `H_(2)SO_(4)` obtained after dilution is known is known as % labelling in oleum.
    For example, a oleum bottle labelled as '`109% H_(2)SO_(4)`' means the 109 g total mass of pure `H_(2)SO_(4)` will be formed when 100 g of oleum is diluted by 9 g of `H_(2)O` which combines with all the free `SO_(3)` present in oleum to form `H_(2)SO_(4)` as `SO_(3)+H_(2)O to H_(2)SO_(4)`
    If excess water is added into a bottle sample labelled as "112%`H_(2)SO_(4)`" and is reacted with 5.3 g `NaCO_(3)` then find the volume of `CO_(2)` evolved at 1 atm pressure and 300 K temperature after the completion of the reaction :

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  4. Oleum is considered as a solution of `SO_(3)` in `H_(2)SO_(4)`, which is obtained by passing `SO_(3)` in solution of `H_(2)SO_(4)` When 100 g sample of oleum is diluted with desired mass of `H_(2)O` then the total mass of `H_(2)SO_(4)` obtained after dilution is known is known as % labelling in oleum.
    For example, a oleum bottle labelled as '`109% H_(2)SO_(4)`' means the 109 g total mass of pure `H_(2)SO_(4)` will be formed when 100 g of oleum is diluted by 9 g of `H_(2)O` which combines with all the free `SO_(3)` present in oleum to form `H_(2)SO_(4)` as `SO_(3)+H_(2)O to H_(2)SO_(4)`
    1 g of oleum sample is diluted with water. The solution required 54 mL of 0.4 N NaOH for complete neutralization. The % free `SO_(3)` in the sample is :

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  5. The strength of `H_(2)O_(2)` is expressed in several ways like molarity, normality,% (w/V), volume strength, etc. The strength of "10 V" means 1 volume of `H_(2)O_(2)` on decomposition gives 10 volumes of oxygen at 1 atm and 273 K or 1 litre of `H_(2)O_(2)`gives 10 litre of `O_(2)` at 1 atm and 273 K The decomposition of `H_(2)O_(2)` is shown as under :
    `H_(2)O_(2)(aq) to H_(2)O(l)+(1)/(2)O_(2)(g)`
    `H_(2)O_(2)` can acts as oxidising as well as reducing agent. As oxidizing agent `H_(2)O_(2)` is converted into `H_(2)O` and as reducing agent `H_(2)O_(2)` is converted into `O_(2)`. For both cases its n-factor is 2. ` :. "Normality " "of" H_(2)O_(2)` " solution " `=2xx " molarity of" H_(2)O_(2)` solution
    What is the molarity of "11.2 V" `H_(2)O_(2)` ?

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  6. The strength of `H_(2)O_(2)` is expressed in several ways like molarity, normality,% (w/V), volume strength, etc. The strength of "10 V" means 1 volume of `H_(2)O_(2)` on decomposition gives 10 volumes of oxygen at 1 atm and 273 K or 1 litre of `H_(2)O_(2)`gives 10 litre of `O_(2)` at 1 atm and 273 K The decomposition of `H_(2)O_(2)` is shown as under :
    `H_(2)O_(2)(aq) to H_(2)O(l)+(1)/(2)O_(2)(g)`
    `H_(2)O_(2)` can acts as oxidising as well as reducing agent. As oxidizing agent `H_(2)O_(2)` is converted into `H_(2)O` and as reducing agent `H_(2)O_(2)` is converted into `O_(2)`. For both cases its n-factor is 2. `:. "Normality " " of " H_(2)O_(2)` solution `=2xx "molarity of" H_(2)O_(2)` solution
    What is thepercentage strength (%w/V) of "11.2 V" `H_(2)O_(2)`

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  7. The strength of `H_(2)O_(2)` is expressed in several ways like molarity, normality,% (w/V), volume strength, etc. The strength of "10 V" means 1 volume of `H_(2)O_(2)` on decomposition gives 10 volumes of oxygen at 1 atm and 273 K or 1 litre of `H_(2)O_(2)`gives 10 litre of `O_(2)` at 1 atm and 273 K The decomposition of `H_(2)O_(2)` is shown as under :
    `H_(2)O_(2)(aq) to H_(2)O(l)+(1)/(2)O_(2)(g)`
    `H_(2)O_(2)` can acts as oxidising as well as reducing agent. As oxidizing agent `H_(2)O_(2)` is converted into `H_(2)O` and as reducing agent `H_(2)O_(2)` is converted into `O_(2)`. For both cases its n-factor is 2. ` :. "Normality " "of" H_(2)O_(2)` "solution" `=2xx "molarity of" H_(2)O_(2)` solution
    20mL of `H_(2)O_(2)` solution is reacted with 80 mL of 0.05 `MKMnO_(4)` "in acidic medium then what is the volume strength of" `H_(2)O_(2)` ?

