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Complete Solutions to Kinematic Equations For Uniformly Accelerated Motion of chapter MOTION IN A STRAIGHT LINE of Class 11 book with complete answers and questions

NCERT FINGERTIPSKinematic Equations For Uniformly Accelerated Motion
Number Of Questions32
Academic Year2023-24
  1. A body starts from rest and moves with constant acceleration for t s. It travels a distance `x_1` in first half of time and `x_2` in next half of time, then

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  2. Free fall on an object in vacuum is a case of motion with

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  3. Which of the following equations does not represent the kinematic equations of motion?

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  4. Which of the following statements is not correct?

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  5. The distances covered by a freely falling body in its first, second, third, ……, `b^(th)` seconds of its motion

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  6. A body covers 20 m, 22 m, 24 m, in `8^(th)`, `9 ^(th)` and `10^(th)` seconds respectively. The body starts

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  7. A player throws a ball vertically upwards with velocity u. At highest point,

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  8. A car moving along a straight road with speed of `144 km h^(-1)` is brought to a stop within a distance of 200 m. How long does it take for the car to stop ?

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  9. An auto travelling along a straight road increases its speed from `30.0 m s^(-1)` to `50.0 m s^(-1)` in a distance of 180 m. If the acceleration is constant, how much time elapse while the auto moves this distance?

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  10. A body falling freely under gravity passes two points 30 m apart in 1 s. From what point above the upper point it began to fall? (Take g = `9.8 m s^(-2)`).

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  11. A player throws a ball upwards with an initial speed of `30 m s^(-1)`. How long does the ball take to return to the player's hands? ( Take g = 10 `m s^(-2)`)

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  12. A girl standing on a stationary lift (open from above) throws a ball upwards with initial speed `50 m s^(-1)`. The time taken by the ball to return to her hands is (Take g = `10 m s^(-2)`)

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  13. In the question number 62, if the lift starts moving up with a uniform speed of `5 m s^(-1)` and the girl again throws the ball up with the same speed, how much does the ball take to return to her hands?

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  14. It is a common observation that rain clouds can be at about 1 km altitude above the ground. If a rain drop falls from such a height freely under gravity, then what will be its speed in km `h^(-1)`?
    (Take g = `10 m s^(-2)`)

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  15. A man is standing on top of a building 100 m high. He throws two balls vertically, one at t = 0 and other after a time interval (less than 2s). The later ball is thrown at a velocity of half the first. The vertical gap between first and second ball is 15 m at t = 2. The gap is found to remain constant. The velocities with which the balls were thrown are (Take g = `10 m s^(-1)`)

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  16. A body sliding on a smooth inclined plane requires `4s` to reach the bottom, starting from rest at the at the top. How much time does it take to cover one-foruth the distance startion from rest at the top?

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  17. A ball is thrown vertically upwards with a velcotiy of `20 ms^(-1)` from the top of a multi-storey building. The height of the point fromwher the ball is thrown if 25m from the ground. (a) How high the ball will rise ? And (b) how long will it be before the ball hits the ground ? Take. `g=10 ms^(-2)`.

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  18. In the question number 67, the time taken by the ball to reach the ground is

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  19. Two trains ` A and B` of length `400 m` each are moving on two parallel tracks with a uniform speed of ` 72 km h^(-1)`
    in the same direction with ` A` ahead of `B` .The driver of B decides to overtake A
    and accelerates by 1m/s².if after 50s ,the guard of B just passes the driver of A , what was the original distance between them ?

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  20. The velocity of a particle at an instant is `10 m s^(-1)`. After 3 s its velocity will becomes `16 m s^(-1)`. The velocity at 2 s, before the given instant will be

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  21. A body covers a distance of 4 m in `3^(rd)` second and 12m in `5^(th)` second. If the motion is uniformly accelerated. How far will it travel in the next 3 seconds?

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  22. Stopping distance of a moving vehicle is directly proportional to

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  23. A car, moving with a speed of `50 km//hr`, can be stopped by brakes after at least `6 m`. If the same car is moving at a speed of `100 km//hr`, the minimum stopping distance is

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  24. An object falling through a fluid is observed to have acceleration given by ` a= g- bv` where ` g= gravitational acceleration and (b) is constant. After a long time of rlease. It is observed to fall with constant speed. What must be the value of constant speed ?

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  25. A particle is released from rest from a tower of height 3h. The ratio of time intervals for fall of equal height h i.e. `t_(1):t_(2):t_(3)` is :

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  26. A stone is dropped from the top of a tall cliff and `n` seconds later another stone is thrown vertically downwards with a velocity `u`. Then the second stone overtakes the first, below the top of the cliff at a distance given by

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  27. A motorcycle and a car start from rest from the same place at the same and travel in the same direction. The motorcycle acceleration at `1.0 m s^(-1)` up to a speed of `36 km h^(-1)` and the car at `0.5 m s^(-1)` up to a speed of `54 km h^(-1)`. The time at which the car would overtake the motorcycle is

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  28. A particle starts from rest with uniform acceleration and is velocity after `n` seconds `v`. The displacement of the body in last two seconds is.

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  29. A body `A` starts from rest with an acceleration `a_1`. After `2` seconds, another body `B` starts from rest with an acceleration `a_2`. If they travel equal distances in the `5^(th)` second, after the start of `A`, then the ratio `a_1 : a_2` is equal to :

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  30. A bullet fired into a wooden block loses half of its velocity after penetrating 40 cm. It comes to rest after penetrating a further distance of

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  31. A body moving with some initial velocity and having uniform acceleration attains a final velocity v m/s after travelling x m. If its final velocity is v = `sqrt (180 - 7x)`, find the acceleration of the body.

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  32. Two stones are thrown up simultaneously from the edge of a cliff 200 m high with initial speeds of `15 m s^(-1)` and `30 m s^(-1)` respectively. The time variation of the relative position of the second stone will request to the first as shown in the figure. The equation of the linear part is

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Kinematic Equations For Uniformly Accelerated Motion questions and complete solutions for chapter MOTION IN A STRAIGHT LINE of NCERT FINGERTIPS PHYSICS (HINGLISH) of Class 11