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  8. The strength of `H_(2)O_(2)` is expressed in several ways like molarity, normality,% (w/V), volume strength, etc. The strength of "10 V" means 1 volume of `H_(2)O_(2)` on decomposition gives 10 volumes of oxygen at 1 atm and 273 K or 1 litre of `H_(2)O_(2)`gives 10 litre of `O_(2)` at 1 atm and 273 K The decomposition of `H_(2)O_(2)` is shown as under :
    `H_(2)O_(2)(aq) to H_(2)O(l)+(1)/(2)O_(2)(g)`
    `H_(2)O_(2)` can acts as oxidising as well as reducing agent. As oxidizing agent `H_(2)O_(2)` is converted into `H_(2)O` and as reducing agent `H_(2)O_(2)` is converted into `O_(2)`. For both cases its n-factor is 2. ` :. "Normality " "of" H_(2)O_(2)` " solution " `=2xx "molarity of" H_(2)O_(2)` solution
    40 g `Ba(MnO_(4))_(2)` (mol.mass=375) sample containing some inert impurities in acidic medium completely reacts with 125 mL of "33.6 V" of `H_(2)O_(2)`. What is the percentage purity of the sample ?

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  9. A water is said to be soft water if it produces sufficient foam with the soap and water that does not produce foam with soap is known as hard water. Hardness has been classified into two types (i)Temporary hardness (ii) Permanent hardness.
    Temporary hardness is due to presence of calcium and magnesium bicarbonate. It is simply removed by boiling as
    `Ca(HCO_(3))_(2)overset(Delta)rarr CaCO_(3)darr+CO_(2)uarr+H_(2)O`
    `Mg(HCO_(3))_(2)overset(Delta)rarr MgCO_(3)darr+CO_(2)uarr+H_(2)O`
    temporary hardness can also be removed by addition of slaked lime, `Ca(OH)_(2)`
    permanent hardsness is due to presencce of sulphates and chlorides of Ca,Mg,etc. It is removed by washing soda as
    `CaSO(4)+Na_(2)CO_(3)to CaCO_(3)darr+Na_(2)SO_(4)`
    Permanent hardness also removed by ion exchange resin process as
    `2RH+Ca^(2+) to R_(2)Ca+2H^(+)`
    The degree of hardness of water is measured in terms of PPm of `CaCO_(3)` 100 PPm means 100 g of `CaCO_(3)` is present in `10^(6)` g of `H_(2)O`. If any other water sample which contain 120 PPm of `MgSO_(4)`, hardness in terms of `CaCO_(3)` is equal to =100 PPm.
    What is the mass of `Ca(OH)_(2)` required for 10 litre of water remove temporary hardness of 100 PPm due to `Ca(HCO_(3))_(2)` ?

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  10. (A) : Temporary hardness can be removed by boiling hard water
    (R) : On boiling hard water bicarbonates of calcium and magnesium are converted to insoluble carbonates

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  11. A water is said to be soft water if it produces sufficient foam with the soap and water that does not produce foam with soap is known as hard water. Hardness has been classified into two types (i)Temporary hardness (ii) Permanent hardness.
    Temporary hardness is due to presence of calcium and magnesium bicarbonate. It is simply removed by boiling as
    `Ca(HCO_(3))_(2)overset(Delta)rarr CaCO_(3)darr+CO_(2)uarr+H_(2)O`
    `Mg(HCO_(3))_(2)overset(Delta)rarr MgCO_(3)darr+CO_(2)uarr+H_(2)O`
    temporary hardness can also be removed by addition of slaked lime, `Ca(OH)_(2)`
    permanent hardsness is due to presencce of sulphates and chlorides of Ca,Mg,etc. It is removed by washing soda as
    `CaSO(4)+Na_(2)CO_(3)to CaCO_(3)darr+Na_(2)SO_(4)`
    Permanent hardness also removed by ion exchange resin process as
    `2RH+Ca^(2+) to R_(2)Ca+2H^(+)`
    The degree of hardness of water is measured in terms of PPm of `CaCO_(3)` 100 PPm means 100 g of `CaCO_(3)` is present in `10^(6)` g of `H_(2)O`. If any other water sample which contain 120 PPm of `MgSO_(4)`, hardness in terms of `CaCO_(3)` is equal to =100 PPm.
    What is the mass of `Ca(OH)_(2)` required for 10 litre of water remove temporary hardness of 100 PPm due to `Ca(HCO_(3))_(2)` ?

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  12. "Equivalent mass" =("Molecular mass/Atomic mass" )/("n-factor")
    n-factor is very important in redox as well as non-redox reactions. With the help of n-factor we can predict the molar ratio of the reactant species taking part in reactions. The reciprocal of n-factor's ratio of the reactions is the molar ratio of the reactants.
    In general n-factor of acid/base is number of moles of `H^(+)//OH^(-)` furnished per mole of acid/base n-factor of a reactant is number of moles electrons lost or gained per mole of reactant.
    Example 1:
    (1)In acidic medium : `KMnO_(4) (n=5)to Mn^(2+)`
    (2) In neutral medium : `KMnO_(4)(n=3) to Mn^(2+)`
    (3) In basic medium : `KMnO_(4)(n=1) to Mn^(6+)`
    Example 2 : `FeC_(2)O_(4)to Fe^(3+)+2CO_(2)`
    Total number of moles `e^(-)` lost by 1 mole of `FeC_(2)O_(4)`
    `=1+1xx2 implies 3`
    n-factor of `Ba(MNO_(4))_(2)` in acidic medium is :

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  13. "Equivalent mass" =("Molecular mass/Atomic mass" )/("n-factor")
    n-factor is very important in redox as well as non-redox reactions.With the help of n-factor we can predict the molar ratio of the reactant species specis taking part in reactions. The reciprocal of n-factor's ratio of the reactions is the molar ratio of the reactants.
    In general n-factor of acid/base is number of moles of `H^(+)//OH^(-)` furnished per mole of acid/base n-factor of a reactant is number of moles electrons lost or gained per mole of reactant.
    Example 1:
    (1)In acidic medium : `KMnO_(4) (n=5)to Mn^(2+)`
    (2) In neutral medium : `KMnO_(4)(n=3) to Mn^(2+)`
    (3) In basic medium : `KMnO_(4)(n=1) to Mn^(6+)`
    Example 2 : `FeC_(2)O_(4)to Fe^(3+)+2CO_(2)`
    Total number of moles `e^(-)` lost by 1 mole of `FeC_(2)O_(4)`
    `=1+1xx2 implies 3`
    Consider the following reaction.
    `H_(3)PO_(2)+NaOH to NaH_(2)PO_(2)+H_(2)O`
    What is the equivalent mass of `H_(3)PO_(2)` ?( M)

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  14. "Equivalent mass" =("Molecular mass/Atomic mass" )/("n-factor")
    n-factor is very important in redox as well as non-redox reactions.With the help of n-factor we can predict the molar ratio of the reactant species taking part in reactions. The reciprocal of n-factor's ratio of the reactions is the molar ratio of the reactants.
    In general n-factor of acid/base is number of moles of `H^(+)//OH^(-)` furnished per mole of acid/base n-factor of a reactant is number of moles electrons lost or gained per mole of reactant.
    Example 1:
    (1)In acidic medium : `KMnO_(4) (n=5)to Mn^(2+)`
    (2) In neutral medium : `KMnO_(4)(n=3) to Mn^(2+)`
    (3) In basic medium : `KMnO_(4)(n=1) to Mn^(6+)`
    Example 2 : `FeC_(2)O_(4)to Fe^(3+)+2CO_(2)`
    Total number of moles `e^(-)` lost by 1 mole of `FeC_(2)O_(4)`
    `=1+1xx2 implies 3`
    For the reaction, `O("molar mass=M") to Fe_(2)O_(3)` what is the eq. mass of `fe_(0.95)`O ?

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  15. "Equivalent mass" =("Molecular mass/Atomic mass" )/("n-factor")
    n-factor is very important in redox as well as non-redox reactions.With the help of n-factor we can predict the molar ratio of the reactant species specis taking part in reactions. The reciprocal of n-factor's ratio of the reactions is the molar ratio of the reactants.
    In general n-factor of acid/base is number of moles of `H^(+)//OH^(-)` furnished per mole of acid/base n-factor of a reactant is number of moles electrons lost or gained per mole of reactant.
    Example 1:
    (1)In acidic medium : `KMnO_(4) (n=5)to Mn^(2+)`
    (2) In neutral medium : `KMnO_(4)(n=3) to Mn^(2+)`
    (3) In basic medium : `KMnO_(4)(n=1) to Mn^(6+)`
    Example 2 : `FeC_(2)O_(4)to Fe^(3+)+2CO_(2)`
    Total number of moles `e^(-)` lost by 1 mole of `FeC_(2)O_(4)`
    `=1+1xx2 implies 3`
    In the reaction, `xVO+yFe_(2)O_(3) to FeO+V_(2)O_(5)` what is the value of x and y respectively?

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  16. Consider the following series of reactions :
    `Cl_(2)+2NaOH to NaCl+NaClO+H_(2)O`
    `3NaClO to 2NaCl+NaClO_(3)`
    `4NaClO_(3) to 3NaClO_(4)+NaCl`
    How much `Cl_(2)` is reqired to prepare 122.5 g of `NaClO_(4)` by above sequencial reactions ?

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  17. Consider the following series of reactions :
    `Cl_(2)+2NaOH to NaCl+NaClO+H_(2)O`
    `3NaClO to 2NaCl+NaClO_(3)`
    `4NaClO_(3) to 3NaClO_(4)+NaCl`
    How many moles of NaCl will be formed by using 1 mole `Cl_(2)` and other reagents in excess ?

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  18. Consider the following series of reactions :
    `Cl_(2)+2NaOH to NaCl+NaClO+H_(2)O`
    `3NaClO to 2NaCl+NaClO_(3)`
    `4NaClO_(3) to 3NaClO_(4)+NaCl`
    How many moles of `NaClO_(3)` obtained after the completion of reaction by taking 1 mole of `Cl_(2)` and other reagents in excess ?

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Level 3 - Passage questions and complete solutions for chapter STOICHIOMETRY of NARENDRA AWASTHI of Class 11